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04-01-2014, 02:56 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Then Bacchus. . .gave him the choice of making a wish come true. . . . So Midas said, "Make everything I touch turn gold."


Poor King Midas, already rich as a king, was made poorer by his poor wish. Everything he touched--small shoots, wet clay, a ripe head of wheat, apples from a tree - all suddenly went bad, turned into gold, pure gold. And how could he eat when bread and fruits, even fresh running water, suddenly shined at him, yellow, hard, and cold? He could have wished for a wiser, smaller success. He could have had all familiar things turn kind at his touch, or loving and good. Then imagine how he would have touched everyone he came near.

If some wishes are too good to be true, are others too bad?

Most wishes that aren`t good, are not meant to come true. Might put me in a bad mood, so grateful for the program, that I don`t have to stay there, I can pick up the tools of recovery.

I found it to be very true, ¨Do not wish your life away.¨

04-02-2014, 02:31 AM
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

It is wealth to be content.


On the evening of the first day of spring, a woman gave her husband a bright red geranium in a clay pot. To celebrate, he placed it on the windowsill, and together they marvelled at the delicate petals.

In the harsher light of morning, though, the man frowned at the geranium and said to his wife, "How shabby it makes the sofa look." They spent the day at the furniture store and came home with a new couch, blue with red flowers, like the geranium. They placed the couch in front of the windowsill and admired together its grace and line and fashionable upholstery.

But the next morning, the man frowned at the couch and said, "How shabby it makes the carpet look." Soon they had a lavish new carpet, which led to new curtains, lamps, and chairs. When the room was completely redone, they set the geranium back in the window and surveyed the finest room in the neighborhood. The man frowned. "The geranium," he said, "it's out of place. It will have to go."

Will I be able to appreciate life's simple pleasures today?

There are priceless gifts out there if I take the time to look for them. Try a smile, it will surprise you.

04-03-2014, 05:06 AM
Thursday, April 3, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could be better changed in ourselves.

—Carl Jung

Children are smart. Remember how we used to imitate our parents' behavior? We'd dress up like them, mimic their words, even copy their attitudes. We wanted to be just like them because we thought they were the most wonderful people in the world. We can see this happen all around us, younger ones imitating parents, older brothers and sisters, and older friends. It's very flattering.

The problem is that children imitate not just healthy behavior and attitudes, but also sometimes the not-so-healthy. We get very uncomfortable when we look at a younger person misbehaving and see ourselves in that person. Suddenly, we aren't flattered any more.

When we see things we don't like in others, we must first look at ourselves to see if we need changing. This is all we can do--change ourselves. Others may follow our example or they may not, but we can be sure that, when we watch our own behavior, most of what we see of ourselves in others will be flattering.

What change can I make in myself to set a good example today?

My sponsor use to say, "If you have recovery show it. Clean up your act, clean up your mouth, clean up your body, (your clothes, your hair, and personal hygiene), and clean up your thinking and change your attitude.

04-04-2014, 03:02 AM
Friday, April 4, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone.

—Ida Scott Taylor

It's not always easy to understand that the day stretching before us is all that counts. Daydreaming about the party last week, or getting upset all over again about a fight we had yesterday with a friend doesn't help us right now. When our minds are on the past, we miss out on the conversation or the activity that is going on around us.

Every moment of the day is special and guaranteed to help us grow and understand life. All of us have been taught to pay attention in school, or to pay attention when others talk to us. But we should also pay attention to the birds, the sky, even the grass. And we can learn a lot by paying attention to the conversations going on around us, and to the small voice inside us that helps us know right from wrong.

What's going on today is enough to pay attention to.

Am I ready to pay attention to what is around me today?

Have been known to shut down mentally, put my nose into a book and ignore things, especially thoughts. Then I have to do a meditation to ask that the barrier and block be removed and let go of the feeling that I allowed to build up in me. Sometimes I am aware, other times, I don't want to know, especially when it comes to my son.

04-05-2014, 04:17 AM
Saturday, April 5, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

I measure every Grief I meet With narrow, probing, Eyes - I wonder if it weighs like Mine - Or has an easier size.

