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12-01-2022, 03:02 AM
December 1

Move beyond success

If you let success go to your head, you seriously compromise the possibility of future success. Acknowledge your success, thank others who do so, and then move on from it.

Every success fades with time. Make the choice not to fade along with it.

Your past successes are what you’ve done, but don’t pretend that they define who you are. See yourself as a humble inhabitant of the present, eager to make a difference.

Both success and failure provide valuable experience you can call upon again and again. Rather than becoming complacent and arrogant about the good you’ve done, focus the power of that experience in an active and beneficial direction.

One of the best things about success is the increased opportunity it can provide. With gratitude and humility, set about to transform that opportunity into new value.

Spend a few minutes celebrating the win, then get busy working on the next challenge. From every success, quietly begin to create another.

— Ralph Marston

12-01-2022, 09:37 AM
Happy December the 1st Tammy and Kracker, let's thank God for getting us
Through the month of November, always thinking him for his grace and mercy
each and every day, one day at a time. God bless us as we prepare for this joyous
Christmas season.

12-02-2022, 07:15 AM
December 2

Desire goodness

The quality of your desires affects the quality of your life. Fortunately, your desires are not all arbitrarily imposed on you.

Your desires have great influence on your life from moment to moment, decade after decade. And you have significant influence over which desires you grant prominence to.

You are going to be captivated by and, in a sense, enslaved by some particular things. You can be intentional and strategic about what those things are.

All desires have the power to reach into every part of your being. Yet not all desires are created equal.

Some desires will compel your commitment to valuable, life-enhancing achievements. Other desires have the power to ruin your life and the lives of those around you.

Respect the power of desire and express your respect by choosing desires that benefit your life and your world. Live with the desire for true goodness, and goodness will come from your thoughts, your actions, your life.

— Ralph Marston

12-02-2022, 09:39 AM
Thank for ur blessing. Winter is almost here. May God continue to bless us all and kp us sober through all these trouble times caused by this wicked fallen world. May we continue to put all our trust and faith in our Lord as we prepare to celebrate his birthday. Merry Christmas and God b with u

12-03-2022, 06:29 AM
Thank you Willbe and Kracker. May God bless you both and everyone this holiday season.

12-03-2022, 06:30 AM
December 3

When life talks to you

Listen when life talks to you. And that is all the time.

Watch what life shows to you. See its beauty in endless forms and iterations.

During obscure as well as normal encounters, in the routine and in the unexpected, life conveys a wealth of wisdom and perspective. Take the trouble to pay attention, have the courage and respect to do so.

What you know about is good and useful, yet it’s woefully short of all there is. Life always has more to teach you, to inspire you with.

So watch, and listen, and learn, and feel. Remind yourself of the limitless opportunities ever within your reach, and partake, and share.

Most of all, honor life by living it, immersing yourself fully in its wonder, challenge, tribulation, and joy. Open yourself to the richness as it continually unfolds at every level and in every dimension.

— Ralph Marston

12-03-2022, 06:31 AM
December 4

It’s an opportunity

The obstacle you encounter is not just something that gets in your way. It’s an opportunity.

The beauty you see is not merely there to be admired. It represents an opportunity.

This is not just another hour, another trip, another situation. It’s an opportunity to live with purpose, with effectiveness, with joy, gratitude, and love.

Whatever form it takes, see the opportunity. Take the opportunity to act, to speak, to learn, to improve, to understand.

Appreciate the opportunities and then return the favor. The more opportunities you make good use of, the more and better opportunities there will be.

Whatever place you go, whatever thing you see, whatever is going on, it’s an opportunity. Make it your business to make good and lasting value from it.

— Ralph Marston

12-03-2022, 09:50 AM
Big Time Amen Tammy.

12-03-2022, 09:55 AM
If no one has not told you today, Jesus loves you
and so do I. Have a great weekend on purpose.

12-05-2022, 06:34 AM
December 5

Envision the good you can do

Boldly take hold of the opportunity that is now. Put yourself out there, take the initiative, act on your ideas, follow through with your plans.

Create value, meaning, and substance from the time that passes. Be willing to get your hands dirty and eager to get your feet wet.

