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04-01-2014, 07:10 AM
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

See it as an opportunity

It’s only a limitation if you see it as a limitation. Choose to see it differently, and you’ll find a way around it.

Many things influence your life and your work, often in negative and limiting ways. Nothing, however, can stop you from moving forward in each moment with positive purpose when you are committed to doing so.

Instead of assuming that some factor in your life is a limitation, make a different assumption. Decide to see it as an opportunity to grow stronger.

Instead of wallowing in disappointment when things don’t work out the way you planned, choose a different response. Choose to be more inspired, more motivated and more determined than ever before.

Whatever has happened, has happened, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. What you can change, though, is what you do with it.

Tell yourself it’s a good thing, and moving forward, you’ll find a way for it to be precisely that. Rather than seeing something as a limitation, see it as an opportunity and get busy living the value that is most certainly there.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#88wqm0zLyG4mYmJV.99

04-02-2014, 10:26 AM
Will put my fears into God box a God can box not I can box Remember to let go and let God. So glad to be sober. Want to remember to always remember to be excited for my new life. :32:

04-02-2014, 11:28 AM
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Feel the greatness

This is a great day to be alive. This is a great day to be who you are, where you are, and the way you are.

On this day, you can begin by assuming the best. Then you can follow through and do everything in your power to make it happen.

Today there will be all kinds of challenges and frustrations. And today, you can use each one of them as a way to grow stronger, more compassionate, more capable and more accomplished.

This is a day that’s too unique and precious to waste. This is a day that’s filled with new and exciting possibilities for making a difference.

Though there are certainly things to complain about, there is much more to be thankful for. Focus on the gratitude instead of the shortcomings, and you’ll invite today’s special flavor of abundance into your life.

This is a great day to be positive, purposeful and filled with enthusiasm for all you can do. Feel all the potential greatness in this day, and get busy bringing it to life in your own special way.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#cRlqbsfTL8f1U3XF.99

04-03-2014, 08:20 AM
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Involve yourself fully

What will you do today to encourage your best possibilities? What will you do today to allow your great potential to be realized and fulfilled?

There is unique value within you. You deserve to experience that value, and all of life deserves to benefit from it.

That value flows out from you in the actions you take. The more passionately and sincerely you involve yourself in life, the more fully you’ll manifest that value.

Give yourself over to the day, to the moment, to whatever you’re doing. Give your thoughts, your heart, your awareness and your passion to the miracle of being where you are right now.

Involve yourself fully in the rich, amazing opportunity that is this moment. Remind yourself how truly great you have it, and commit yourself, again and again, to doing something meaningful with all you have.

This is a great time, filled with spectacular possibilities that are ready to spring forth from your actions. Live, love and act with all you have, and feel the intense joy of giving your very best.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#oJsOju7CA3q84vzK.99

04-04-2014, 05:49 AM
Friday, April 4, 2014

Empowering perspective

Whatever your problems may be, you’re not going to solve them by withdrawing from life. It may seem that life has beat you down, but that doesn’t mean you have to hide from it.

The answer is not to give up on life. The answer is to give up your negative perspective.

Success does not come from avoiding the difficult things. Success comes from transcending the difficulties while transforming them into positive value.

Yes, it is painful to move forward when you feel that life is pushing against you. Yet what is even more painful is the regret you’ll feel if you don’t make the effort.

Your attitude is always your choice. No matter what is happening on the outside, you can always maintain a powerful, positive outlook on the inside.

Choose today to rise above whatever might be threatening to bring you down. Choose a perspective that empowers you, and use that power to do truly great things.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#t867bkLi0y0gZUgi.99

04-05-2014, 07:10 AM
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Your job

Today is already beautiful and full of promise. Your job is to make it great.

There is already abundance in every direction. Your job is to make something valuable out of it.

Today, you’ve been given so very much. Your job is to give it meaning.

Choose today to make fewer judgments and to make more joy. Choose today to stop second guessing your intuition and to live the richness of your authentic purpose.

You are standing right in the middle of a whole universe that’s filled with great possibilities. Let yourself feel the immensity of that opportunity, then step forward and do something wonderful with it.