—Emily Dickinson

How can we measure all the grief we feel, and how can we put up with it? Doesn't the Grief of Death weigh a ton or more? Doesn't it stretch out to a month, a year, or longer still? Is the Grief of Failure lighter than the Grief of Despair, but maybe longer? Isn't the Grief of Emptiness the heaviest of all? Whether we try to ignore or make light of it, our grief, like a ton of feathers or a ton of rocks, is all the same to us. This much is sure: if we lock our grief in, it will weigh more on us and lengthen out; if we open our hearts with weeping and words, others will help carry it away.

What old sadness can I let go of by sharing it today?

Found out in recovery, that when I felt sad, whether it is from depression or grief, it is often compounded by memories from the past, that I didn't deal with properly, because I was using.

We didn't know how to grief and we generally didn't like the feelings that went with it, so we stuffed it and used to make them go away, be it people, places and things.

There have been times, when I have been on the computer, sitting in my chair, or just walking along and tears will come. I look at it as a healing, generally not aware of the origin, but know that it is a cleansing. It could have been something I asked for or a body memory.

When I find myself in an old pattern or behaviour, it is often something that I need to look at and identify, if possible, the source although that isn't always necessary, as long as I am open to the healing energy.

04-06-2014, 05:52 AM
Sunday, April 6, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

In quarreling about the shadow, we often lose the substance.

There is a fable about a man and his camel who were hired by a wealthy man to get him across the desert. The journey was so hot that they stopped to rest one day, and the only shade to be found was in the shadow of the camel. The two of them began to argue about who had the rights to the camel's shadow--the owner or the renter. They were so involved in their argument that the camel ran away and they didn't notice until it was long gone.

Sometimes we get so caught up in being right that we become like these two, fighting over a shadow. Instead of paying attention to our journey and sharing what we have, we let ourselves get distracted. It is more important to notice what we have, to share it as best we can, and continue our journey.

What can I share with another today?

Don't use, no matter what. Take your focus off of others, and turn it within. Look at your part, what part did you play, are you using others so you don't have to look at yourself.

04-07-2014, 02:59 AM
Monday, April 7, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Take time every day to do something silly.

—Philipa Walker

Spring fever may bring out our longings and our sense of unfilled needs for attention, play, or laughter. We may be afraid to express these needs because they are not often taken seriously, but thought of as childish. We may even be afraid our needs are so enormous that they will never be satisfied, and so we keep them bottled up inside ourselves, and all we can express to others is frustration.

Spring is a reminder that we can find a way to satisfy our needs. We can give ourselves a break from work or study, laugh a little, and try to share our laughter with someone else. There are many ways to fulfill a need, and by giving what we have to offer, we may find ourselves getting back exactly what we really need, even though it may not be what we had hoped for.

In the act of giving we learn we are worth giving to also. We learn that we deserve to be loved, most of all by ourselves.

What do I think I need today?

What I need is some down time after two days out and about.

04-08-2014, 02:25 AM
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Any time you sense you are getting overrun by outside influences and losing your feelings, put your attention inside your body. Relax. . ., let your breath sink low. . ., breathe in your abdomen. . . .


When we are feeling as though all our energy is scattered throughout our bodies, we need to practice centering, or focusing this energy into one place. Our center may change from day to day, and each of us feels it differently.

When we're walking, we may feel power coming from our hips and spreading through the body, heart, and mind. When we're in a meditative mood, we may feel warm energy at the back of the head. At other times, we might feel a real centering place in the middle of the chest, right where our heart and arms and breathing come together. There is no one way to be at peace. Centering is a way for each of us to find and picture to ourselves our focused energy. When we can do this, we increase our power to bring about those things we want from life, those things we really do deserve.

Where is my energy right now?

I know it is now in the right place! Before coming on to post, I did a meditation with some nature cards. I sat down to turn on my computer, only to see that some of the cards had fallen on the floor, not sure if it was before or after my meditation, so put them together, said another prayer, and asking for what I needed and that what I didn`t need, be taken away.

I got a card that said, `Happiness from the past,` which was a result of a long time friend connecting with me and meeting with a good friend yesterday in the mall. My last card was the eagle, which promises vision, power, and healing.

04-09-2014, 02:54 AM
You are reading from the book Today's Gift

There are persons who have some parts like me, but no one adds up exactly like me.

