View Full Version : Beholding God’s Glory

04-07-2024, 08:42 AM
God's Word For Today

Beholding God’s Glory

Read 1 Samuel 7:2 through 8:22; Luke 7:11–35

It had been a stressful day for Kevin. Some problems at his company caused shipment delays, and when he got home his wife was struggling to comfort their sick baby. Bills covered the table, and he knew some would be overdue before they were paid.

Overwhelmed, he stepped outside for a few minutes of solitude. He looked up and was amazed at the uncountable stars. Kevin realized that no matter how bad his day seemed, God’s creation reminded him that his Father was more than able to meet any need he had and could supply the peace he longed for.

They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet has appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help his people” (Luke 7:16).

The New Testament is full of accounts of people being amazed and awestruck at the power and glory Jesus displayed. Seeing the physically impaired walk, the blind see, and demons cast out resulted in praise to God’s Son.

When you watch a sunset, smell a rose, or see God’s power working in your life, you, too, should be filled with awe and praise Him.

Thought for Today: God’s presence still inspires awe and praise.

Quicklook: Luke 7:11–17 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%207:11-17&version=NIV)