04-08-2014, 12:42 PM
Abide with God
Begin each day with the Lord at your side.
With Him every step of the way continually abide.
Never from His presence go astray.
Always come to Him in prayer every day.
Obey His voice and to its Words pay heed.
Do this in every action and deed.
Go through life holding His hand.
He will safely protect you from the evil one and his band.
Come one, come all join with me in happy song.
Come back to the Precious Lord where you belong.
Safe am I, safe am I you can sing.
Because Jesus Christ Everlasting Salvation did bring.
Jim Welch
Begin each day with the Lord at your side.
With Him every step of the way continually abide.
Never from His presence go astray.
Always come to Him in prayer every day.
Obey His voice and to its Words pay heed.
Do this in every action and deed.
Go through life holding His hand.
He will safely protect you from the evil one and his band.
Come one, come all join with me in happy song.
Come back to the Precious Lord where you belong.
Safe am I, safe am I you can sing.
Because Jesus Christ Everlasting Salvation did bring.
Jim Welch