View Full Version : Forgive

06-05-2023, 06:02 AM

I forgive and make a fresh start.

Mountain climbing with a heavy pack is difficult and burdensome, especially if the pack is full of unnecessary items. That’s how it feels when I carry the weight of resentment or anger with me day after day. Yet through the practice of forgiveness, I am able to let these burdens go.

In prayer, I release to God all grudges, resentment, and unforgiving thoughts I may have held against others. I ask for relief and willingly let go of any sorrows from the past so I am open to the blessings of today.

Through forgiveness, I free myself to enjoy life fully. My load is lightened and my burden is lifted. Today is a new day, a time to make a fresh start, a day filled with unlimited good.

If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.—Matthew 6:14

Daily Word