Your job today is to add new, meaningful experiences to the story of life. So get going, enjoy the challenges and the magnificent rewards your efforts will bring.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#Z0Vssedo3GrHrD4a.99

04-05-2014, 01:43 PM
Will put my fears into God box a God can box not I can box Remember to let go and let God. So glad to be sober. Want to remember to always remember to be excited for my new life. :32:

Remember that it is a God can I can't box. Just really release my hold and give truly away with humility love acceptance and tranquility serenity. It's ok as my 2 1/2 year old grandson says. Who has more faith than a child. Lessons to learn are everywhere if I open my heart and soul. So excited everyday to be sober. Thank you God for opening my heart and letting the love come in and so I may give gladly to others. :43::85:

04-06-2014, 08:26 AM
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Push you up

Stand misfortune on its head. Turn it into something good.

Don’t let the disappointments get you down. Let them get you going, even stronger than before.

After all, life is how you look at it. Look at it all as an opportunity for grace and joy and fulfillment.

Every single time you feel like complaining about how bad things are, there’s a much more powerful option. Visualize how truly good life can be and then take a bold, enthusiastic step in that direction.

Every situation is a situation in which you can choose to prosper. Every challenge helps to form the structure upon which you can build grand and meaningful success.

When anything pushes against you, choose to let it push you up. Every occasion is your occasion to brightly shine.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/090406.html#tTOVVDUb5dj2gQsb.99

04-07-2014, 08:10 AM
Monday, April 7, 2014

Focus on quality

There is only so much quantity you can add to any aspect of your life. Yet there is no limit to the level of quality you can attain.

Instead of doing something more and more, consider doing it better and better. Instead of increasing the quantity of what you consume or experience, consider raising the level of quality.

Live richly rather than ravenously. Focus not on how much you have but rather on how well you make meaningful use of it.

Let go of the wearisome need to have more and more. Embrace, enjoy and nurture your ability to give deeper meaning to what you already have.

Even the little things can bring great joy. Even the small moments can make a big difference.

Each moment is an opportunity to raise the level of quality in your life. Focus on quality, today and every day, and there is no limit to the richness you can experience.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#ppZKgffwGuur718Y.99

04-08-2014, 09:47 AM
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Act in this moment

Let yourself see the potential value in this moment. Open yourself to the opportunities in this day.

You are immersed in a sea of abundance, and it is up to you to make meaningful value out of it. You have the power to make a positive difference, so allow yourself to do so.

Take a moment to consider all the good and powerful possibilities that are within your reach right now. Remind yourself of what a shame it would be to let those possibilities go unfulfilled.

This is a day that’s like no other, and a day that will never be here again. It’s a day that can add enormous value to your life and your world, but only if you make use of it while it’s here.

Breathe in deeply, and fill your awareness with a fresh, invigorating sense of possibility. Feel your useful, beneficial power, and make the choice to immediately engage that power.

Act in this moment, on this day, with love, purpose and passion. And capture the unique value that this day offers for all of life.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#kLvTBtHLXI4Kshlt.99

04-09-2014, 09:18 AM
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Your own positive purpose

Imagine letting go of all frustration, anger, resentment and worry. Feel the freedom.

Imagine having no bitterness or envy, no anxiety and no fear. Imagine the immense positive power of not being held back by your negative feelings.

That is all possible, and it is possible right now. You have imagined it, and you can just as surely live it.

Sure, all sorts of disappointing, frustrating and disconcerting things happen on a daily basis. Yet there is no good reason to hold on to the negativity in your life.

Choose instead to let it go. Choose instead to be driven by the power of your own positive purpose.

This day is too precious and too full of opportunity to let it be contaminated by past negativity. Let it all go, and let yourself live the best life you can imagine, right now.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#wXE4CCy8irkkquPh.99

04-10-2014, 07:27 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Feel the connection

Feel your connection to others. Feel your connection to all of life, and to all that is.

Focus your awareness in a place where there is no conflict. Live at a place of acceptance and peaceful power.

Realize that you can do no harm to others without doing harm to yourself. Realize that the goodness you give is the goodness you experience.

Understand that your negative thoughts actually do create negative reality. See that your love does indeed make the world a better place.