Use the moment at hand to give your active support to what you care about. Feel the power and fulfillment that come from focusing on purpose rather than on mere distractions.

Right in front of you is a stretch of time in which you can make a difference. Surrounding you are possibilities, resources, ideas, and other people who also seek fulfillment.

See the potential for goodness, progress, enrichment, and work to bring that potential to life. Feel the satisfaction that comes from giving your best.

Envision the good you can do with now. Then make the effort to make the vision real.

— Ralph Marston

12-06-2022, 05:02 AM
December 6

Treasure the process

The way to get there is to keep going. The way to keep going is to treasure the process.

Even before you have reached the goal, you continue to have the experience of reaching toward the goal. That reaching is what creates the value you seek.

The work to get there can be tedious, annoying, and frustrating if you choose to see it as such. Yet there’s a much more empowering choice you can make.

You can decide to see the work in a positive light. After all, your perspective, your opinion of what you’re doing, is up to you.

You can remind yourself that in each little task is the opportunity to add value to the final achievement. That every moment you put into the effort is a moment spent on a worthwhile endeavor.

There’s a specific process that leads to whatever achievement you may desire. Treasure the process, and reach the achievement.

— Ralph Marston

12-07-2022, 05:28 AM
December 7

Establish momentum

Momentum is strong, and yet you can be stronger. Momentum exerts persistent power, and you can swing that power to the direction where it works in your favor.

When you’re doing nothing, the default path is to continue doing nothing. Fortunately, even the slightest bit of intentional activity can change that path.

Laying in bed, it’s all too easy to continue laying in bed. Even so, just one little positive and ambitious thought can get you out of bed and into action.

Follow that action with one more and you’ve shifted into an active momentum. You can then ride that momentum as far as you want it to go, one action at a time.

When you sense that you could benefit from a change in momentum, take the initiative. Make the first small step, followed by another.

Once you’re in motion you’re much more likely to stay in motion. Establish some positive momentum and make use of it for the benefit of all.

— Ralph Marston

12-08-2022, 02:19 AM
December 8

What’s the rush?

What’s the rush? The more you hurry, the more you miss.

Hurry through breakfast, hurry through the morning, hurry through lunch, and what does it get you? You hurry through the rest of the day, then wonder why it all was so empty.

Remind yourself that this day is not a contest to see how many activities you can cram into each hour. It’s an opportunity to experience, to focus, to let thoughts and feelings linger.

If you don’t live with patience and richness right now, when will you? Give yourself the time and quality you desire and deserve.

Yes, you need to adhere to a certain schedule so your activities can mesh well with the activities of others. But that doesn’t mean you must overload that schedule.

Rather than pushing and striving to do everything, seek to give time, quality and sustained attention to what’s most meaningful. Live each experience well by letting go of the compulsion to zip through it.

— Ralph Marston

12-08-2022, 11:03 AM
Easy does it is what I got out of that very awesome read.
Stop and smell the roses.

12-09-2022, 06:13 AM
December 9

Peaceful experience

For a moment or maybe longer, invite peacefulness into the entirety of your being. Enable your awareness to linger on the best part of being alive, of being you, of being itself.

Feel meaning, purpose, and joy as they resonate through the center of who you are. Open yourself to the mystery you cannot name and yet cannot deny.

In that space, in that state, find clarity, find truth. Wrap yourself in the reality of existence, in the everlasting possibility of goodness.

See with rejuvenated eyes the deep beauty in all that is. Breathe in the sweet, empowering air of possibility.

Understand how even those things that confound you can make sense. Realize the ways love has made a difference and will continue to do so.

Notice how brightly love can shine in even the darkest darkness. And carry the warm, peaceful experience with you everywhere you go.

— Ralph Marston

12-10-2022, 05:09 AM
December 10

Make good use

You can wait for what you prefer, for the ideal tools, situation, opportunity. Or you can make use of the options currently available to you.

You can complain about what you don’t have. Or you can find new ways to get the most out of what you do have.

If you’re looking for an excuse, there’s always a perfectly reasonable explanation for not moving forward. Yet if you’re looking to make progress, there’s always a way to start where you are and move steadily toward where you want to be.

