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04-01-2014, 08:34 AM
Reframing Memories

Memories pop into our minds out of nowhere, bringing with them buried feelings. If it's a happy memory, it gives us a boost. If it's not, it triggers the associated negativity, causing heaviness in our minds.

Reframe the negative memories & free the mind. How? When a memory comes up, accept it & then spotlight the positive. What good came out of this? Did I gain something new, a skill, a friend, an opportunity, a lesson, resilience, confidence?

Reframing takes the sting out of the memory. If reframing doesn't work with certain memories, talk to someone you trust.

04-02-2014, 10:45 AM
Fear or Caution

Sometimes fear can help us weigh up risks and caution us to be careful.

So listen to those little tugs of fear. Check whether the fear is rational or irrational. Accordingly decide whether you need to:
a) honor your fear and step back from the potential risk or
b) challenge and push through your fear, and take action.

04-03-2014, 11:09 AM
Escape to Engage

When it all gets too much, take 10 minutes to escape it all. Let your mind escape to a desired state of being or a desired destination.

If its serenity, joy, power, whatever you want to be, then focus on it and let the feeling grow and flow through you. Or take your mind to a sunset in the mountains or a warm tropical island.

Escape for a moment. Expand the horizon of your mind. Then you'll be ready to fully engage in life!

04-04-2014, 12:08 PM
Housework, Tension or Harmony

If you live in a shared space, you might find that often the issue that creates tension is housework. But like it or not, household chores need to be done. So try to divide the chores fairly & agree on who does what around the house.

Keep in mind that everyone does things differently & has different cleanliness standards. So relax your expectations & trust each other to get on with the chores. And when someone neglects to do their bit, give a friendly reminder, lend a hand if you can or communicate without nagging.

How do you create housework harmony?

04-05-2014, 11:30 AM
The Goal of Contentment

Contentment is to be satisfied with what we have and who we are. This doesn't mean that we have no ambitions or goals. It means that we have our eye on the goal, but at the same time, we can be content. Be content and you'll have the power to achieve and be more.

04-06-2014, 08:35 AM
No Strings, No Expectations

Generosity gives without expectations and gets everything. So avoid attaching strings to any generosity you extend. Give without wanting anything in return and simply accept whatever comes back, or doesn’t come back! Actually, what is right and what you need comes to you naturally, at the right time.

04-07-2014, 09:21 AM
Gaining Self Respect

We gain self respect when we live our values.

Define the values that are truly important to you. Prioritize the values you would like to emphasize and live by, at all times.

Live life aligned to your values; even when no one is looking, even when the choice isn't easy. Then you'll be inspired and most importantly, you'll have earned self respect.

04-08-2014, 10:15 AM
Symphony of Noise

How do you cope with the noise that surrounds you? The traffic, people talking, dogs barking, birds chirping.... Can you hear the music in these daily symphonies?

Embrace the variety of sounds and you might just hear a symphony. You see, all the noise must originate from somewhere, so whatever or whoever is behind the noise, wish them well. Pretend you're the conductor of the noise symphony and move your arms in appreciation and good wishes.

04-09-2014, 10:19 AM
Practice, Practice, Practice

Want to get better at something? Practice.

Practice, regularly and consistently. It can amount to astounding results over time. It can make you outstanding.

So what will you practice? Make a thoughtful decision on what you practice, how you practice and why you practice it.

04-10-2014, 09:22 AM
Handling Negative Feedback

Receiving negative feedback is not pleasant or easy to hear, but it is part and parcel of life. So we may as well handle it effectively. How?

1. If possible, try not to respond immediately. Give yourself a few seconds, minutes or more to cool down and to process the feedback.

2. If it feels right, say "Thank you for your feedback."

3. Assess the feedback. Is there any truth in it? Is it highlighting any blind spots? If you take the bits that seem useful for self improvement, you flip negative to positive.

04-11-2014, 09:55 AM
Feel Good Fix

Feeling out of sorts? Need a quick fix? Reach out and find a way to help someone.

