View Full Version : A Heart Poured Out

03-19-2014, 11:05 AM
A Heart Poured Out

Bible Reading: Psalms 42:4-5; 62:5-8; 142:1-2; Lamentations 2:18-19

Did you ever have an ache inside that you needed to share, but couldn't find anyone who had the time to listen? Do you have problems that seem to have no solution? Do you feel restless and shaken, hopeless and alone?

Only God can give you the peace and rest you need. He will not allow you to be shaken or defeated. He has the solutions to all of your problems and always has time to listen to you. Pour your heart out to Him. You can trust in Him at all times.

Moment of Meditation: Troubles retained harden the heart.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, I pour out my heart to You, for You and You alone can hear and solve those things that try to defeat me. Thank you for Your peace. Amen.

Author Unknown

03-19-2014, 05:54 PM
As my sponsor said many years ago, Don't call them troubles, you can stay stuck in them. Call them challenges, those you can over come.

Love the meditation. So often our anger and resentments especially, turn us into a slave to our emotions, and our heart and thoughts become bitter and closed to anything that will melt our hearts and sweeten our outlook on life. Guilt is another thing that blocks us from God and prevents us from letting go of the past.