So which will it be, the excuse or the action? You owe it to yourself to choose action, progress, fulfillment.

You deserve a life that’s filled with richness, with meaning, with the experience of creating value. And that begins from where you are, with the situation as it is, using the skills and resources you have.

Focus not on what you lack or what’s holding you back but on what you care about and on what you can do. Make good use of what’s available to you, with purpose, with commitment, with persistence, and you’ll find it’s more than enough.

— Ralph Marston

12-10-2022, 05:10 AM
December 11

Speak the truth

When you are at a loss for what to say, speak the truth. Truth is always your most powerful choice.

There is no way you can hide behind a lie for very long. Although the truth can be extremely difficult at times, it ages very well.

You don’t necessarily have to be rude or confrontational to speak the truth. You are fully capable of speaking the truth with respect, consideration, and understanding.

In fact, speaking the truth is one of the most respectful things you can do. People appreciate it, people remember it, and people remember you in a good light because of it.

The way to successfully deal with reality is truth. Anything else is at best a delusion that will eventually set you back.

Don’t let yourself be tempted to sidestep the truth. Speak the truth, and speak in everyone’s best interest.

— Ralph Marston

12-11-2022, 10:18 AM
Speak and know the truth, and the truth will
set you free. There is no right way
to do a wrong thing.

12-12-2022, 06:27 AM
December 12

Overcome temptation

How do you overcome temptation? You focus on the consequences.

Anything tempting you is going to give you pleasure in the moment and painful regret in the future. Jump beyond the moment in your imagination and feel the intense pain of that regret.

Realize that you can completely avoid that future regret with a simple choice in the present. Feel your own power and exercise it in a positive and life-enhancing way.

Giving in to temptation is a compromise of your own integrity. Don’t do it, because it’s not worth it.

Whatever momentary pleasure you might gain from what’s tempting you will soon be long gone. The negative consequences, however, are likely to linger for a very long time, forcing you to pay their price over and over again.

Temptations can be powerful and persuasive, yet you are able to summon even more power. Exercise that power, avoid the temptations, and very soon you’ll be thanking yourself for doing so.

— Ralph Marston

12-13-2022, 06:19 AM
December 13

Work your way through

Don’t make your work more difficult than it has to be by resenting it or avoiding it or over-thinking it. The most frictionless approach is to just do it.

Don’t add to the burden of what you must do by pushing it again and again into the future. Get it done now, get it over with, and enjoy all the benefits that come from timely action.

Embrace what you must do. See the value and fulfillment in it all.

Respect, be thankful for, and make good use of your capabilities. Realize the opportunities you’re able to access by putting forth effort.

This day is now here and you have good, significant things you can do with it. Without hesitation, begin to work your way through them.

Here is your chance to live at your most effective and purposeful level. Go for it, and get it done.

— Ralph Marston

12-13-2022, 10:12 PM
Amen big time.

12-14-2022, 07:05 AM
December 14

Respectfully disagree

When you disagree say so, with respect, with precision, with confidence and a sincere desire to further understanding. Have the courage and the compassion to be honest and generous with your perspective.

Truth becomes stronger and is clarified when it is subjected to robust and well-articulated challenges. As differing perspectives clash in a curious, respectful way, a stronger, more unified truth can emerge.

Winning an argument is a hollow victory. Building a higher level of understanding and cooperation has far greater value for each participant, for society at large, for truth itself.

You learn, you grow, you forge connections by doing the uncomfortable work of engagement. By respectfully voicing and examining specific disagreements you open a path to move toward agreement.

Every person with a differing perspective has a reason underlying that perspective, and a deeper purpose behind that reason. With sufficient engagement you can go deep enough to find common ground.

Respectfully disagree, with the goal of transforming disagreement into understanding. Seek what is true and useful and good, and employ plenty of honest effort to get there.

— Ralph Marston

12-14-2022, 10:15 AM
I can agree to disagree respectively.

12-15-2022, 06:18 AM
December 15

More than you expect

Expectations are powerful. Take care not to let their power blind you to the richness of reality.