--Virginia Satir

Most of us feel pretty ordinary. We probably wish we were taller or shorter. Some of us are fat rather than thin. Few of us have perfect skin or teeth. Often we look at others, compare ourselves, and wish we were different. At these times, it's important to remember that each of us is special. We differ from others because we're created for different purposes.

Some of us will make a contribution to the world of sports, some to the art of music. Teaching or medicine will attract others and yet, no two of us will give to the world in the same way. Our unique mixture of looks, attitudes, and abilities will be special and very necessary to the people sharing our lifetime.

How can I give my special gift to the world today?

Like this, our gifts are very varied and some have been hidden over the years and we have to look at who we are in today and what we can do. As I like to say, `More will be revealed.` It is amazing what we can do, with our God behind us, supporting us on new ventures. Sometimes I found things that I thought I knew, was laughable and best not done again! :)

04-10-2014, 04:34 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

But don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden.

—Beatrix Potter

Since we are members of a family, we are not free to do anything we like. We may not be able to go as far from home as we would like. We may have to get up earlier in the morning than we would like. We may have only limited use of the car. Families set up limits in order to maintain order and happiness. If each of us demanded something different for supper each night, the situation would be unmanageable.

Limits also keep us safe. When Peter Rabbit was told not to go into Mr. McGregor's garden, it was for his own good. Limits and restrictions are a form of love and protection, and we all have them. When we bump up against one of these limits, we can be assured they serve to point us in another direction, one with freedoms of its own which we may never have explored without being forced to.

What freedom can I discover in a limitation today?

One of the reasons I kept coming back to the program was that I wanted the freedom the program offered.

Freedom from active addiction, freedom to be myself, freedom to find the God of my understanding, freedom to heal through the 12 Steps.

As a woman once shared, "I had to learn to live the Traditions, until such a time as I could work the Steps. Recovery is a program of progress, not perfection. I am offered freedom from addiction, be it to alcohol, drugs, men, relationships, work, etc., one day at a time.

04-11-2014, 02:49 AM
Friday, April 11, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Listen to your feelings. They tell you when you need to take care of yourself, like finding a friend if you feel lonely, crying if you feel sad, singing and smiling if you feel happy, and acting frisky if you feel good.

—Pat Palmer

When we get too much of anything - too much fun or too much work - we may feel really crummy when it's over.

One way to listen to our crummy feelings is to say, "Here comes the letdown after all that fun." We can imagine a spaceship falling to earth, floating on the ocean. Coming down to earth is as much a part of the adventure as the countdown and blastoff.

A letdown for us means we need to let our bodies and minds rest, just like the spaceship, bobbing around without any special direction. We need to take it easy, do nothing, put off making plans.

Then we can ask God to help us let go of the crummy feelings that come along with a letdown. We can ask the spirit within us to guide us through this time of change. Then we will let down and let go.
What are some things I can do to take it easy the next time I feel down?

Not feeling good tonight, a body ache and a heart ache about my sister being in the hospital.

What do I do? I pray, meditate, and come online. Even if I am not able to always share, I can read and get the spiritual food I need.

04-12-2014, 05:22 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.
—Wendell Berry

Blessed are all birds and animals, the wildest beasts, and, yes, all serpents, too, for they live in nature, in a state of natural grace. They live beyond the rules of evil and good. Their instincts are obedient only to the laws of survival, growth, and health. And as their lives unfurl in obedience to these laws, they suffer no shame, regret, or sin. Nor do they curse their failures, or themselves.

We can learn much from them. They harbor no evil toward one another, and they trust their own inner sense of how to live, and that their Higher Power makes sure everything which befalls them is for the best. Yes, they are blessed, and so are we, the highest animal.

What guilt can I free myself from today, just by letting go?

Guilt is often projected onto others and we allow ourselves to take it on. So often old tapes trip us up, and we feel guilty for things said and done. It is the past and I do not have to carry it in today. That was then, this is now, and all I have to do is send my God a knee-mail and ask for healing and forgiveness. Instead of carrying around those old tapes, make new ones. It is not always my job, my fault, my responsibility, etc. ¨It is though, if I take it on and if I do not recognize what is mine and what is not.¨ Just because it is said, doesn't make it true or that it is your truth.

