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06-01-2023, 06:54 AM
June 1
Making meaning
You don’t find meaning so much as you make it. In any arena of life, the meaning you experience is a function of what you put into it.
Is a particular job, or relationship, or journey meaningful? That depends on how you invest yourself in it.
Embracing responsibility, working through challenge, being creative, dependable, persistent, these create meaning. In spending time and utilizing resources, life’s meaning is lived.
Places that have no meaning for anyone else can be especially meaningful to you because of what you’ve done in those places. Consider what you’re doing today to make meaning in the place where you are.
Offer time, attention, and effort to it, and it will have meaning. Do what you can do, and what you do brings new meaning into being.
Life is as meaningful as you choose to make it. With your time, with your focus, with your actions, make meaning.
— Ralph Marston
06-01-2023, 01:15 PM
Happy New Month My Dear friends.
Thanking God for getting though the
month of May one day at a time.
God bless you with peace and love
as you continue your the spiritual journey.
Enjoy the Sunshine of life.
God bless you Tammy and Kracker.
06-01-2023, 02:11 PM
God bless you willbe. :42:
06-02-2023, 07:18 AM
June 2
Stretch yourself
You’ll thank yourself if you regularly stretch yourself. You’ll appreciate the new strength you develop by willingly taking on challenges.
It’s temptingly comfortable to stay where you are and continue doing what you’re used to doing. Don’t let that comfort become a prison.
The world at your feet stretches far beyond the horizon. Venture away from what you already know, and discover how much more you can be.
It’s good to have the confidence that comes from knowing what to expect. What’s even better is to expand that confidence by encountering situations you don’t expect.
Experience how far your capabilities can take you. Gain new understanding of the world, the people, the ideas, customs and circumstances around you.
Give yourself a healthy dose of fresh energy and inspiration. Seek today to stretch yourself, and feel more of the curiosity and competence that have always been yours.
— Ralph Marston
06-02-2023, 09:29 AM
How truly blessed we r. May God continue to bless u and guide u both as we walk with him day to day. To seek him for all r needs . For his will b done regardless of what happens. What a lovin God we hav and how truly blesswe r cuz of him. God b with y'all
06-03-2023, 07:16 AM
June 3
Cause to be hopeful
You have cause to be hopeful. From wherever you may be, life can move in a good and fulfilling direction.
Hope supports you in creating the conditions and the outcomes that bring about what you hope for. Though it can be naive to hope, it is at the same time foolish not to.
Hope has no power of its own. Yet hope can awaken and inspire the great power that lives within you.
Hope guides you into places and experiences in which you can seize opportunity and bring it to fruition. Whatever it is you hope for, you find a way to focus and work and live for.
Give in to hope, let it energize you. Deploy that energy in the service of what you hope to accomplish, to become.
Put hope out there. Then do the work and follow where it leads.
— Ralph Marston
06-03-2023, 07:17 AM
June 4
The way it was
Nothing can again be the way it was. Yet many current situations could be improved by understanding and applying what has been successful in the past.
In history there is extensive wisdom. Though knowledge is greater now than ever, that doesn’t make past knowledge irrelevant.
Indeed, the more you learn, the better you can make use of what you and others already knew. You can transform the most enduring values of the past into new value in the future.
By today’s standards, the practices of the past can often look foolish or worse. Then again, someone from a hundred years ago would consider it foolish to stare at a five inch screen for hours on end.
They had their reasons and you have yours. Rather than blithely dismissing what went before, seek to learn from it.
Success does not live in the past. It has, however, left an abundance of very useful lessons there.
— Ralph Marston
06-05-2023, 06:35 AM
June 5
Path to achievement
To make the job less difficult, start doing it. To shorten the journey, get yourself in motion.
When the challenge is only a concept, it can seem impossible. Once you take steps to meet that challenge you begin to see that it can be done.
Familiarize yourself with a problem and it becomes solvable. As you approach the obstacle you’re able to see how you can get through it.
Experience yourself making a small amount of progress. That enables you to visualize yourself making even more progress.
Begin by acting on faith. Before long, you’ll be riding on your own momentum.
