06-04-2024, 07:21 AM
But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God's righteousness. (NLT) 2 Peter 3:13
Are you struggling through a difficult time right now? Your trials are not without a reason. God has promised a time to come where there will be no more pain. All of our baggage, sorrow and burdens will be gone. We can hold onto this knowledge while we work to increase our patience and endurance. While this may do little to ease your heart right now, it does give us joy to look forward to a time of peace.
Daily Bible Devotion
Are you struggling through a difficult time right now? Your trials are not without a reason. God has promised a time to come where there will be no more pain. All of our baggage, sorrow and burdens will be gone. We can hold onto this knowledge while we work to increase our patience and endurance. While this may do little to ease your heart right now, it does give us joy to look forward to a time of peace.
Daily Bible Devotion