04-13-2014, 02:21 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Nobody can be in good health if he does not have all the time fresh air, sunshine, and good water.
—Chief Flying Hawk

Before this part of the world was colonized by Europeans, native Americans thrived here, living in wigwams and teepees, spending their time in the fresh air and sun, and drinking pure, fresh water from springs, streams, and rivers. They lived long, healthy lives and almost never were sick--precisely because they knew how important the natural elements were.

When we feel depressed or nervous, nature is a good listener. We can take a walk in the sun, listen to the small birds, or twigs cracking under our feet, or simply the sound of our shoes on the pavement. We don't need to live in teepees to follow the Indians' example today. But getting out in the sunshine and fresh air every day, even on really cold days, rejuvenates us. Sunlight is healing, fresh air cleanses our lungs and brings more oxygen to the blood and brain. When we think enough of ourselves to take a walk when we need it, even that small amount of self-consideration is also healing.

Have I given myself time to live outside today?

Went to the hospital to see my sister. I was glad to leave and get fresh air. Hamilton doesn't have the freshest air, it is called the Steel Town. It does have trees and I have a couple of parks near me. When it rains, I try to think of it a big City wash and a drink for those trees and other plants.

04-14-2014, 02:38 AM
Monday, April 14, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

There the penitents took off their shoes And walked barefoot the remaining mile.
—Robert Lowell

Some people have to have pain. If dirt doesn't fall on their heads from the sky, they sulk in corners and hope their flesh turns to dust. They do everything the hard way, even when they know better, and often complain and accuse others for their pain. For people like this, even the song of a bird is a bother. It's better to smile when people like that accuse. It's better to wear shoes when walking on stones, better to take the shortest way. There is weeping and wailing enough in the world, dumps full of worn-out guilt and remorse. When the bird sings, it's better to look up and see that it beats its wings not to punish itself, but to fly.

Do I pity myself when I could be flying?

Never had a desire to fly unless it was to some distant place I wanted to go, but because of my addiction and the addiction of my family, I never got very far.

A pity party doesn't get you very far, always figured I had an over active imagination, but had to make sure I stayed grounded in today, instead of projecting into the future.

The difference in today, is that I may decide to take a time out and sit on the pity pot, but in today, thanks to the program, I have a choice as to how long I stay there.

I don't have a lot of pity in today, the pain is there, but when I think back on how I abused myself and allowed others to abuse me, it is no wonder that my emotions, my mental thoughts and body memories, make them self known in today. It all has to be healed, not stuffed away, out of sight, out of mind, until we wonder why we are hurting so badly.

Like the reading say, it is best to listen to the song and enjoy the presence of the bird, instead of worrying as to whether it was going to dump on you.

04-15-2014, 02:34 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

If I have freedom in my life, And in my soul am free, Angels alone that soar above Enjoy such liberty.

—Richard Lovelace

When a cow decides to stop nursing her calf, she isn't rejecting it. She knows it's time for the calf to be on its own. Although the calf might feel rejected and puzzled at first, it soon adapts to its new independence and freedom.

When we feel rejected, it's useful to remember that whatever has caused us to feel this way might have nothing to do with us. It might be a reflection of what's happening with someone else, or just the end of a natural stage in life, as with the calf.

When we understand that others' actions toward us come from their own feelings, and that we don't cause their feelings any more than they control ours, we can free ourselves from a little bit of fear and self-hate. We can see what seems to be rejection as an open door, with our freedom on the other side.

What rejections have set me free?

Relationships with ex-boyfriends and from people who are still using, especially those who think I don't have a problem. It is generally there denial, because if I had one, they just might have one too, especially if they drank with me.

04-16-2014, 06:07 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

. . . there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

—Booker T. Washington

It's not what we do for a job that counts, it's how we do it. It's not what our chores at home might be, it's how we do them. And it's not what grades we get in school, but rather how hard we try. Doing our best, whether it's making a bed, writing a report, or listening to a friend tell about an experience gives us a good feeling about ourselves.

Each of us is special to one another. And we are special to this very moment. Because what is past can't be repeated, let's remember to enjoy every moment as it comes. Let's pay close attention to each person, each activity that we encounter today. It's not what we do today, but how we do it that counts.