Take the first step, even though you cannot see what the next step will be. Soon you’ll be looking back on the path you just successfully followed to achievement.
— Ralph Marston
06-06-2023, 05:59 AM
June 6
Focus firmly forward
Glance back, keep a strong sense of where you came from and an appreciation for all who have gone before you. All the while, keep your focus firmly forward.
This time now is when you can think, act, experience, make a difference. The time ahead is where you’ll soon be.
Give your commitment to now and to what’s coming. Honor, respect, and carry valuable lessons from the past while applying the best of yourself to the time and place where you are.
Find treasure in the good times that have brought joy and in the difficulties that have built strength. And move on ahead, ready, willing, and enthusiastic to add more real substance to life.
Allow yourself plenty of comforting and informative memories, but don’t hold on too tight. Life is a perpetually dynamic experience, and you deserve to live its full range.
Live, love, and learn all you can, as you can. Keep moving forward to even more.
— Ralph Marston
06-07-2023, 07:06 AM
June 7
Meaningful priorities
In order to do more in one area of life you must do less in other areas. So ask yourself, what matters most, and what can you let go of?
Make more room for what’s important by leaving behind what’s not. Seize upon opportunities to free yourself from the trivial, the superficial, and create more space for the consequential.
You can really only give quality attention to one thing at a time. Be your best self by prioritizing where your attention is invested.
Certainly it’s easy to get distracted by the bright lights and captivating cacophony of emptiness. Yet it’s really not that difficult to turn away, toward what truly matters.
Your life, your time, your resources are precious and filled with great potential. Remind yourself of your opportunity and responsibility to fulfill that potential.
Your priorities determine how your life unfolds. Every moment, every choice is your chance to keep those priorities strong, steady, and meaningful.
— Ralph Marston
06-08-2023, 06:07 AM
June 8
Life goes on
Sometimes you need to be uncomfortable. Sometimes disappointment inspires you in a way that nothing else can.
Life is not perfect and you wouldn’t want it to be. Situations that are complex, messy, and ambiguous can end up bringing great value to your life.
There are occasions when you must proceed without having complete information about what you’re doing. There will come many times when you have no assurance of success.
But that’s how life goes, and you’re able to go along with it. That’s what life is, and you can take it all in stride.
If you always insist on a guarantee, you’re guaranteed to miss out on much of life’s value. Yet when you’re eager to take whatever comes, you’re sure to get plenty of rich and rewarding experiences.
Things break down, people are unpredictable, obstacles jump out of nowhere, and life goes on. Embrace the ups, the downs, the in betweens, the precise, the mysterious, and make new goodness from it all.
— Ralph Marston
06-09-2023, 07:02 AM
June 9
Demanding activities
The more an activity demands of you, the more valuable it is to you. Keep that in mind when choosing what to do with your precious and irreplaceable time.
If it doesn’t require the use of your thinking, your efforts, your resources or skills, there’s not much in it for you. Seek out something else that will be a better investment of your time.
You know in advance that each day will quickly pass. So be prepared to give meaningfully to life as every day’s time goes by.
That way, you can retain value from moments long after those moments are gone. Though you cannot stop time from passing, you can certainly prevent your time from being wasted.
What is this hour demanding from you? Whatever is being asked of you right now represents value that can endure far into the future.
Choose what challenges you, what purposefully utilizes the best you have to give. And you’ll soon be on the receiving end of all that industrious giving.
— Ralph Marston
06-10-2023, 05:32 AM
June 10
Useful work
There are things you do that have value to yourself and to others. Think of how you can do those things more often, more effectively, in more situations.
Being productive is not selfish and is not slavery. It is how you are able to live the life you live and to be of service to the world you live in.
Your priorities, your choices, your actions have consequences. Every decision is an opportunity to maximize the benefits of those consequences to you and to those around you.
Perhaps some of the ways you create value are so familiar that you take them for granted. Yet if you were to suddenly stop, it would diminish the quality of life for many people, including you.
