View Full Version : Forgive

04-10-2014, 03:11 PM
Daily Word

My heart is open to greater expressions of peace and joy.
My decisions are always a matter of choice, and I choose not to hold a grudge or harbor hard feelings toward anyone. This choice is for my own well-being as well as for the other person. I realize that any unforgiveness I would let into my heart would be a block to the flow of love.
With two simple but powerful words, I forgive, I break barriers, melt resistance, and open my heart to experience greater peace and joy. As I practice forgiveness, I claim my oneness with God and see the good in all. I view myself and others with compassion and the assurance that we are equally and unconditionally loved by God.
I forgive myself and I forgive others, which prepares the way for a new beginning--a resurrection of my heart that leaves me both peaceful and joyful.
"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."--Luke 23:34 (KJV)

04-13-2014, 03:31 AM

To forgive Is not to forget.

To forgive
Is really to remember
That nobody is perfect
That each of us stumbles
When we want so much to stay upright
That each of us says things
We wish we had never said
That we can all forget that love
Is more important than being right.

To forgive
Is really to remember
That we are so much more
Than our mistakes
That we are often more kind and caring
That accepting anothers' flaws
Can help us accept our own.

To forgive
Is to remember
That the odds are pretty good that
We might soon need to be forgiven ourselves.
That life sometimes gives us more
Than we can handle gracefully.

To forgive
Is to remember
That we have room in our hearts to
Begin again
And again,
And again.

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