When you help someone, you help yourself. Do good and you feel good. Feel good and you're more likely to do more good!

Today think of simple ways you can help others, especially when you're not feeling good.

04-12-2014, 08:44 AM
Stretch Yourself

Ever noticed how wildflowers stretch above the crowd, towards the light? The unexpected reward for this natural process for the wildflower is a broader view of its surroundings! How far are you prepared to stretch yourself in order to 'grow' and gain a wider perspective?

04-13-2014, 10:38 AM
Like the Rain

Drop by drop, the rain washes away all that is old, making all the colours brighter and everything cleaner. In the same way, be like the rain and wash away the old stuff. Clean out the negative thoughts and feelings so that your inner positivity can shine.

04-14-2014, 08:39 AM
Count Blessings, Not Sheep

Worried? Can't sleep? ".... just count your blessings instead of sheep, and you'll fall asleep, counting your blessings." Bing Crosby

When you can't sleep because you're worried, don't sleep on it. Get out of bed, write down what you are worried about, put it away for tomorrow and say good-night to your worries.

As your head hits the pillow, instead of counting sheep, start counting your blessings.... experiences, events, people, things.... Count your blessings, and soon appreciation and contentment will emerge. This will help you to relax into sleep.

04-15-2014, 09:47 AM
Key to Deadlines

To accomplish anything.... tasks, personal change, projects.... create deadlines for yourself.

Even to write this 'Thought for Today,' a deadline is set. Otherwise we'll just keep tweaking words and sentences to make it all sound better.

The key is to:
1. Set realistic deadlines. Think through all the steps, the time and the
challenges involved.
2. Set the deadline earlier than the real one. The extra space relieves the
pressure and makes the process more enjoyable.

04-16-2014, 09:19 AM
Live in Freedom

We all want to live in freedom, but what does that really mean? Does freedom mean doing what we want, when we want? But life doesn't work like that, does it?

Understand: freedom is a state of mind. Freedom is to be uninfluenced and unaffected by negativity. Freedom is the sensibility that you carry into whatever you do.

Recognize and resolve: What makes you feel trapped? What's holding you back? What clips your wings?

Make yourself freer. Feel free and let your good feelings, be the air under your wings.... and fly!

04-17-2014, 09:34 AM
Check-in With Yourself

We check-in with emails, people, social media accounts.... but what about checking-in with ourselves?

Check-in with yourself, monthly or quarterly, for about 15 - 30 minutes. Check-in to chart your progress. Take stock of where you are, how you are & where you are headed. Review your character, your motivation & your goals.

Have you scheduled your next check-in?

04-18-2014, 09:50 AM
Appreciating Beauty

We come across beauty in a number of shapes and forms. Sometimes in people, in buildings, a brilliant sunset, a work of art... When we appreciate beauty it stirs the essence of beauty within. For the essence of who we are, is beauty. So the next time you say, "Wow...that's beautiful," remember that when you appreciate beauty, you're appreciating yourself too.

04-19-2014, 09:45 AM
Opening the Closed Mind

Sometimes we're quick to make assumptions and fast to close our minds. Rather than rushing to close our minds, let's open the mind to learn more and understand better. Being open minded doesn't mean that we shouldn't stand by the truth as we know it, or that we must accept every point of view. Being open minded means that we're willing to reconsider and revise our assumptions. When we open the closed mind, we discover the delight of playing with possibilities!

04-20-2014, 10:19 AM
Coping with Grief

Everyone copes with grief differently, so be patient and give yourself time to heal. Accept your feelings and find constructive ways to release your emotions. Recognize that there's a loss and a vacuum that needs to be filled thoughtfully. Also know when to reach out to get support and share your grief. And whenever you remember the person you've lost, send them love and good wishes.

04-21-2014, 09:53 AM
Exercise and Meditation

Did you know that meditation can help you get more out of your exercise or workout routine! Meditation increases your discipline and concentration, strengthens your willpower and your ability to be more present. Meditate for a few moments before a workout. Breathe slowly, breathe deeply and relax all the muscles in your body… Meditate after your workout to cool down. Give yourself a few minutes to rest your body and mind, so that you’re ready to switch into the next activity.