You see what you expect to see. That can put you in danger of failing to notice what you’re not expecting.

As creative as your imagination may be, reality can be even more creative, interesting, surprising. There is much to experience beyond what you can imagine or expect, no matter how much previous experience you have.

This is especially true of the people you encounter. No person alive can be reduced to a standard, one-size-fits-all narrative.

Each person in your world has more depth and complexity than you can imagine. Recognize that, avoid jumping to conclusions, and everyone benefits.

Be guided by your expectations, but don’t let them close you off from reality. There’s a whole lot more goodness and substance in life than you can ever expect.

— Ralph Marston

12-16-2022, 05:06 AM
December 16

What matters and why?

Spend a moment thinking about this question. What matters to you right now, and why?

You have skills, resources, knowledge, experience, and people with whom you’re directly and indirectly connected. You have time to make use of all those advantages in the service of what matters most.

Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to get caught up in urgent but mostly meaningless endeavors. Or you can become infatuated by fashionable, alluring pursuits in the moment that have no value beyond the moment.

Five years from today, or twenty, you could be looking back at a lot of wasted opportunities. Or you could be celebrating a span of time in which you added great richness to your life and your world.

One major factor in deciding which outcome you reach will be how much you focus on meaningful purpose. That’s a difficult thing to do, and it’s also a highly valuable thing to do.

Every day is an opportunity to be intentional, to be purposeful. So get in the habit of asking yourself, of reminding yourself, what matters, and why.

— Ralph Marston

12-17-2022, 08:11 AM
December 17

Fresh new opportunity

You cannot bring back lost opportunities. What you can do is learn from them and transform the regret they bring you into determination.

Your past is not perfect. And that makes the present even more precious.

Maybe you would be in a more favorable situation today if you had been more diligent yesterday. Fortunately, the sun rose this morning on a new chance to redeem yourself.

Feel within you the spark of goodness, of creativity, of kindness, love, and enthusiasm. Now, in the moment you have, do something with it.

Embrace the way you feel, whatever that may be, and challenge yourself to find positive, productive energy in that feeling. Accept the way life is, however it is, and discover avenues of improvement and fulfillment that you can embark upon.

All the successes, joys, disappointments, treasured and forgotten experiences have brought you to this fresh new opportunity. Now, make what you do with it worthy of all you’ve been through to get here.

— Ralph Marston

12-17-2022, 08:12 AM
December 18

Stronger inside

No one will question you, no one will stop you when you seek to be stronger inside. And the stronger you are inside, the more successfully you can deal with every aspect of your life.

You need not ask anyone else’s permission to become stronger inside. You can nurture your inner strength wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

Love yourself, love others, be thankful, and you grow stronger inside. Open yourself to new thoughts, ideas, experiences, and grow stronger inside.

Engage with life, laugh, embrace responsibility, indulge your curiosity. As you do all this, your inner strength grows.

There is great treasure to be found within you. As you grow stronger you uncover more of that treasure, causing it to resonate throughout your life.

What thought, what attitude, what feeling right now would increase your inner strength? Take every opportunity to give yourself, your life, your world the benefit of becoming ever stronger inside.

— Ralph Marston

12-19-2022, 06:22 AM
December 19

Slightly stronger

You become stronger by making use of your strength. You become stronger one small step at a time.

In this next minute, see if you can be just a little bit stronger than you were a minute ago. It’s a small choice that can end up making a big difference.

See every challenge, every encounter, every situation as your opportunity to be slightly stronger than before. Make it your intention to make good use of your strength, and by doing so you make more of it.

Strength can build on itself when you let it, if you exercise it. With patience, with persistence, with intentional choice, grow stronger.

The same dynamic applies in the other direction too, causing you to gradually lose strength if you don’t use it. Either way, what you choose day after day, moment by moment, is multiplied over time.

Point the trend in your favor. Be slightly stronger, repeatedly, consistently, and build great strength in your life.

— Ralph Marston

12-20-2022, 06:13 AM
December 20

Finish the work

You had the idea, you gathered the resources and put in the initial effort. Now see it all the way through.

