View Full Version : Seek Knowledge

03-04-2023, 07:17 AM

So often in life we get so busy we forget to take time to seek knowledge. We continue on in our lives doing what has to be done without taking out any time for us. However, it is extremely important we take some time to learn. We should spend some time daily in God’s word to seek wisdom and knowledge so we are able to make wise decisions when the time comes. If we don’t and we continue on being busy in our lives, stress will overcome and as well as the things of the world. We should take time to read God’s word and seek knowledge. So we become subject matter experts of God’s word which will help us deal with anything in life.

Proverbs 14:6 “A mocker seeks wisdom and never finds it, but knowledge comes easily to those with understanding.” (NLT)

1. Write down what you still need to learn.
2. List the scripture you can find on knowledge.
3. Pray for God to show you understanding in His word.
4. Be ready to learn and share what you learn with others.

Dear Lord, Your word is so important to us. If You didn’t want us to read it, study it and learn it, You wouldn’t have it so readily available to us. We know we need to become better learners of Your word. We want understanding so we can dig deep into Your word and know more about You, Your truths, Your love, Your mercy and Your grace. Help us become subject matter experts by reading and studying Your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Digging into something and learning makes us knowledgeable or subject matter experts.

We should all desire to be subject matter experts in God’s word.

Without the knowledge from God’s word, we will become overwhelmed with the world.

Knowing God’s word will help us to make right decisions.

We should always be ready to learn about how we can be better followers of Jesus.

Proverbs 18:15 “Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge.” (NLT)

Be ready to learn. Seek God’s word. Write down what you learn and share it with others.

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