05-09-2024, 06:47 AM
Shoulds, Gottas, and Must Dos
Ecclesiastes 3:13 - “That everyone may…find satisfaction in all his toil — this is the gift of God.”
“Honey, you’ve had a busy day. Come sit beside me and watch the ball game,” suggested my husband.
“In a minute,” I responded.
Silently, I concluded, “First I gotta clean the kitchen, wash a load of clothes, finish a report for tomorrow, and take my contacts out.” My promised “in a minute” evolved into several hours.
“The Gotta’s have become the primary conventional response for anyone trying to get ahead in today’s fast-paced environment. …The Gotta’s can run your life,” says speaker Robert J. Kriegel in the book, If It Ain't Broke . . . Break It!
“I gotta get an A on the test. I gotta clean the house before company comes. I gotta make another sale. I gotta study my Bible lesson.” These are a few of the daily demands we make on ourselves.
We need to accomplish certain tasks each day in order to lead healthy lives. However, when we let the must dos, shoulds, and gottas control our lives, we lose our sense of inner peace. God is not the one who pressures us. He wants us to enjoy our life’s work, not be controlled by it.
Lord, getting rid of
the excessive gottas
in my vocabulary
won’t be easy.
Please help me.
Joan C. Webb
Ecclesiastes 3:13 - “That everyone may…find satisfaction in all his toil — this is the gift of God.”
“Honey, you’ve had a busy day. Come sit beside me and watch the ball game,” suggested my husband.
“In a minute,” I responded.
Silently, I concluded, “First I gotta clean the kitchen, wash a load of clothes, finish a report for tomorrow, and take my contacts out.” My promised “in a minute” evolved into several hours.
“The Gotta’s have become the primary conventional response for anyone trying to get ahead in today’s fast-paced environment. …The Gotta’s can run your life,” says speaker Robert J. Kriegel in the book, If It Ain't Broke . . . Break It!
“I gotta get an A on the test. I gotta clean the house before company comes. I gotta make another sale. I gotta study my Bible lesson.” These are a few of the daily demands we make on ourselves.
We need to accomplish certain tasks each day in order to lead healthy lives. However, when we let the must dos, shoulds, and gottas control our lives, we lose our sense of inner peace. God is not the one who pressures us. He wants us to enjoy our life’s work, not be controlled by it.
Lord, getting rid of
the excessive gottas
in my vocabulary
won’t be easy.
Please help me.
Joan C. Webb