There are other paths to value that are more of a struggle for you, and you’re highly aware of the price you pay. Even so, you get what you pay for, and the good things you bring to all of life are worth the cost.
Consider all you have done and all you can do to make your corner of the world a better place. People in that corner, and even those far beyond it, gain from the good and useful work you continue choosing to do.
— Ralph Marston
06-10-2023, 05:32 AM
June 11
Moment of beauty
Feel the energizing touch of a fresh breeze. Watch brightness fill your world as the sun comes up.
Delight in the open and unrestrained happiness of a young child. Dwell for a while on the positive possibilities in your life, in all of life.
In each day you’ll find plenty of opportunities to create a moment of beauty. Seize upon those opportunities.
Beauty exists because you experience it as such. Give yourself the experience of beauty, and you give to the circumstance something that transcends the circumstance.
Recognize the potential for beauty in the smallest details. Let the experience of beauty show you how fully alive you are.
Treasure the beauty, and absorb it deep into the core of who you are. Live the beauty that is always possible, and make it real in a way that only you can do.
— Ralph Marston
06-12-2023, 06:52 AM
June 12
What you already have
How many valuable impulses do you never follow? What skills do you rarely make use of?
Are there perfectly good tools sitting unused in your closet? What knowledge do you possess that you’ve never applied to your life?
It’s reasonable and natural to desire more, but is more what you really need? Most likely you can be much better off by simply making use of what you already have.
The force that will cause that to happen is a strong sense of purpose. Put yourself on a specific, meaningful mission, and activate the skills, resources, and motivations that are already yours.
There are people in this world who would do anything to acquire what you already have. Open yourself to the many ways you can make use of it all.
Stir together some gratitude, passion, purpose, and imagination. Life eagerly anticipates all you can do with what you have.
— Ralph Marston
06-13-2023, 07:15 AM
June 13
No guarantees
Today is not a sure thing. Don’t let that stop you from living it to the fullest.
In whatever you undertake, you’re rarely guaranteed to have a good, positive experience. Yet you can wring a positive experience from almost any situation.
Indeed, what would be the fun of doing anything if you could be assured in advance exactly what would happen? Life can be an amazing adventure precisely because it is so full of surprises.
If you’re insisting on guarantees you’re severely limiting your options. If you obsess over every new experience being exactly what you expected, you leave no room for discovery.
The most valuable things you can add to your life are not sure things. That’s precisely what makes them so desirable.
Whether you attain or experience what you expect, or whether you don’t, today is a great day to be alive. Let go of the need for guarantees, and live the unique beauty of this day no matter how it unfolds.
— Ralph Marston
06-14-2023, 06:50 AM
June 14
The old way
Let go and move on from what no longer serves a positive purpose. But don’t discard what is old merely because it is old.
If you discover that a particular new habit, perception, or technique is more useful, embrace it. Yet in the absence of a better way, stick with what works.
Just because something is new doesn’t mean it is superior. There’s a lot to be said for what’s been proven over years, decades, centuries.
The old way is not necessarily the best way. But neither is it something to be summarily thrown out.
A whole lot of things happened long before you were aware that anything was happening. From today’s perspective the past may seem unsophisticated, yet massive, enduring value was created in those times.
Go with what works well, with what makes the most sense. Whether it’s a new way or the old way, choose the best way.
— Ralph Marston
06-15-2023, 07:08 AM
June 15
Do enough, accumulate enough, say enough, be enough. Seek not less than enough, and not more than enough.
More than enough is not enough, and does not encompass enough. Too much is as undesirable as too little, maybe worse.
If you have too little, you also have the hope and the drive to work your way to enough. But when you have too much, the hope and the drive have no compelling purpose, and go away.
The key is to know that enough is largely what you consider it to be. What’s enough in your honest perception is truly enough.
Trust yourself to know what is enough. Allow yourself to be at peace with enough.
Your presence in this moment is enough. Grant yourself enough wisdom to live it well.
— Ralph Marston
06-16-2023, 06:23 AM
June 16
Overwhelming challenge
When you feel overwhelmed it’s easy to give up. Yet it’s just as possible to take action.