Choose to live from a higher perspective, at a higher level of energy than the problems. Rise above the meaningless distractions and invest your time and effort in what truly matters.

Live each moment with the simple yet powerful idea that there is goodness and value to be found everywhere. Feel your connection with life’s goodness, and let it grow ever more abundant through your presence.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#hjQ3oQLuVtucy0bA.99

04-11-2014, 09:11 AM
Friday, April 11, 2014

Make the effort to make it happen

Don’t just hope to get it done. Take the time and make the effort to make it happen.

The things you get done are the things you make a specific time for in your schedule. If it’s important enough to be an intention, then it’s important enough to get it scheduled.

Don’t relegate your valuable intentions to an open-ended to-do list. Put them on your calendar.

There’s only so much time in each day, so scheduling your intentions will force you to prioritize them. That will help you make sure the most important things actually get done.

Thoughts and intentions are important because they can define your direction. For your direction to actually matter, though, you must get yourself in motion.

Go beyond wishing, hoping, planning and talking. Take the time, take the action, and get it done.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#JRiQyvbydZr4Y5Lq.99

04-12-2014, 08:41 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2014

The power to choose

The pains, disappointments and frustrations tug at you. And yet, you are infinitely more powerful than all of them put together.

With your very next thought, you can rise above any kind of negativity. With your next action, you can begin to put real distance between yourself and whatever was bringing you down.

You have the power to choose the way you see life, and the way you experience life. You can take whatever comes, and make something positive out of it.

The more you make a conscious, intentional choice about how to live, the stronger you become at doing so. Over time, as you continue to exercise your power to choose, you add real richness and fulfillment to your life.

Look at this day, with all its problems and challenges, and see the positive possibilities. Look inside yourself, and find the dreams, goals and desires that have the strength to push you forward.

Choose to live a life of unique greatness, and to give that greatness to your world. In every moment you have the power to choose, so choose the very best.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#u1Z5jBumqP7ccSiF.99

04-13-2014, 08:15 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Your choice

You can resent the amount of work you have to do. Or you can get busy and use it as an opportunity to create great value.

You can see each setback as a fatal blow to the achievement of your dream. Or you can learn from all the ups and the downs and make the achievement of your dream all the more valuable as a result of each challenge.

You can pounce upon each bit of bad news and extrapolate it to portend the end of the world. Or you can celebrate the fact that bad news is news only because it is so relatively rare.

You can decide that everyone is out to get you and withdraw from life in fear. Or you can jump right into the tangled, confused, exciting and delightful mixture that every moment brings, and find real treasure in it all.

You can sit and wait and complain and convince yourself that things will never get better. Or you can enthusiastically jump forward and make life the best it can be.

Whatever the situation, whoever is involved, you always have a choice. Choose each time to express the authentic beauty of your being, and live in a world where life is so very good.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/090413.html#S6TIM01jrK0mpbUF.99

04-14-2014, 08:00 AM
Monday, April 14, 2014

This is going to be

This is going to be a beautiful day. The way you can know that is because you will make it so.

This is going to be a productive day. You can live its moments with your awareness focused on bringing new value to life.

This is going to be a unique, memorable day. You have the opportunity right now to make the memories great ones.

This is going to be a joyful day. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, whomever you’re with, you can add your own joy to the mix.

This is going to be a meaningful day. For you can use its many moments and possibilities in the service of what truly matters.

The way this day turns out depends on what you choose to do with it. And what you can choose, right now, is to make it the best one yet.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#eHDkzQdlQ7jDao9B.99

04-15-2014, 08:40 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Make the changes work

In order for things to be better, they must be different. If you wish to make improvements, you must make changes.

You cannot get improved results by continuing to do exactly what you’ve been doing. To upgrade your life, upgrade your attitude, your expectations and your actions.

Moving positively forward means moving into unfamiliar territory. Remind yourself that although it can be uncomfortable, the potential rewards are truly great.

It’s easy to get stuck where you are because all you have to do is do nothing. But that’s not what you really want for your life.

Don’t waste your days hiding from or fighting against the necessity of change. Put your energy into finding and manifesting the valuable opportunities in an ever-changing world.