Can I do each thing well today, even the small things?

Like this, affirms my own belief. It isn't so much what you say or what you do, it is how you say and do it! Words and actions can make a difference, when you watch how they are spoken and acted out. Again, all we are asked to do is try. Just because we make a mistake, doesn't mean we are one. It is how you pick yourself up and try again. You can't undo your actions, and even saying sorry, doesn't cut it after it is heard time and again. It is about learning from our mistakes and trying not to do them again.

04-17-2014, 07:50 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

If your heart catches in your throat, ask a bird how she sings.

—Cooper Edens

The idea of your heart getting caught in your throat and then asking a bird how she sings may seem silly. It is, but being silly is sometimes exactly what we need. Instead of always trying to figure out the lumps in our throats, we can learn how to sing with them.

Birds sing all day. Their songs are lighthearted and playful. And they bring us color along with their songs. We have all stopped to notice a special bird outside the window. A bird song can be a lullaby. It can be laughter. We need these things in our lives, too. By playing and laughing, we change the lumps in our throats to songs.

What sadness can I turn into song today?

This really spoke to me. Lately, I have been losing my voice several times a day, and never associated it with sadness. I have seen it as words that haven't been expressed, words that have been suppressed, because they were better left unsaid. When I don''t get out much, and I am isolated, my vocal chords aren't used very often. My fingers do my talking in today. :)

04-18-2014, 05:02 AM
Friday, April 18, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Gifts are for giving.

—Ian and Sylvia Tyson

Many years ago, a young woman named Dorothy was very talented at china painting. She painted tiny scenes on china dishes, the way people today paint on wood and Easter eggs.

Then Dorothy fell in love, got married, and decided she had no time to paint. But as her children grew, they loved to stand at the china cabinet and stare at all her tiny pictures--each one seemed to hold its own special world.

Years passed and Dorothy's grandchildren also loved to stand and stare at the paintings. Everybody loved her work. They wondered why she didn't take up painting again, but she wouldn't say. Her love of painting seemed to be locked away.

When we give up some talent of our own because we don't have time for it, we lock away part of ourselves. When we imprison our talents, we limit our possibilities. But when we make self-expression a natural part of our day, others can gather around and enjoy the results. There is always room for our talents because they create worlds of their own.

Am I locking something away because I don't have the time?

For me it is bridge, I haven't played for about 3 years. First it was the medication the doctor's put me on, then it was too expensive and the spare change didn't seem to be there, yet I had 3 free coupons in my wallet. I blamed my son, because if I had spare change in my purse, he took it for 'coffee' because he thought that what is mine is his. It got so that I was hiding money, and a few times, couldn't find where I had put it.

The games the "A" plays when in active addiction, and yet by allowing it to happen, is just as much my fault as his. I sent him away from my door time and again. He would come back, take and go back out and use someone else. I know that for many years he was my addiction, I couldn't say "No!" and lived my life through him, and put my life on hold.

When he first went into detox and recovery, I stopped going to AA, NA, and CA to give him the freedom to go where he needed to be and I just went to Al-Anon. I would go to day meetings once in a while, because I can never forget where I came from. I needed to put priorities back in my life. Letting go of what is fun and necessary in my life, doesn't make it healthy, especially when done for the wrong reasons.

04-19-2014, 02:09 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Inch by inch, row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow...
'Til the rain comes tumblin' down.

—David Mallett

We plant a garden with faith, never knowing exactly what the harvest will bring. We attend to those aspects of gardening, which we have some control over, planting good seeds in rich soil, in straight rows, the right distance apart. We weed and fertilize, and we tie up our tomato plants.

We may pray for rain, but we never know if we'll get too much or too little. We can't control the wind or rabbits or bugs or the strongest strains of weeds. Yet most of us don't let these things keep us from planting.

With this same sort of faith we can tend to ourselves. Though we don't know what each day will bring, we can plant the seeds in ourselves to meet most anything. We can rise each morning determined to give what we have. We can't plant the seeds for others, and we can't keep the storms from coming. The beauty is, we don't have to.

What seeds of joy can I plant today?

Our children have their own Higher Power and we aren't it.

04-20-2014, 05:43 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Hurried and worried until we're buried
And there's no curtain call,
Life's a very funny proposition,
after all.

