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03-01-2023, 07:03 AM
Proverb A Day – Day 1 by SGLY Ministry

“PROVERB A DAY” DAILY DEVOTIONAL is a 31 day program in which one verse from each chapter of Proverbs is shared daily.

The program is meant to keep our focus on Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Counsel and Fear of the Lord.
These are some of the Gifts of the Spirit as listed in Isaiah 11:2,3 and 1 Cor.12:8-10.

As with all gifts they must be opened and used to be enjoyed or of any value to us or others. I hope this program will help you to find and start using those gifts in your life daily!

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.1 Cor.12:7-10

Today’s Proverb:
Let those who are wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser.
And let those who understand receive guidance by exploring the depth of meaning in these proverbs, parables, wise sayings and riddles.
Proverbs 1:5-6 [NLT]

Today’s Thought:
Solomon, David’s son, the King of Israel said:
“The purpose of these proverbs is to teach people wisdom and discipline, and to help them understand wise sayings.
Through these proverbs, people will receive instruction in discipline, good conduct, and doing what is right, just and fair.
These proverbs will make the simpleminded clever. They will give knowledge and purpose to young people.”
Proverbs 1:2-4 (NLT)

Today’s Action:
Today I will: Take to heart the words of King Solomon and I will use every opportunity I am given to:

Listen and Learn
Study and Seek
Pray and Put to Use
God’s word.