01-05-2023, 07:58 AM
With God, I walk a path of wisdom.
Wisdom is more than being well-versed in facts or figures. It is the highest level of spiritual knowing—a discernment that helps me see the larger picture in a situation and apply spiritual teachings to it. With wisdom, I am able to walk in another’s shoes and see the many facets of a dilemma or concern—a 360-degree view.
Jesus was wisdom in action. He taught us how to see people as children of God and to view situations as opportunities to seek truth from our Divine Source. He did not discriminate. Instead, he loved all people, all beings, and taught that we are one.
Remembering this, I do what I can to make situations better and to bring people together in love and harmony. I walk a path of wisdom.
Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth.—Psalm 86:11
Daily Word
With God, I walk a path of wisdom.
Wisdom is more than being well-versed in facts or figures. It is the highest level of spiritual knowing—a discernment that helps me see the larger picture in a situation and apply spiritual teachings to it. With wisdom, I am able to walk in another’s shoes and see the many facets of a dilemma or concern—a 360-degree view.
Jesus was wisdom in action. He taught us how to see people as children of God and to view situations as opportunities to seek truth from our Divine Source. He did not discriminate. Instead, he loved all people, all beings, and taught that we are one.
Remembering this, I do what I can to make situations better and to bring people together in love and harmony. I walk a path of wisdom.
Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth.—Psalm 86:11
Daily Word