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03-07-2023, 05:03 AM
Fear Of Abandonment

Deuteronomy 31:6 “He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Some of us are fearful that those who profess to love and care about us will one day decide to leave. We may expect this to happen because of a previous disappointing experience. Perhaps a father left when he was needed most. Maybe that special trusted friend betrayed our confidence. A spouse who promised to love always may have reneged on that promise when the going got rough. Now we fear that it will happen again.

Sometimes that fear transfers over to our relationship with God. Will God really stay with us even when we’re not perfect, even when we fail or make a mistake?

There is good news for us. God has promised never to leave us. It is not in God’s nature to abandon his children. Never. Never.

Dear God, you say that you will never forsake me.

Help me to believe you will always be with me and for me.

Joan C. Webb