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01-10-2024, 07:07 AM
Who Am I? Day 10 by SGLY Ministry

Day 10 – In Christ I am: ENRICHED
That in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge;
1 Corinthians 1:5 KJV

Paul was speaking to the believers in Corinth and telling them that he noticed, since their conversion in Christ, they were enriched in speaking about spiritual things and were able to understand greatly the doctrine and knowledge of the gospel and the testimony of the things that Paul had been teaching them.

He saw a great difference in them after they had believed and received Christ! They were rich in knowledge and they shared what they were learning, speaking it correctly, and with wisdom. God had enriched them in Christ and in turn they were bringing God glory through their actions. Previously they weren’t learned scholars or polished speakers, they were just ordinary folks who believed the gospel, accepted Christ, were baptized, and in Christ were changed spiritually.

Believers, in Christ we have also been enriched, which means we have been made spiritually rich in everything, and this should also show in our speaking and knowledge of Christ and of God’s word. No matter who we are we have been blessed with enrichment spiritually and like the people of Corinth, as we learn, grow and share our spiritual knowledge with others God will be glorified through us.

Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11