View Full Version : Why We're All Here

05-01-2023, 10:44 AM
For the life of us none of us can figure out how we all ended up here in recovery. It's not where any of us ever plan on being, but yet we're all here, and the worst part about being here when we're all new is what we find here in recovery doesn't make any sense to us. Welcome, you're in the right place, even though when we're all new to recovery none of us think that we are, or are even sure we belong here, but this doesn't change the fact for any of us that we are here, and if we can stick around long enough all of us will find out this is where we all belong. Everything here in recovery has been design with us in mind by others are like us that have found they're way out of the mess we all find ourselves in now. No matter how any of us have gotten here none of us ever choose to be here, it's where all of us end up, but once here we're all going to have to decide if we're going to stay. No one is ever going to make us stay here, we all to have decide for ourselves. We're not sentenced to being here even though for some of us that's what brought us here, and though this may be true for some of us, all of us have still to decide if we want to be here, and that's why we're all here, because we want to be here, and Lord knows we all need to be here more then any of us know when all of us first get to recovery.