If a thousand jobs must be done, doing one of them doesn’t feel like much. Yet it is something, and an important something.
To work through an overwhelming challenge, you have to start somewhere. So do that, start somewhere.
From a perspective of inaction, the weeds seem to be growing faster than you can pull them. Yet as soon as you start pulling, you realize that is not the case, that you’re making progress.
No matter how overwhelmed you may be, you have a choice. You can make the progress you’re able to make, or you can become even more overwhelmed.
Pull the first weed, travel the first mile, make the first call, write the first sentence. And transform the feeling of being overwhelmed into genuine empowerment.
— Ralph Marston
06-17-2023, 07:13 AM
June 17
Where life pulls you
When you’re encountering resistance, you’re fighting against the nature of being. To get beyond that resistance, go where life pulls you.
If you are not sure what to do, stop thinking in terms of what’s to be done. Surrender to the intention that emanates from your core.
Love and appreciate the process of living, knowing all the while that it is taking you somewhere meaningful. Let go of doubts about whether your feelings are right or wrong, and see that each feeling has a good purpose to serve.
You can have setback after setback but you cannot fail to be you. As confusing as circumstances may be, you can always allow yourself to experience the continuing clarity and beauty of your own existence.
Your thoughts about who you are support your ego, which severely limits who you can be. Choose to see the truth of how you’re interconnected with all that is, and explore the limitless potential in which you’re immersed.
Your desires, wishes, and longings seem powerful, yet they are nothing compared to the abiding energy of your true nature. Follow not your mere wishes but rather the reality of your existence, and let your most meaningful and authentic desires come to be.
— Ralph Marston
06-17-2023, 07:14 AM
June 18
Treasures of experience
Someday you’ll more fully appreciate what you’re going through today. Whether joy or disappointment, fulfillment or frustration, pain or pleasure, you’re adding value in your life.
Look back a little ways, or a long way, and you’ll see. You continually leave the past behind, yet you carry forward the rich treasures of experience.
Today is one such experience that will end up serving you well. Do what you can, do what you must, to work your way through.
Expect good things, but don’t beat yourself up if you fail to get it perfect. Give your best, and know that time will amplify the value of your efforts.
The most difficult moments can also be the most productive. The most uncomfortable situations can instill in you the greatest strengths.
Through the ups and downs, ins and outs of this day, take it all in stride, live it all with integrity and excellence. And know all the while that you’re creating your own unique treasures of experience.
— Ralph Marston
06-19-2023, 07:03 AM
June 19
Love what you do
Would you like to be doing what you love right now, or at any time? The only thing necessary for doing what you love is to love what you do.
But how can you love an activity that is frustrating, inconvenient, tedious, or downright miserable? You remind yourself that love is always yours to choose.
You can love yourself, the people around you, the opportunities available to you, the interesting things you can learn, and so much more. It is by giving love that you experience love, and nothing can stop you from doing so.
Even when people are constantly being rude, you can love the chance to strengthen your patience. When you’re cold, tired, hungry, and confused, you can imagine and love the endurance of all the past and present people who have had it even worse.
Giving your love requires nothing other than the intention to do so. At any time, in any place, it’s a choice you can make.
When you love what you do it improves what you do, and improves your outlook as well. Love what you do, whatever it is, and immediately reap the benefits that your love can bring.
— Ralph Marston
06-20-2023, 06:54 AM
June 20
Act on your opportunities
There are things you can do today that you won’t always be able to do. Now, while you can, act on your opportunities.
Life is yours to live in this moment, in this situation, with the world just as it is. Though it’s not perfect, it is nonetheless filled with valuable possibilities.
Go ahead and explore some of those possibilities. Though some will inevitably lead to disappointment, others will bring new treasures into your life.
Very soon you’ll be looking back on today and contemplating what could have been. Now is your chance to fill those recollections with more gratitude than regret.
There are good people in your life with whom you’ll eventually lose contact. There are resources, circumstances, and possibilities now available to you that you won’t always be able to access.
Before today’s opportunities fade into the past, make meaningful value out of them. The only time to live the unique richness of now, is now.
