View Full Version : AA Grapevine - April/May 2014
04-01-2014, 02:46 PM
April 1
"Despite the happy transcendence of the difficulties of yesterday and of today, we nevertheless deeply realize that our negative traits are still with us, and always will be. Therefore our constant responsibility should be that of taking a fearless inventory of our defects as we go along, the better to undertake their mending."
Celebrating The Language of the Heart
AA Co-Founder, Bill W., July 1965
"Responsibility Is Our Theme"
The Language of the Heart
04-02-2014, 09:33 PM
April 2
"For all the slow mornings, there are just as many when I arise with an open mind, willing to see what God has in store for me that day. Every chapter of self-pity ends when I am willing to abandon my pride and reach out to another alcoholic."
Xian, China, October 1994
"Distilled Spirits,"
AA Grapevine
04-04-2014, 02:18 AM
April 3
"In AA ... I was once again able to hear the sounds of nature. I looked at a pine tree one day and began to cry at how beautiful it was. I learned to laugh again."
Marina, California, October 1994
AA Grapevine
04-05-2014, 03:28 AM
April 4
"I am responsible as a trusted servant to be informed -- my group expects and deserves that. That responsibility requires me to take action, to do some reading, and to find out what the principles say -- not what I think ... The beautiful thing about AA is that we don't have to reinvent the wheel. We have directions and guidelines that we can follow; they were hammered out on the anvil of experience by those who have gone before us."
San Carlos, California, October 1994
"The Anvil of Experience,"
AA Grapevine
04-06-2014, 05:18 AM
April 5
"My basic flaw had always been dependence -- almost absolute dependence -- on people or circumstances to supply me with prestige, security, and the like. Failing to get these things according to my perfectionist dreams and specifications, I had fought for them. And when defeat came, so did my depression."
Celebrating The Language of the Heart
AA Co-Founder, Bill W., January 1958
"The Next Frontier: Emotional Sobriety"
The Language of the Heart
04-06-2014, 05:34 PM
April 6
"The good news is that anyone can become an old-timer if they're willing to be willing to change and follow some direction."
Menifee, California, July 2011
"A Matter of Time,"
AA Grapevine
04-07-2014, 03:58 PM
April 7
"May those who come to know the truth never forget it."
Mulberry, Florida, June 2011
"This Wasted Life,"
AA Grapevine
04-08-2014, 06:03 PM
April 8
"Awareness is the most accessible doorway to spirituality."
Emotional Sobriety II
Ames, Iowa, July 2010
"Binge Thinker,"
Emotional Sobriety II: The Next Frontier
04-09-2014, 07:39 PM
April 9
"Success is more a state of heart and mind than a sum total of material assets."
Emotional Sobriety II
February 2007
"Change to Spare,"
Emotional Sobriety II: The Next Frontier
04-10-2014, 07:43 PM
April 10
"Finally came April 1939. The book was done. Tales of recovery for its story section had been supplied by Dr. Bob and his Akron brethren. Others were supplied by New Yorkers, New Jerseyites. One came in from Cleveland and another from Maryland. Chapters had been read and discussed at meetings. I had thought myself the author of the text until I discovered I was just the umpire of the differences of opinion. After endless voting on a title for the new work we had decided to call it The Way Out. But inquiry by Fitz M., our Maryland alcoholic, at The Library of Congress disclosed the fact that 12 books already bore that title. Surely we couldn't make our book the 13th. So we named it Alcoholics Anonymous instead! Though we didn't know it, our movement then got its name -- a name which because of the implication of humility and modesty has given us our treasured spiritual principle of anonymity."
Celebrating The Language of the Heart
AA Co-Founder, Bill W., July 1947
"Book Publication Proved Discouraging Venture"
The Language of the Heart
The wolf means teacher.
04-11-2014, 08:23 PM
April 11
"I cannot afford to take sobriety for granted ... I count my blessings and enjoy them all, large and small."