—George M. Cohan

Often, when we involve ourselves in a whirlwind of activities, plans, and expectations, we push ourselves so hard that we don't derive any satisfaction from success. We need to face our limitations. We can't do everything we want. Even when we can do a great deal, if we overextend ourselves, take on too much, we will not enjoy ourselves, and there is no reason not to enjoy our work.

Our activities are part of what we are. If we choose to live in a frantic hurry, worrying about the next moment instead of this one, we'll miss life entirely. Part of self-knowledge is learning to pace ourselves to our own speed, learning to set goals we can attain for each day. When we do this, we can say, "Now that I've completed this, I don't have to do one more thing to feel worthwhile."

Am I trying to do too much too fast?

Many get the idea that if they rush through the steps, they will be all better. They don`t realize that when you get to 12, you start again on Step One. I do Steps 1-3 every morning. When anything comes up in my day to day living and is rooted in the past, I apply Steps 4-9, and to maintain my emotional sobriety, I works Steps 10-12.

The program is not a quick fix, it is a living program, that helps me deal with life one day at a time.

04-21-2014, 07:35 AM
Monday, April 21, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

In grief, healing helps us make peace with the meaning of death, which cannot be understood except as an unknown part of life.
—Alla Bozarth-Campbell

It is a sad occasion when we must say goodbye to a loved one or pet who has died. But grief is the only way we can come to understand our losses, and sharing grief helps us experience it more fully.

Perhaps we wish to grieve for something else we've lost, like fading youth, a job, a possession, or a habit we had come to enjoy. It's natural to feel grief over things like this, too.

We can share stories and good memories with other grievers, and give free reign to our tears. Sometimes it seems the more we talk, the sadder we feel about our losses, but when we share these feelings with others, we turn our losses into gain. We heal ourselves, pay tribute to those we grieve for, and share an intimate sense of loss with someone else.

Do I have grief to share?

Think I am already grieving my son's departure although he doesn't leave for another ten days. Always grief for what could have been, what could I have done different, is it all my fault, etc?

04-22-2014, 06:13 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

I meant to do my work today
But a brown bird sang in an apple tree,
And a butterfly flitted across the field,
And all the leaves were calling me.

—Richard LeGallienne

The harried hen scurried about her house, trying to put it in order. Some friends she hadn't seen for years were due to arrive later that day, and she wanted everything perfect for them. In a flurry, she made the bed, put away the dishes, and scrubbed the floor. Oh dear, she thought in dismay, I meant to wash the sheets today. Frantically, she flew back to the bedroom and tore the sheets from the made bed.

Just then, a neighbor arrived and stood at hen's door, watching her anxiously rush about. "Dear hen," he said in a patient loving tone, for he was quite fond of her, "You will never enjoy your visit if you continue to race about. Come. Sit and rest and tell me of these friends. Have you any snapshots?" The hen did as her neighbor had suggested, and soon her friends arrived to find her relaxed, refreshed, and warm with the memories of them.

What is my real work for the day?

For me, first things first, which is my sobriety. Sobriety to me is soundness of mind. I need to apply the Steps to all areas of my life. Being an alcoholic, addict, codependent, adult child of an alcoholic, but that doesn't define who I am. I am not my disease. I have to allow the program to work, and look at myself, instead of looking out to find something or someone to make me feel better.

04-23-2014, 05:55 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear not absence of fear.
—Mark Twain

It is not unusual to feel afraid. It is unusual, however, to hear anyone admit to feeling afraid. Sometimes we think there are some people who are so cool and calm that they never feel afraid. This may make us think we're not as good because we know how often we feel afraid. This is why it is important to think about what courage really is. It is not the absence of fear. Courage is not letting fear stop us from doing what we need to do.

We might have to get up in front of a group to give a speech. We could give in to our fear and not give the speech, or we could admit our fear to those who love us, and then go ahead and do the best we can. To go ahead in the face of fear is courage.

What am I afraid of?

Love the quote, we overcome our fears instead of trying to make them all go away.

When I went to see an intuitive healer many years ago, they say that issues with our feet and ankles, represented insecurities.
My meditation last night affirmed that, the thought of not being able to get around, makes me fearful. Fear of walking and falling down and not being able to get back up.

