View Full Version : Proverb A Day – Day 16

03-16-2023, 06:29 AM
Proverb A Day – Day 16 by SGLY Ministry

Today’s Proverb:
When a man’s ways please the LORD He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7 [NKJV]

Today’s Thought:
Our enemies may not like us but as long as our ways please the LORD He will protect us and they will leave us alone.
How do we please the LORD?

We should focus on living for Him daily.
We should be reading His word and obeying it.
We should be praying to Him for wisdom, guidance and protection.
We should be praising Him daily for who He is and thanking Him for our salvation.

All of these ways and more are ways that please Him, for they show Him we are living according to His will not our will.

Today’s Action:
I will do my best to please the LORD in all my ways
I will enjoy the peace the LORD provides to me as I walk in His ways
I will keep my focus on Him and His will.
I will give thanks that He is always with me.

For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He ponders all his paths. Proverbs 5:21 NKJV