View Full Version : Standing Firm - Breastplate of Righteousness Day 17

10-17-2023, 07:02 AM
Standing Firm - Breastplate of Righteousness Day 17 by SGLY Ministry

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV.

Righteousness is right standing with God. There is no way in and of ourselves that we can be righteous in God’s eyes except through Jesus.
In Jesus we are covered with His righteousness, so then God sees us as righteous. Without Christ as our righteousness Isaiah 64:6 says: “…we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags;…”

Therefore, Christ is the Breastplate of Righteousness we need to wear daily for in and of ourselves we can never be righteous.

The enemy will attempt to deceive us into thinking that we can be, he will lie and encourage us to be self-righteous, but if we know the truth we will recognize his attempts to defeat us and we will stand firm in the righteousness of Christ that God has provided for us.

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, who knew no sin to be sin for me, so that I might become righteous in Your eyes. I am so grateful for Your love and for the blood of Your Son who paid the price for me to be a new person spiritually. Today as I wear Your Armor I will do so as a thankful soldier wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness, who stands firm in the faith.

Today: Rejoice that you are righteous in God’s eyes because of Christ. Give thanks that you are dressed in God’s Armor and not in filthy rags. Sing praises to God.

Blessings to you daily as you wear His Armor provided to all of us who are in Christ.