— Ralph Marston
06-21-2023, 06:59 AM
June 21
Pace yourself
Doing nothing is relaxing for a little while. But soon it leaves you feeling aimless and miserable.
Taking on too much is sustainable only for a short period. Before long it wears you out.
Pace yourself. Undertake enough to keep you involved, challenged, interested, growing, but not so much as to deplete you.
Push yourself to keep going, while stopping short of pushing yourself over the edge. Kick back, unwind, and re-energize your spirit, while taking care not to fall into sluggishness.
Your life is not a permanent vacation, nor is it an endless sprint. Learn to recognize the right amount of effort for you, and consistently apply that effort over long stretches of time.
Don’t trap yourself with too much action or too little. Work into a pace that enables you to make life the best it can be.
— Ralph Marston
06-22-2023, 06:54 AM
June 22
An amazing life
Is your environment noisy and confusing? Let that energize you.
Do you have a large number of commitments, deadlines, obligations to meet? Let that motivate you.
You’re in the process of living your life. What, did you really expect it to be endlessly comfortable and effortless?
Is the road ahead rocky and slippery and difficult to make out? That’s because it’s leading to a destination well worth the trouble.
Let go of your urge to complain about the hardships. Congratulate yourself for having the strength and determination to work your way through them.
Much of what you do is not easy to do, and that’s because you’re living an amazing life. Keep that in mind, and keep on going.
— Ralph Marston
06-23-2023, 06:43 AM
June 23
Small spaces
Somewhere near you is an opportunity to transform clutter and chaos into order and meaning. Somewhere within reach is the possibility of creating beauty.
What place, or situation, or occurrence can you bring to a higher level of order and excellence? What person, or environment, or experience can you help to be more beautiful and creative?
Perhaps it’s just a small corner of a small room, but that’s enough. Whatever gets you to act on the positive possibilities is worth the effort.
It’s common to become cynical when looking out at the wider world. It’s easy to feel that you’re unable to make a difference.
Yet as incomprehensibly massive as the world may be, it is composed of lots of much smaller spaces. Those small spaces are readily accessible, easy to understand, and they respond to your influence.
So use that influence in a good way where it will make a difference, right here, right now. Improve the small spaces in your vicinity, and in a real, discernible way, you have improved your world.
— Ralph Marston
06-24-2023, 06:59 AM
June 24
Powerful force
Motivation cannot occur in a vacuum. The sustained motivation to do anything comes from doing it.
It’s not that you must first be motivated and then take action. The action itself is what deepens and expands your motivation.
You won’t be able to just pull a reason to care out of thin air. What gives you a reason to care is your investment of time and energy in caring.
Stop searching for a reason, or hoping one will fall out of the sky. Start making one with your time, your energy, your actions.
The more steps you take, the more you will come to care about the destination. Start by acting on faith, and soon you’ll be acting with motivation, momentum, and a clear sense of meaningful purpose.
Engage the powerful force that is your life. And continue to discover all the goodness that force can bring into being.
— Ralph Marston
06-24-2023, 07:00 AM
June 25
The boss
You have significant control over your actions, your thoughts, your feelings, your words, your opinions. It’s not total control all the time but it’s a whole lot more than anyone else has.
The positive and purposeful exercise of that control is called discipline. It is something you can improve upon every day.
The more you experience yourself exercising discipline and the more you experience the rewards of that discipline, the stronger it grows. Certainly there are times when discipline does not come easy, and those are the times when it has the greatest positive impact.
What small part of your life today can you exercise more beneficial control over? Do that consistently, repeatedly, and the benefits will spread throughout your whole world.
Reality is always there to impose its discipline on you whether you want it or not. Answer that by getting out in front of reality with your own discipline.
You are the boss of you. Be an exceptional one.
— Ralph Marston
06-24-2023, 10:45 AM
Keep in motion and you won't grow stale.
06-26-2023, 06:51 AM
June 26
Journey of discovery
You’re better today than you’ve been before. Do yourself and the whole world a big favor and live like it.
You have more knowledge and experience than at any time in the past. That makes the opportunities more valuable, the possibilities more enticing.
