View Full Version : God is my all in all

03-26-2014, 01:24 PM
God is my all in all.

It is possible to be alone yet not lonely; to feel down but not out; to experience loss and recover. All is possible because the spirit of God fills me with a steady stream of comfort and love. If I experience loss or a broken heart, I invite the love of God to heal me. Divine love is powerful in restoring my body, mind, and spirit.

If I am grieving, I trust in the promise of Spirit’s comfort and restoration. I recall the story of Job, who went from having everything to losing everything—possessions, friendships, social status, and health. Eventually, God restored it all to Job, even beyond what had been lost. I trust in God within to restore me to wholeness. The ups and downs in life are temporary, but God’s love is constant and sure.
Remember, I am with you always.—Matthew 28:20

Daily Word

03-26-2014, 11:27 PM
God is or He isn't. We are asked to put our lives into His Care. We ask Him for Help, it isn't His Job to do it for us. He gives me strength, courage, direction, faith, hope, grace, and so much more.

God is for living. It isn't about sitting back and shutting off the world and wanting it to get better, it is about us getting better so we can handle life on life's terms.

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