04-22-2014, 10:05 AM
Turning Up

Turning up to a meeting, a favorite leisure activity, work, a social event, a conversation.... Turning up is important. But how I turn up is just as important. How do I turn up: unprepared, open minded, moody, confident, reluctant, enthused, preoccupied, interested....

How I turn up affects my contribution, my experience, people around me & the outcome. So it makes sense to, not just turn up but, choose how I turn up.

04-23-2014, 09:34 AM
An Over-stimulated Mind

Just as when a pebble is thrown into a pond, the ripples spread, making it hard to see through the water. In the same way, when our mind is constantly stimulated by countless stimuli, the ripple effect makes it hard to see within.

So make time to still the over-stimulated mind. Sit quietly. Let the surface of the mind become still. See within and discover your inner peace, positivity and power.

04-23-2014, 09:34 AM
An Over-stimulated Mind

Just as when a pebble is thrown into a pond, the ripples spread, making it hard to see through the water. In the same way, when our mind is constantly stimulated by countless stimuli, the ripple effect makes it hard to see within.

So make time to still the over-stimulated mind. Sit quietly. Let the surface of the mind become still. See within and discover your inner peace, positivity and power.

04-24-2014, 09:53 AM
Learning from Rivals

Sometimes we're too quick to criticize our rivals, competitors, peers.... Drop the criticism & you can learn a lot from them.

Recognize the traits & skills that make them effective. Notice what they do well & how they do it. Also take note of things they do that you want to avoid.

Take what you can learn from your rivals, competitors, peers.... Then adapt it or add it to better who you are & what you do.

04-25-2014, 09:13 AM
Be Like Peppermint Tea

There's nothing more comforting than a peppermint tea! Sip away and it'll soothe an unsettled tummy, relax your nerves, relieve the tension out of your muscles, refresh you in warm weather....

Did you know that our presence too, can be as versatile as peppermint tea? Our presence can create the right atmosphere. Cool, when the heat is on. Calm, when things get tense. Soothe, when hearts are anxious.

04-26-2014, 09:25 AM
Open Loops and Getting Things Done

All the little things that you’ve been procrastinating over become an open loop in your mind. Until you get things done, the open loop will suck your time, energy and mind space. Open loop stoppers are simple: take one thing that you’ve been putting off and do it now. When you finally do it, you are freed from the stress that it was causing you, a reward in itself.

04-27-2014, 08:26 AM
Create Vision

We are all creators of our own reality but it all starts with vision. What is your vision of yourself today? Be creative in your visioning. See it and you will be it. Be it and you will do it. Your vision is what drives action!

04-28-2014, 09:54 AM
The Way Things Are

There are times in our life when we're not content with the way things are.
So we start changing the backdrop & moving the props around to improve things. A change can change everything! But how soon are you, discontent, again?

Often the most effective way to begin when we're discontent is with contentment. Create contentment for the way things are: the backdrop & the props are exactly the way they are meant to be, at this moment in time.

Start with contentment & then think about making changes & improvements.

04-29-2014, 08:05 AM
Posture of Confidence

Don't slouch! Sit up! Stand up straight! How many times have you heard that?

Well your posture is not just a reflection of how you feel about yourself; it also affects how you feel about yourself.

As you read this, what's your posture like? Come on, back straight, shoulders back, chin up, chest out.... not just now, but throughout the day.

Improve your posture and not only will you look confident but you'll also feel more confident.

04-30-2014, 09:24 AM
Predicting Conversations

How often do you enter a conversation, predicting how the other person will respond? Already decided the outcome, its negative! And as you start to feel uneasy and short of breath, then of course, the conversation will be a bit off.

So the next time you find yourself jumping ahead in your prediction, catch your breath. It's worth remembering: I cannot predict another's response. Breathe and enter the conversation with a positive frame of mind. Now give the other person a chance to converse and give the conversation a chance.