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02-22-2023, 05:40 AM
A Vacation with Jesus

Bible Reading: Isaiah 26:3; Matthew 11:28-30.

Vacation. The word brings to mind visions of rest and relaxation, fun and festivities, a time to lay aside work and worry and get some well-earned peace.

But you don't have to wait for a vacation to be rested in your soul. Jesus said, "Come to me and I will give you rest." Anytime, anywhere, especially in the midst of strife, anxiety and trouble, Jesus can rest your soul and give you peace.

Moment of Meditation: Happiness depends on circumstances. If what is happening around you is unpleasant, you won't be very happy. In Jesus, you can experience peace and joy despite the circumstances, because blessings are continually welling up in the heart that is fixed on Him.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, forgive me for allowing strife, anxiety and trouble to bring unrest to my soul. I come to You and take upon myself Your yoke of peace. Amen.

Author Unknown