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03-18-2014, 02:05 AM
I am very grateful for the love that I receive from my Higher power today. I always believed He loves me but @ times its hard for me to see it... self reliant Recently my spouse developed cancer and I noticed all the love that was offered and couldn't doubt the power of my God working before me. See I always pray and do, and when things needs done I'm there. This time I was completely slowed down not going to meetings being there for my other half, calling my sponsor every couple days, but through the thick of it I prayed & meditated hard... Lord help me and my family and help me to better feel your presence...well He showed up through others with a warm embrace & overshadowing of love and sympathy. I'm very grateful to my Church,support group,sponsor,spiritual retreat family,& love ones whom by the grace of God allowed His love flow through them as a channel ��

03-18-2014, 11:06 AM
THANKYOU for sharing, Tmac, your post is inspiring.
May Angels of Love continue to wrap you with strength, peace and courage.

03-18-2014, 07:21 PM
Welcome tmac to the site. Thank you for signing in and sharing with us. Hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us.

A great gift when I walked through the doors of recovery and found that unconditional love, not only from the fellowship, but from the God of my understanding. Even more important, grateful that I learned to love myself. They loved me back to good health.
