04-15-2024, 01:39 AM
Pray For Your Enemies
…Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. — Matthew 5:44 (KJV)
A Very Powerful Prayer by Joyce Meyer
One of the most powerful prayers you can pray is a prayer for your enemies. If you want to see someone who is mighty in prayer, look for the person who will intercede for an enemy.
I believe that God blesses us tremendously when we intercede for those who have offended or betrayed us. Remember Job? He had to pray for his friends after they had really hurt and disappointed him. But immediately after he prayed, God began to restore his life. In fact, God gave him back twice as much as he had lost (see Job 42:10)!
Praying for someone who has hurt us is so powerful because, when we do, we are walking in love toward that person, and we are obeying the Word of God. We can hear God's voice in the verse for today. What does Jesus tell us to do in this verse? He instructs us to pray for our enemies.
When you think about the people who have used you, abused you, harassed you, and spoken evil of you, bless them; do not curse them. Pray for them. God knows that blessing your enemies is not easy and that you may not feel like doing it. But you don't do it because you feel like it; you do it as unto the Lord. Choosing to pray and bless instead of curse is very powerful in the spiritual realm, and God will do great things in your life as a result.
Prayer Starter: Lord Jesus, in Your name, I pray for and bless those who have used me, abused me, harassed or spoken against me. I ask You to shower them with blessings, rather than cursing them. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.
…Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. — Matthew 5:44 (KJV)
A Very Powerful Prayer by Joyce Meyer
One of the most powerful prayers you can pray is a prayer for your enemies. If you want to see someone who is mighty in prayer, look for the person who will intercede for an enemy.
I believe that God blesses us tremendously when we intercede for those who have offended or betrayed us. Remember Job? He had to pray for his friends after they had really hurt and disappointed him. But immediately after he prayed, God began to restore his life. In fact, God gave him back twice as much as he had lost (see Job 42:10)!
Praying for someone who has hurt us is so powerful because, when we do, we are walking in love toward that person, and we are obeying the Word of God. We can hear God's voice in the verse for today. What does Jesus tell us to do in this verse? He instructs us to pray for our enemies.
When you think about the people who have used you, abused you, harassed you, and spoken evil of you, bless them; do not curse them. Pray for them. God knows that blessing your enemies is not easy and that you may not feel like doing it. But you don't do it because you feel like it; you do it as unto the Lord. Choosing to pray and bless instead of curse is very powerful in the spiritual realm, and God will do great things in your life as a result.
Prayer Starter: Lord Jesus, in Your name, I pray for and bless those who have used me, abused me, harassed or spoken against me. I ask You to shower them with blessings, rather than cursing them. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.