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06-15-2023, 07:46 AM
But they will have to give an account to Him Who is ready to judge and pass sentence on the living and the dead. — 1 Peter 4:5 (AMPC)

Taking Responsibility for Yourself by Joyce Meyer

Many years ago, I had an employer who took advantage of me. He required me to work so many hours that I had virtually no time to spend with my family. I was constantly worn out and never had time for myself. He never showed appreciation and always expected more. If I even mildly indicated that I might not be able to comply with one of his requests, his anger would start to surface, and I would end up caving in and agree to do whatever he had asked.

As I was praying about the situation one day and moaning to God about how unfair it was, He said, "What your boss is doing is wrong, but you not confronting him is just as wrong." This was hard for me to hear. Like most people, I wanted to blame someone else for my lack of courage. Had I not been a people-pleaser, and had I not been afraid, I would have saved myself about five years of being so stressed that it eventually made me very sick. My boss wasn't my problem; I was my problem.

It’s important to realize that God has given you authority first and foremost over your own life. If you don't accept and exercise that authority, you may spend your life blaming others for things you should be doing something about. Your job is to make your own decisions according to what you believe God's will is for you.

On Judgment Day, God will not ask anyone else to give an account of your life, He will only ask you (see Matthew 12:36; 1 Peter 4:5). What if Jesus were to ask you why you never got around to fulfilling His call on your life? Would you tell Him people took advantage of you your whole life, and you just couldn't do anything about it? Would you say that you were so busy keeping people happy that you just never got around to pleasing Him? If you did, how do you think He’d respond?

I want to encourage you to take some time today and ask God to show you if there’s anything you need to reevaluate and regain control of in your life. He’s promised to lead, guide and strengthen you, so you can trust that whatever He shows you, He’ll help you overcome (see Isaiah 30:21; 41:10).

Prayer Starter: Father, please show me where I need to grow in taking responsibility for my own life and decisions. Thank You for giving me the wisdom and strength to begin fulfilling the purpose You have for my life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.