Every time you’ve made use of your strength you’ve gained more of it. Seize upon the chance to put that strength, and experience, and knowledge into purposeful action.
Today you have more clarity than ever about who you are and what you care most about. That enables you to keep yourself firmly pointed toward what’s truly fulfilling.
You’ve learned how useless the excuses always are, how giving less than your best so often leads to frustration and regret. Now you can apply those lessons to push you toward excellence and enduring goodness.
Your whole life has been a journey of discovery. Here and now is your chance to put the best of those discoveries to good use.
— Ralph Marston
06-27-2023, 07:08 AM
June 27
Life’s energy
Energy dances through your world. Feel the rhythm and dance along, adding new steps of your own.
Energy flows around you, to you, through you, and from you. Give that energy good work to do.
You’ve done what you have done, and the energy flows. You are the way you are, and the energy continues.
Energy gives you a solid connection to the value of what has been and to the potential of all that can be. It links you with everything you understand and offers enticing glimpses into incomprehensible mysteries.
With your intention you focus life’s energy in ways that are obvious and in other ways you’ll never realize. The result is a world, a life, an experience born of your most authentic impulses.
Hold goodness deep inside, persistently, relentlessly, faithfully, lovingly. Give the ever-present energy of your life a beautiful and buoyant path to follow.
— Ralph Marston
06-28-2023, 06:56 AM
June 28
Shaped by choices
Today you’re presented with an abundance of options. Though much of what happens is out of your control, a sizable part of your life experience is shaped by your choices.
You can focus your thoughts, attention, and efforts over long periods of time to create meaningful value. Or you can choose to chase blithely after every distraction and waste hour upon hour of your precious time.
You can step forward and put forth the effort to do what must be done, bringing about a positive difference for yourself and others. Or you can choose to indefinitely postpone the work until later, getting further behind with each day.
You can choose to offer kindness and authenticity, to build trusting relationships that could last for decades. Or you can choose to alienate yourself with an attitude of arrogance and disdain for others.
You have the option to grow stronger and more disciplined when faced with challenges and difficult situations. Or you can simply give in to temptation and settle for whatever feels good in the moment.
With every choice you make, you can push life in a little bit more of a positive and fulfilling direction. Today is here, and the choices are yours.
— Ralph Marston
06-29-2023, 06:47 AM
June 29
The latest thing
The latest thing entices you with its promises before you actually have it or experience it. Yet there’s no guarantee it will improve the quality of your life once you get it.
You’re excited thinking of all the new features and benefits that can be yours. But the reality could very likely fail to match expectations.
What’s new is not necessarily an improvement. What’s old is not necessarily something to be discarded.
Often, gradual and measured improvement can bring more valuable results than radical change. Rather than buying a whole new pasture with greener grass, perhaps you could work to get grass growing in the pasture you already own.
Sure, some possessions, perspectives, relationships, and routines reach a stage where it’s necessary to discard and replace them. Yet for much of what you have, you’ll be better served by maintaining and improving it than by abandoning it for a newer version.
Keep your life experience fresh by being open to new innovations. But don’t let your desire for novelty outweigh your gratitude for all the value and goodness you already have.
— Ralph Marston
06-30-2023, 06:30 AM
June 30
Liberated by responsibilities
It’s certainly reasonable to consider yourself burdened by your various responsibilities. Yet it is equally true that you can be liberated by the responsibilities you take on.
Acting with responsibility sets you free from dependency. It offers you the chance to avoid a meaningless existence.
Responsibility pushes you to become increasingly competent. It challenges you into a life of purpose and fulfillment.
You’ll often need to make significant accommodations and even sacrifices to fulfill your responsibilities. However, the prices you pay are more than balanced out by the benefits you gain from living responsibly.
Responsibilities often feel oppressive. Yet life by its very nature is difficult, and taking on responsibility is one of the best strategies for successfully dealing with life’s difficulties.
Responsibility makes your moments, your actions, your thoughts matter. Embrace responsibility, and with each passing day you create an even better version of yourself.
— Ralph Marston
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