Spiritual Awakenings II
Green Valley, Arizona, February 1978
"Summer of Discontent,"
Spiritual Awakenings II
04-12-2014, 07:47 PM
April 12
"I am not my disease; I just have it."
Emotional Sobriety II
San Jose, California, December 2010
"Four Years,"
Emotional Sobriety II: The Next Frontier
04-13-2014, 08:05 PM
April 13
"I've been told to shake hands and have started doing so, even though it feels awkward ... I know one thing and one thing only: Today I'm sober and loved by members of my home group, even though I might not love myself yet."
Waukesha, Wisconsin, March 2006
"Head Full of AA and a Belly Full of Beer,"
AA Grapevine
04-14-2014, 10:36 PM
April 14
"We are sure there must be a million alcoholics who would join Alcoholics Anonymous tomorrow if only they knew what we do. We keenly realize that any fundamental disunity among us could instantly disillusion tens of thousands who would again turn their faces to the wall. Hence those disruptions common to great wealth, power, or controversy ought never be for us. Too many of the 'million who don't yet know' would surely die"
Celebrating The Language of the Heart
AA Co-Founder, Bill W., October 1949
"We Approach Maturity"
The Language of the Heart
04-15-2014, 05:02 PM
April 15
"Every day will bring me challenges, but now I have the spiritual tools to cope with life on life's terms. I am no longer the prisoner of my past, my wants, my sorrows, my addictions"
Spiritual Awakenings II
October 2002
"On My Knees into the World Wide Web of Recovery,"
Spiritual Awakenings II
04-17-2014, 07:31 AM
April 16
"Gratitude is a tool, a form of perspective, reminding me to appreciate the simple things."
Emotional Sobriety II
New York, New York, August 1997
"Savoring Sobriety,"
Emotional Sobriety II: The Next Frontier
04-17-2014, 07:35 AM
April 17
"If we dwell on the past or the future ... we stop changing."
September 1974
AA Grapevine
04-18-2014, 01:23 PM
April 18
"Genuine simplicity for today is to be found, I think, in whatever principles, practices, and services can permanently insure our widespread harmony and effectiveness. Therefore it has been better to state our principles than to leave them vague; better to clarify their applications than to leave these unclear; better to organize our services than to leave them to hit-or-miss methods, or to none at all."
Celebrating The Language of the Heart
AA Co-Founder, Bill W., July 1960
"Let's Keep It Simple -- But How?"
The Language of the Heart dBOAMJ57L4pEPpFjtE
04-20-2014, 05:34 AM
April 19
"I am learning how to be a better son, brother, friend, and boyfriend. These things may not be a big deal for some, but they are completely foreign to me. What I found in AA was something I had been looking for my whole life, and I didn't even know it."
Summer, Washington, April 2011
"Notes from an Alkie,"
AA Grapevine WBJg-Ey1yqHJytf1mtn
04-21-2014, 06:52 AM
April 20
"To want nothing -- to know that we cannot make anything happen -- brings inner and outer joy, total fulfillment. The earth and the heavens and ourselves become one, and in this state of spontaneous surrender, we discover the deep, spiritual constancy in everyday living that we were looking for all along."
September 1974
AA Grapevine
04-21-2014, 06:55 AM
April 21
"My need lay along spiritual lines, part of which consisted in helping others -- something startlingly new to me."
Spiritual Awakenings II
March 1945
"Ways of Coming into AA,"
Spiritual Awakenings II msZowUdWk6-9TVt_WILrQ
04-22-2014, 06:29 AM
April 22
"I live in the Three Legacies of Unity, Recovery, and Service, and have gained 36 spiritual principles to help me through life one day at a time."
Gig Harbor, Washington, April 2011
"Get in the Car,"
AA Grapevine
04-23-2014, 11:39 AM
April 23
"Love mediates faith to others -- by caring what happens to them, by patience, by persistence, by humor."