By very definition, life is always changing. Make the changes work for you, and change your world into an even better place.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#4cuDYXHFv0OGmeGE.99

04-16-2014, 08:43 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What you do next

Don’t define yourself by your past. Define yourself by your possibilities.

The version of you that now matters is the version of you going forward. See your life in those terms, from that perspective.

The only thing that can really hold you back is your reluctance to fulfill your best possibilities. Though progress is rarely easy, it is always possible.

You cannot just walk away from the obligations you’ve incurred in the past. However, you absolutely can choose to honor those obligations by going above and beyond them.

No matter what the past has been, today is an opportunity. You are alive, capable, motivated and in a position to make a positive difference in some way.

Look forward, see that opportunity, and dive into the fulfillment of it. What really matters now is what you do next, so make it something great.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#Vi28BJDbbEfLHLi1.99

04-17-2014, 08:49 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Transform weakness into strength

Weakness is nothing to be ashamed of. It is something to be worked on.

It’s good to improve on your strengths. It’s even better, though, to make improvements in the areas that are your weaknesses.

When you improve on your strengths, you get good incremental gains. Yet when you can transform a weakness into a strength, you get major, life-changing gains.

Be willing to admit what you don’t know, what you are not experienced at doing, and what you don’t understand. Then get busy learning, developing your skills, and increasing your understanding.

Instead of using your weaknesses as excuses, use them as pathways for improvement. Instead of resigning yourself to whatever’s holding you back, challenge yourself to find a way around it.

Be honest and realistic with yourself about where you are coming up short. Then do the work, transform that weakness into strength, and move forward faster than ever before.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#6ytHgBoLkERqYXgC.99

04-18-2014, 08:25 AM
Friday, April 18, 2014

The richness of now

Right now is an exceptional moment. Be here with all you are, and experience its richness.

Feel the energy that is already available to you. See the value that is already in front of you, right now.

Let go of any thoughts of limitation or conflict. Let yourself see the unique beauty that is here and now.

Instead of obsessing over how things should be, tap into the great value of how things are. Instead of longing for the past or wishing for the future, live with joy, satisfaction and gratitude in the present.

Right now, let yourself be genuinely happy, and you will be. Right now, let yourself be more fully alive than ever.

Reach out and touch the exquisite world that is yours to experience right here, at this very moment. Feel the joy, feel the substance, and feel the love as you fully live the richness of now.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#CzRrheUbHUJdCPoF.99

04-19-2014, 08:42 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2014

With every choice

Every choice you make, makes a difference. Remember always to use that power wisely.

Every moment you live provides you with opportunity. Transform that opportunity into meaningful value in your own unique way.

You have immense power over the quality of your life and the shape of your world. That power is exercised in the choices you make.

When you live with positive purpose, a positive attitude and positive expectations, you’ll make positive, life-enriching choices. Those choices will reliably create a life of great fulfillment.

What you think, what you feel, what you say and what you do all matter very much. In every moment, with every choice, you move your life in a specific direction.

Make the commitment to always make that direction a good and meaningful one. Choose wisely, and live magnificently.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#CdKVJDXwE5lTEezx.99

04-20-2014, 07:15 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Stop and remember

When you are tempted to stray off track, stop and take a moment to consider where you’re going. Remember why you originally began traveling the path you’re on.

When the many distractions of life put you in danger of losing focus, stop and give yourself an opportunity to regain clarity. Remember the depth of passion with which you first started your journey.

When it seems that nothing is going your way, stop and make some time to adjust your perspective. Recall how far you’ve already come, and remind yourself that positive actions will indeed have positive, valuable results.

When you find that you’ve grown weary, stop and give yourself a real, refreshing, well-deserved break. Then you can jump back into the effort with a renewed vigor and sense of purpose.

When you feel that you’ve lost faith in the goodness of life, stop and look around you. Offer your genuine help to someone in need, and you’ll find that your heart is soon being healed.

