View Full Version : Harder Then Getting Here

05-20-2023, 11:08 AM
As difficult and as hard as it is for all of us to get to being in recovery there are many of us who will never make it to being here, and for all of us who are here there is still one thing that's even harder to do than getting here and that's for all of us to ask for help. When we all finally get to being in recovery without exception will all now think that somehow we now have to be able to do this on our own, and most of us will find it even harder to ask for help now then before we got to recovery. The truth is that for most of us we didn't have to ask for help to be here in recovery more often it was by some good fortune that we ended up here, even though for most of us we usually don't think that it was good that we were here, but there are many who will never get the same chance that we have gotten to be here in recovery. And now that we're all here in recovery if we all want to stay here we're all going to have to learn how to ask for help, and the first thing that all of us can do so that we can be helped is it know that none of us can do this on our own that we all need each other to do this, so that together all of us can be helped.