Rev. Samuel Shoemaker, Friend of AA, September 1948
"And So from My Heart I Say"
AA Grapevine
04-25-2014, 04:14 AM
April 24
"I look upon a pain in my feelings as temporary indigestion of the mind. When I get a stomach-ache, it is generally because I've eaten something that hasn't agreed with me. Likewise, my mental indigestion comes from some story, bit of gossip or circumstance that I've swallowed without thinking."
Emotional Sobriety II
Elmhurst, New York, March 1950
"Got a Pain in Your Feelings?,"
Emotional Sobriety II: The Next Frontier
04-25-2014, 02:39 PM
April 25
"AA has given each and every one of its groups and members the inalienable right to be unerringly wrong, which has many times resulted in the liberty to be foolish, the sovereignty to self-destruct, and the self-determination to learn from mistakes."
Bowling Green, Kentucky, April 2012
"Safe in the Storm,"
AA Grapevine
04-27-2014, 02:24 PM
April 26
"Every day is not a bed of roses, but it is such a relief to know that no matter what life throws my way, I never have to do it alone. I can't wait to see what happens next."
Cincinnati, Ohio, June 2011
"Thirsty Thursday,"
AA Grapevine
04-27-2014, 02:26 PM
April 27
"We cannot just keep chipping away at defects of character without developing something to replace them. Assets are the only item I can find to develop, and the Fourth Step seems to be the ideal way of monitoring where I am at with both assets and defects."
Step by Step Book
Lincoln, Nebraska, November 1979
"Taking Stock,"
Step By Step
04-28-2014, 01:47 PM
April 28
"I can better understand when I learn to listen."
September 2008
"The Fine Art of Listening,"
AA Grapevine
04-30-2014, 09:45 AM
April 29
"Reality nourishes and fulfills."
July 2008
"Get Real,"
AA Grapevine
04-30-2014, 09:52 AM
April 30
"I can choose to carry the weight of the world and my problems around on my shoulders, or I can turn them all over to my Higher Power and let her worry about them."
Spiritual Awakenings II
Toronto, Ontario, May 1984
"Now I Have a Choice!,"
Spiritual Awakenings II
05-01-2014, 09:29 PM
May 1
"I had been introverted and tense. I had been blocked by a fat ego that made sharing impossible, by a lack of communication, by a fear of love. The Fifth Step swept away all those barricades. With some humility, I could begin to find joy in the simple delights of life."
Step by Step Book
Brooklyn, N.Y. June 1974
"The Fifth Step -- A Way to Stay High,"
Step By Step
05-03-2014, 04:51 AM
May 2
"God has given me this day to use as I wish; Alcoholics Anonymous shows me how to live it without a drink."
In Our Own Words
Somerville, Mass., September 1995
"Changes for the Better,"
In Our Own Words
05-03-2014, 06:56 PM
May 2
"Today, we enjoy a Fellowship which owes its ever-increasing membership of recovering alcoholics (unprecedented in human history) to the well-wishers and combined efforts of many outside agencies and services, as well as many professionals. To these folks, we surely owe a debt of gratitude.
"Yet, the heart of AA remains the same, thank God, when one alcoholic reaches out to another, and we find that we can do together what none of us could do alone."
In Our Own Words
Aberdeen, S.D., September 1991
"Sponsorship -- The Heart of AA,"
In Our Own Words
Not sure what happened, the dates seem wrong, this should read the 3rd.
05-05-2014, 03:30 PM
May 4
"They say love heals all, and I am confident the future is bright."
San Diego, Calif., July 1992
"Bottom's Up,"
AA Grapevine
05-05-2014, 03:33 PM
May 5
"My sponsor taught me how to be of service with grace and gratitude. She taught me how to listen, how to be respectful, and most importantly, to mind my own business."
Palm Springs, Calif., May 2012
"Stitch and Giggle,"
AA Grapevine
05-07-2014, 05:14 PM
May 6
"It doesn't matter who or what God is if I can just remember it's not me!"
