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08-23-2023, 08:28 AM
Maintaining That Morning Peace


I love mornings. For as long as I can remember, this has been the time of day when I can think clearly, accomplish mountain moving and feel so totally centered that all things are achievable. There is something about the clean fresh air, the quietness of the house, the calm of the world, and the innocence of the day. And then…..the news of the day creeps in, the dog wants breakfast, the family starts to drift into the day and the reality of the day is realized.

Recently I decided to work on maintaining that morning peace, if even for a few more moments. The most success has been through my morning prayers. As I awake, I enter the prayer room. I am aware of so many who need prayer, and this clear thinking time is the right time for me to offer up those prayers. Then I proceed to ask for guidance, grace and wisdom. The thought of even remotely achieving these strengthens my will to follow His wishes. And finally, I ask for the hand of God to rest on my shoulders from time to time during a busy day. Knowing He is there, carrying me, walking next to me and touching my life – What a calming and warm feeling!

In the 34th Psalm, we read of such great promises of joy, glory and peace when we seek the Lord.”taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8).

` Yesterday I read that anything repeated for 21-28 days will become a habit (good or bad). My challenge to you, as you read this, is to pray for at least 21 days in a row. Not all find the morning to be so delightful ( I know of one who says anyone who smiles before 10am is not to be trusted ) – but find your perfect time ( note that I said YOUR perfect time) and pray – day after day. There will come a day when you realize that this is now part of your day, your life and your future. I pray that you will find the peace and contentment that accompanies your walk. Trust in the Lord – Always.
Claudia Little

“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning”….Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Father, we ask that you are there when we rise in the morning, walk with us as we wander through our daily maze and comfort us in our evening hours. Please offer us the strength to make you a “habit” that will follow us through all of our days. We love you Lord, and we praise your holy name. Amen