The difference today, it isn't about falling into active addiction, and it isn't about falling because I am drunk or stoned, but every day issues and not being able to take care of myself in my own apartment.

God and I have to do some more work on that. I know He is there for me, but more importantly, I need to be there for myself and practice self-care. To do that, I need to replenish my faith, and go to my God for the strength, courage, and what ever else I need to live in today, clean and sober.

Even though I haven't used drugs and alcohol, I have to work on my emotional sobriety, and change all obsessive, compulsive disorders thinking and actions, into something healthy and balance my life, so there are not those extreme highs and lows.

04-24-2014, 02:29 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, An everlasting vision of the ever changing view, A wondrous woven magic in bits of blue and gold, A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold.
—Carole King

Our lives are patchwork quilts of mismatched fabrics, all stitched together by an invisible seamstress. The tattered, blood-red scraps of quarrels, the beige of pastry crust baked on Saturdays in a grandmother's kitchen that always smelled sweet, the brilliant colors of our happy moments-picnics and sunsets and laughter-all these are necessary pieces of the tapestry of our lives, even our cold, white doubts and emptiness.

All the colors of life sewn together with the green thread of growth. We are a mixture of feelings and experiences. Often, we want to cut away a square of painful memory. But without it, our quilt would lose its beauty, for contrast would disappear. If a piece is removed, the rest is weakened and incomplete.

How well can I accept any pain I feel today as a part of my own beauty?

This is a hard one! Especially, with my left toe, foot and ankle all swollen and red. The problem is that there isn't much pain, so therefore I didn't pay much attention. It should be there, so the circulation is bad in my body, which I know and yet discounted it. Perhaps, because I have had pain in some form or another all of my life.

They say never fear, what you fear you will attract. One of my fears has always been not being able to get around and doing what I want to do when I want to do it.

04-25-2014, 05:24 AM
Friday, April 25, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Unused capacities atrophy, cease to be.
—Tillie Olsen

Those of us who have suffered a broken bone and had to put up with a cast for several weeks know how hard it is to use muscles that have been inactive for so long. They have gotten weak from lack of use, and we have to begin to develop our strength all over again.

The same thing happens if we don't use our other capacities. If we don't constantly use our minds to think and learn, we become dull people, almost incapable of new thoughts and insights. If we don't use our hearts to love, we become uncaring and insensitive - much like Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. If we don't use our creative talents - to draw or write or sew, or whatever it is we're into - we lose the ability to do those things.

On the other hand, like our muscles, our other capacities can be strengthened and developed by daily use. We exercise our hearts by being kind and loving, our minds by thinking, our imaginations by being creative. In this way, we become spiritually powerful, a force for good in the world.

How can I exercise my assets today?

Know my humor is a bit sick, but saw this and thought, ¨Do not assume, it makes an a$$ out of you and me.¨

For me, the best thing I can do is get out of my own way and allow my God to work through me, instead of around, over, and act in spite of me.

04-26-2014, 09:14 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

"The horror of that moment," the King went on, "I shall never forget." "You will, though," the Queen said, "if you don't make a memorandum of it."
—Lewis Carroll

Crises come in many forms. When we are in the middle of any kind of crisis, we may feel like we have fallen into a deep hole. We may see no way out and begin to feel hopeless and overwhelmed by the size and darkness of the hole.

Yet we are not alone. An animal caught in a hole would cry out until someone came along and helped it out. We, too, can call out for help - to our Higher Power and to the important people in our lives. We can learn to trust that, with the help of our friends and our Higher Power, we will be able to crawl out of our holes.

With trust, we will climb out of our crises and be healed with the passage of time. Such holes are a part of our landscape, yet every time we will be able to climb out and walk, leaving the darkness behind us.

What help can I ask for today?

How can I ask for help, pray, call my sponsor, go to a meeting (any meeting), call a friend, preferably a member of the fellowship. As it says in the Bible, "Ask and you will receive." You need to accept how it comes, even if it is unknown and an unlikely source.

Yesterday, as a result of prayer and meditation, I got a call from the Holistic Center. They could have called anyone but they chose me to fill the cancellation. It may have been because I live close, but that is besides the point. I got what I needed. When the treatment was finished, I was walked to the elevator and I asked for a hug.