Ranchester, Wyo., May 2012
"Sunsets -- Not My Idea,"
AA Grapevine
05-07-2014, 05:17 PM
May 7
"Everyone's recipe for serenity is different. It's like vegetable soup -- nobody makes it quite the same."
Chestertown, N.Y., January 2006
"Circles of Sobriety,"
AA Grapevine
05-08-2014, 07:24 PM
May 8
"Should our present success continue, people will commence to assert that AA is a brand new way of life, maybe a new religion, capable of saving the world. We shall be told it is our bounden duty to show modern society how it ought to live ...
"Fortunately most of us are convinced that these are perilous speculations, alluring ingredients of that new heady wine we are now being offered, each bottle marked 'Success'!
"Of this subtle vintage may we never drink too deeply."
Celebrating The Language of the Heart
AA Co-Founder, Bill W., April 1948
"Tradition Five"
The Language of the Heart
05-10-2014, 01:24 AM
May 9
"How will I know if I've really hit my bottom?' I asked at my home group. 'When you stop digging,' they told me."
In Our Own Words
Chelsea, Mich., November 2002
"The Foundation,"
In Our Own Words
05-10-2014, 08:59 AM
May 10
"AA works on all kinds of nuts (including myself). I just needed to find the right wrench."
Oceanside, Calif., November 2013
"The Right Wrench,"
AA Grapevine
05-11-2014, 11:07 AM
May 11
"The AA program does not recognize walls. It is immune to the conditions which break down an individual relationship, the difference in social levels, of intellect, of experience. AA takes no heed of this. It has one primary law, help your fellow man and do it by example rather than by instruction."
Walla Walla,Wash., February 1955
"Prisoner AA," GYCrifmtEEduW8Pw6jEcg
05-14-2014, 01:21 AM
May 12
"I'm still mystified by how I got sober, and the only answer that makes sense is that I stopped drinking through the grace of God. I was thinking about the difference between those of us who get sober and those who are still drinking, and I believe the difference is that we have accepted the grace that was offered. Every day, my Higher Power gives me the grace to be sober, and every day I make the choice not to drink, to accept the grace."
La Crescenta, Calif., February 1993
"The Gift of Sobriety,"
AA Grapevine
05-14-2014, 01:24 AM
May 13
"While I have years of sobriety, I really only have this day."
Mesa, Ariz., February 1993
"Overcoming Depression and Fear,"
AA Grapevine
05-15-2014, 04:52 AM
May 14
"Sometimes I wonder if this illness isn't a gift rather than a problem."
Kingston, Ontario, July 1980
"A Reason for Living,"
AA Grapevine
05-16-2014, 10:23 AM
May 15
"During days and nights of darkness as I face the demons of self, the knowledge that my God is always in charge keeps me trudging to the end of each journey. With God, AA, and willingness I can meet the other me and begin putting my fractured self together again."
Cleveland, Ohio, February 1993
"Facing the Truth,"
AA Grapevine
05-16-2014, 10:27 AM
May 16
"I believe most of us would agree that the general idea of anonymity is sound, because it encourages alcoholics and the families of alcoholics to approach us for help. Still fearful of being stigmatized, they regard our anonymity as an assurance their problems will be kept confidential; that the alcoholic skeleton in the family closet will not wander in the streets."
Celebrating The Language of the Heart
AA Co-Founder, Bill W., March 1946
"Our Anonymity Is Both Inspiration and Safety"
The Language of the Heart
05-18-2014, 12:45 AM
May 17
"AA's greatest power is not in the program itself, but in the examples of the men [and women] who have followed it."
Walla Walla,Wash., February 1955
"Prisoner AA,"
AA Grapevine
05-18-2014, 02:11 PM
May 18
"My home group's primary purpose is to carry the AA message to the alcoholic who still suffers. Some of those have much sobriety, because the alcoholic who still suffers is not necessarily a newcomer. However, when newcomers do show up at our home group we try to focus our discussion on what's in the Big Book and how it can help them if they are willing to follow some simple suggestions."
