02-13-2023, 07:00 AM
God's Word For Today
Peace of Mind
Read Numbers 5:1 through 6:27
Peace of heart and mind can be difficult to attain in this complicated world. Janna often let herself get caught up in anxiety over her problems or world conditions.
One day while she read the Scriptures, she realized that every time she let her problems loom larger than God in her thinking, she found herself in turmoil. Sometimes she felt totally unable to face life’s difficulties. She knew God was in control. He could meet her needs, but she focused on the problem instead of on God.
“The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:26).
The Lord is always facing toward, rather than away from, His people. When Christians keep their spiritual eyes on God, they will experience inner peace. God’s people can live in peace despite the uncertainty of world conditions, the pain of personal problems, or the relationship struggles. Peace is available when we keep our focus on the Lord.
Thought for Today: Ask God to help you focus on Him instead of on your problems.
Peace of Mind
Read Numbers 5:1 through 6:27
Peace of heart and mind can be difficult to attain in this complicated world. Janna often let herself get caught up in anxiety over her problems or world conditions.
One day while she read the Scriptures, she realized that every time she let her problems loom larger than God in her thinking, she found herself in turmoil. Sometimes she felt totally unable to face life’s difficulties. She knew God was in control. He could meet her needs, but she focused on the problem instead of on God.
“The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:26).
The Lord is always facing toward, rather than away from, His people. When Christians keep their spiritual eyes on God, they will experience inner peace. God’s people can live in peace despite the uncertainty of world conditions, the pain of personal problems, or the relationship struggles. Peace is available when we keep our focus on the Lord.
Thought for Today: Ask God to help you focus on Him instead of on your problems.