04-27-2014, 02:40 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2014
You are reading from the book Today's Gift
Crying only a little bit is no use. You must cry until your pillow is soaked. Then you can get up and laugh . . .
—Galway Kinnell

Many of us were raised to deny our feelings; that is, we might have been allowed to describe them politely, but we were not allowed to express feelings on the spot by wailing, jumping for joy, or dancing. This is often considered rude. In a proper home, we often hear, if people have feelings, they have them quietly. But many of us have suffered living this way.

We need a full and thorough expression of a feeling in order to know it, experience it, and move beyond it. This is the way we let go of sadness, for instance.

Feelings come and go. If we are not afraid to let them have their moment, we will not be afraid to express them.

What am I feeling right now?

Very sad and very blessed.

04-28-2014, 10:23 AM
Monday, April 28, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

I will not cut my conscience to fit this year's fashions.
—Lillian Hellman

Every fall there seems to be something new and different to get for school - a special folder, a new style of pants, or maybe a different haircut. These things change from year to year.

Sometimes we get carried away with the current trends. We start putting too much importance on such things. We may be tempted to join our friends in teasing someone who doesn't wear the "right" clothes, or avoid someone who doesn't say the "right" things. This is when we need God's help.

Perhaps we can become the leaders for the next trend - looking beyond appearances of others to the beauty inside them.

Will I see the true value in those around me today?

A good one, it is so easy into trying to fit in, follow our peers and do things that are not us!

I was having a chuckle with my son last night. I said, "There would have been a time that I wouldn't have been caught dead in what I am wearing." He said, "Don't worry mother, there are people who would like the combination you are wearing. I had on avocado green, navy and white striped pedal pushers, green and white socks, and a pink top with purple, green, yellow, and gold dotted decal in the front. Gruesome! Enough to give me nightmares if I think about it. For Ms. Perfection, this was a big step. It is good except, that the thinking behind the actions was, "I don't care, which is NOT good."

04-29-2014, 02:59 AM
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

If there is a God, there must also be a Goddess. Neither is more important than the other, both are in balance, together they create a Whole.
—Marion Weinstein

In the olden days, the Goddess was seen as a Trinity: the Maiden or Virgin, the Mother, and the Crone. The Virgin was one-in-herself, owned by no man. The Mother was the one in the fullness of her creative powers, whether creating children, works of art, or other work out in the world. The Crone was the wise old woman.

Both women and men connected with the Triple Goddess. To women, the Goddess was a symbol of their innermost selves and the beneficent, nurturing, liberating power within. The Crone, for example, showed them that all phases of life are sacred, that age is a blessing rather than a curse. To men, the Goddess represented their connection with their own hidden female selves.

We are all made up of aspects of both sexes. This is our balance. When we accept what we know to be truly ourselves, which is often much more than the old role models for men and women allow, we become complete men and women.

What male and female strengths do I have within me?

The male is our survivor side. My female side is our nurturing side. It was about 8 years sober, when I did a meditation and the message I got was, "Your female side is languishing." Just love that word. I found it to be quite true. I was a jean, black t-shirt, hat, jacket, and boot kind of person. Three days later, a friend called to say she had some things he had outgrown and would fit me, would I be offended if she brought them to me. I ended up with dresses and skirts. ;)

04-30-2014, 09:52 AM
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
You are reading from the book Today's Gift
The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.
—John Vance Cheney

If there were no rain, fields would become parched and brittle, and many creatures would die. If we could not cry, all our emotions would eventually dry up, too, and soon we would not laugh either. Our tears cleanse us. Our tears heal. They make us whole.

Tears are as important to our growth as rain is to a flower. They help release the pressure of sadness so we can feel better. After a storm, when the sun shines again through the clouds, a brightly colored rainbow appears. After our tears, our inner sun shines, and rainbows are formed from our pain.

How well can I accept my tears as part of my happiness today?

Tears of happiness is good. They are cleansing and good for the soul too. I am really hurting today because of the weather and I think my emotional and mental state due to my son`s action, or non-actions and not getting on the bus and following through with his plan. I am powerless, except to pray. I can`t allow my pain to dictate my life. I can`t allow it to take away the happiness of a moment.