When you find yourself too caught up in the frustrations that surround you, stop and remember the treasures you value most deeply. And you’ll reconnect to the incredible abundance that is your life.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/060420.html#DXiVCj5ygdg3Vk6D.99

04-21-2014, 08:51 AM
Monday, April 21, 2014

There is so much to value

Getting uptight won’t get anything done. Relax, enjoy the moment, and you’ll get more positive value out of it.

The work may be difficult, complicated and challenging, but that doesn’t mean you must fight against it. Be genuinely thankful for the opportunity to make a difference, and the difference you make will be a beautiful one.

Being resentful about what you must do will only make it more burdensome. You can choose instead to be enthusiastic, and you’ll immediately feel a great weight lifted off your shoulders.

There is so much to value, appreciate and enjoy about life. It really makes no sense to fight against it.

Take a deep, relaxing breath and remind yourself how good you have it. Choose to use your considerable energy to live your best possibilities.

Embrace your precious, unique and wonderful life. And live it with the peaceful, positive power that is always yours to choose.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#P5AyTPYOrHIBSkTA.99

04-22-2014, 08:55 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Peacefully engaged

Peace is not arrived at by merely doing nothing. On the contrary, peace is attained by doing substantive and significant things, and doing them without conflict.

That means living with purpose, with love, compassion, forgiveness and genuine tolerance. It means putting your very best into the effort while at the same time detaching your sense of self worth from the result.

Your life, your work and your whole world are all filled with conflicting interests. Yet that doesn’t mean you must handle them by fighting.

In fact, diverse and conflicting interests can absolutely be resolved in much more positive ways, and it happens every day. That is one of life’s great challenges, and working through the challenge produces great value.

Seek not merely to do significant things. Seek to achieve what you achieve with a peaceful heart, for that is true and sustainable achievement.

Be fully engaged in life while also being completely at peace with who you are. It is indeed a powerful and fulfilling combination.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#WCAkpObzouxiS1Pu.99

04-23-2014, 08:21 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Positive alternatives

The more you focus on any possibility, the more power and substance you give to it. It is by giving your persistent attention and energy to the possibilities that you make them real.

The same dynamic works for both the desirable and the undesirable possibilities. Whether you strongly fear or strongly desire, the power of your unrelenting attention will work to create whatever you focus upon.

Choose, then, to make your focus a positive one. Instead of living in fear of the bad stuff, live with a persistent desire and appreciation for the good stuff.

Be sincerely thankful for the goodness you already have, and your gratitude will create even more. Imagine in detail how your world can be a better place, and your time and energy will go toward making it so.

Not only does fear itself bring you down, it also enables you to bring yourself down. Avoid all that not by avoiding your fears, but by turning your attention to their positive alternatives.

Your attention has great power. Remember always to focus that power in a desirable direction.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#5UFRLWX3xdzefcTt.99

04-24-2014, 08:36 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sincerely love

Let go of the need to desire what the world says you should desire. Let yourself truly enjoy being who you are and living richly in the moment you’re in.

Worldly fame and fortune are mere artifacts of the things that really matter. Choose to love what you sincerely love, without the unnecessary pressure of having to impress anyone.

You don’t need permission, or certain specific circumstances, to be beautiful. You already are uniquely beautiful and worthy of a magnificent life.

Go ahead and live that life now, right where you are, with what you have, doing whatever you’re doing. Instead of placing arbitrary judgments on your situation, give your own profound love and meaning to it.

There is no limit to the joy you can create and the fulfillment you can experience on this very day. Everywhere you’ll discover beauty to be found and opportunities for living with true richness.

Stop fretting about what everyone else might do or say or think. Give your energy to all that you sincerely love, and live the great, wonderful fortune that is already within you.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#hjCBHkaIPoAZevmC.99

04-25-2014, 08:06 AM
Friday, April 25, 2014

Harvest the richness

Even when it seems that life is not good to you, be good to life. Even when there is no reason to be positive, live with a positive outlook.

The best things in life do not come from reacting to what has already happened. The best things in life come from choosing to make new and positive and valuable things happen.

Decide not to be a slave to the way others live their lives. Instead of following the crowd, follow your own highest vision.

Choose not to be limited by your history or your circumstances. Choose instead to find the positive possibilities in this day, and to act on them.