Paso Robles, Calif., May 1998
"The Cement That Binds Us,"
AA Grapevine
Must have read this a few times, they are words that often come to mind for me. As I have said before, they are not my words, but God given, be it from the heart or from the literature and from the meetings in rooms of recovery.
05-19-2014, 03:20 PM
May 19
"Each day I feel myself growing in recovery. I can honestly say I'm happier now than ever before in my adult life."
Palmdale, Calif., July 1992
"An Unexpected Shot at Life,"
AA Grapevine
05-20-2014, 01:14 PM
May 20
"Through Step Five, God has removed my shame about being an alcoholic."
Step by Step Book
Syracuse, N.Y., May 2001
"Lifting the Burden,"
Step By Step
05-21-2014, 02:13 PM
May 21
"I can recognize that I'm caught up in my will when I desperately struggle to slam a square peg into a round hole. That's the time for me to back off and trust that God's will is far better than mine."
Elloree, S.C., November 2013
"Square Peg, Round Hole,"
AA Grapevine
05-22-2014, 03:55 PM
May 22
"Over the years I've gone to different types of groups to meet different needs in my life or to share experience, strength, and hope about a particular problem I was struggling with. Some days I've been part of the solution for another suffering alcoholic; other days I've been the one who was suffering.
"Thanks to our Fifth Tradition, no matter what my needs or my location I can find an AA group where I can talk about -- and listen to -- not drinking one day at a time, practicing the principles in all of my affairs, and being happily and usefully whole."
Kensington, Md., May 1996
"A Consistent Message,"
AA Grapevine
05-23-2014, 10:57 PM
May 23
"The word 'alcoholic' does not turn me off anymore; in fact, it is music to my ears when it applies to me."
July 1975
"One of Those Bad Cons Nobody Can Reach,"
AA Grapevine
05-24-2014, 05:55 PM
May 24
"While wealth and authority lie at the foundation of many a noble institution, we of AA now apprehend, and thoroughly well, that these things are not for us. Have we not found that one man's meat is often another man's poison?"
Celebrating The Language of the Heart
AA Co-Founder, Bill W., January 1947
"Will AA Ever Have a Personal Government?"
The Language of the Heart L_yZqGzCA4dNEwQozed
05-25-2014, 10:59 AM
May 25
"We are not a sociological entity, although sociologists find us fascinating. We are not a therapy group, although remarkable healing takes place among us. And we are not a religion, even though some people want to see us as such ... We are a spiritual entity."
May 2006
"Tradition Five: What a Group 'Ought' to Be,"
AA Grapevine
05-26-2014, 07:31 AM
May 26
"AA is not a separate country, cut off from the mainland of the real world; it is the schoolroom I missed somewhere along the line ... a treasure house of other people's experience, strength and hope."
Norman, Okla., July 1992
"Out of This World,"
AA Grapevine
05-27-2014, 04:26 PM
May 27
"I have learned in the program not to listen to the voice of my ego when it starts whispering things."
Clayton, Calif., May 2012
AA Grapevine
05-28-2014, 06:46 PM
May 28
"The most beautiful gifts of my life come to me in packages I do not recognize at first glance. In fact, I often don't see them until I've stumbled over them. Yet I know that when I go about my business in service to AA and to others these gifts will appear, usually in the most unexpected places."
Costa Mesa, Calif., February 1993
"The Gift of Sobriety,"
AA Grapevine I8wv2EpBI7L1LmP-8SS
05-31-2014, 11:34 AM
Haven't been able to get into my Hotmail a/c to get to the daily posts. They refer me to another Hotmail a/c and can't get into that one either. So busy and just not able to figure things out in the moment. I am sure there is a solution, I just have to find it.
I have the book somewhere, so will have to look for that, and if necessary, start from the beginning of the book.
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