There are all sorts of perfectly understandable reasons to be disappointed with life, but there is never any necessity to be. You can always choose to be positive, enthusiastic, empowered and effective.

Live each moment from a perspective of positive, loving purpose. Your life is, right now, your great opportunity, so harvest its outstanding richness in every moment.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#itKtdI1iflL2UpUB.99

04-26-2014, 08:07 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Let it all motivate you

The way to be highly motivated is not to go out and look for things to motivate you. The way to be highly motivated is to let everything motivate you.

Be motivated by the defeats as well as the victories. Be motivated by the challenges and difficulties just as much as you’re motivated by the positive possibilities.

When you hear encouraging news, be motivated. When someone gives you discouraging news, be just as motivated.

Your level of motivation does not depend on what happens. It depends on the way you choose to respond.

Choose to respond with a sense of positive and meaningful motivation. No matter what happens or fails to happen, let it motivate you to reach higher and to create new value.

You cannot know everything that will fill this day, yet you can choose right now what to do with it. Let it all motivate you to make the efforts that will make it all even better.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#MUty7Y3IhUfU0XDK.99

04-27-2014, 08:25 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Take action

Success does not come to those who merely have great ideas. Success comes to those who have great ideas and who follow through on them.

Your carefully crafted plans bring value only when you put them into action. The best of intentions are useful only when you follow through on them.

During the course of the day, many thoughts cross your mind. Yet just as easily and quickly as those thoughts come, they recede, so it’s crucial to begin acting on the best ones right away.

Before a valuable and meaningful intention gets pushed out of your mind by another thought, do something about it. Set the process irrevocably in motion and begin to bring that intention to life.

When you think of doing something, there’s a reason why you have that thought. Listen to what the thought is suggesting, and take action immediately.

Don’t let the idea or the intention or the vision slip away. Take action and make it real.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/motivate/090427.html#YfCiWlRJAR4JBHaJ.99

04-28-2014, 08:20 AM
Monday, April 28, 2014

This very day

Don’t wait any longer. Live your very best life today.

Don’t hold your happiness hostage waiting for some imagined perfect circumstance to come along. Choose to be happy, joyful and truly thankful for the moment you’re in.

You deserve a life that is magnificent. And you deserve to let yourself live it right now.

Don’t put off until someday the richness that you can live on this very day. Remind yourself what a fantastic opportunity you have, and go with it.

You can add unique beauty to life, so do it now. You can live in harmony with your highest vision, so do it now.

This very day, this very place is where you have the good fortune of being. Live it fully, with love, with commitment, with joy and grace, and live it now.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#MDssKwPI4DQOzzkc.99

04-29-2014, 09:05 AM
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Essential to life

You are not too old or too tired or too broke or too disadvantaged. You are uniquely qualified to add substance to life.

Don’t get caught up in making judgments about what is fair or unfair or easy or difficult. Just get on with the satisfying and fulfilling business of making a real positive difference in the world.

You’ve done it many times before and you know you can do it many more times again. You know how great it makes you feel to know you truly matter.

So get busy, get some good stuff done, and feel that great feeling again and again. Forget about the silly excuses and focus on the significant difference you can make.

There are lots of great people in this world. Yet there is no one who can do a better job of being you than you.

Life is great, and you are essential to that greatness. Do your part, in your own special way, and feel how truly great it is.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#hiB4v0Bl3DAsa6x7.99

04-30-2014, 08:23 AM
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Lighten up and live well

You are an important, indispensable part of life on this day. Yet that is no reason to be arrogant.

You have a vital job to do. Yet that doesn’t mean you must be stuffy and overly serious.

You do things best when you do them joyfully. Lighten up, have fun, and spread true joy everywhere you go.

Be mature and responsible, but don’t be dull and brooding about it. Be purposeful and determined, but don’t be uptight about it.

Demonstrate your determination not with a rigid scowl on your face, but with joyous achievement. Life is an amazingly grand adventure, so allow yourself to experience and express delight in every moment.

See yourself as happily dancing through the moments of this day, and nothing will be able to bring you down. Live lightly, live joyously, and live well.

— Ralph Marston

Read more at http://greatday.com/#apHjQuLOIwBGt6O3.99