It probably won’t turn out exactly how you imagined. Even so, there’s value in it or you wouldn’t have started it in the first place.

Yes, plenty of new, different possibilities beckon. But what good are possibilities if you never see them through to fulfillment?

Just because you’ve run into obstacles and frustrations is no reason to give up. On the contrary, those challenges confirm the value of what you’re doing.

Perhaps some adjustments are called for. So make those adjustments to your expectations, to your strategy, to your day-to-day tactics.

Then give yourself a push forward with renewed energy and commitment. Finish the work, do what you have chosen to do, and bring to life the value that is yours to create.

— Ralph Marston

12-21-2022, 07:51 AM
December 21

Make more goodness happen

The potential for goodness lives within you here, now, always. Each person you come in contact with provides you opportunity to offer kindness, a positive presence, genuine connection.

Every choice you make is a chance to leave the situation better than you found it. Every thought, every word enables you to focus on what matters, on what can be beneficial and life-affirming.

All around are opportunities for you to work toward fulfilling, valuable outcomes. In every direction you look, beauty and possibility are there to be seen, lived, and expanded upon.

Do some corners of the world seem dark and hopeless? Find comfort, inspiration, and energy in knowing that your own actions can make things less forbidding and more hopeful.

Goodness is always possible. What goodness requires, and always has, is active participation.

Right now is another opportunity to make more goodness happen. Imagine what you can do, then go beyond merely imagining and give life the benefit of your own unique goodness, again and again.

— Ralph Marston

12-21-2022, 10:25 AM
Today is the first day of winter in North America,
the beginning of the four seasons. May your heart
body and soul stay warm with the love
of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ our
Dear and precious Savior. Amen.

12-21-2022, 01:43 PM
Today is the first day of winter in North America,
the beginning of the four seasons. May your heart
body and soul stay warm with the love
of God, in the Name of Jesus Christ our
Dear and precious Savior. Amen.

12-22-2022, 05:30 AM
December 22

A little flexibility

Sure, it’s nice to get your way. But it’s not an absolute necessity.

You have specific preferences, and that’s great. But it’s not so great when those preferences put a severe limit on what you can experience or accomplish.

Your interest is not well served by insisting on everything going exactly the way you want it to go. A little give and take can add a lot of value to your life.

The situation you find yourself in is not always going to be ideal. But rather than fighting against its very existence, you can put your energy into working to improve it.

Events are not always going to unfold the way you want. Yet instead of being offended by that reality, you can choose to be motivated and positively energized by it.

Though you never have to compromise your deepest values, you can often benefit by compromising on your preferences and expectations. In a constantly changing world filled with all sorts of unique individuals, a little flexibility goes a long way.

— Ralph Marston

12-23-2022, 06:24 AM
December 23

Working within constraints

The airline limits the weight of your bag to 50 pounds. They’re doing you a favor.

They’re forcing you to prioritize, to be thoughtful and intentional about what to take with you and what to leave behind. By working within such constraints you become more purposeful, more innovative, more focused on what’s truly meaningful.

The reality is, you don’t have infinite space or time or resources with which to do whatever you seek to do. By embracing that reality, by figuring out how to live within the limits, you can live with amazing richness.

Your nature is to be creative and resourceful as well as purposeful. You’ve been operating within reality’s constraints your whole life and you’ve become skilled at doing so.

And though you’d often prefer to be free of limits, those limits provide a clearly defined realm in which to operate with success and fulfillment. Without limits life would have no structure to provide support or impose valuable discipline.

What would it look like if, instead of cursing the limitations you were to be thankful for them? It would look like a life of strength, of purpose, of discipline and achievement.

— Ralph Marston

12-24-2022, 06:21 AM
December 24

Return to peace

It’s natural to feel anger, but you don’t have to let it consume your precious time. Choose to quickly return to peace.

Feeling anxiety can at times be appropriate and useful, but you don’t want to be overwhelmed by it. Make it your intention to quickly return to peace.

Living with a peaceful perspective does not mean withdrawing from the realities of life. It’s a matter of experiencing and working through those realities with intention, confidence, and purpose.

Much of what happens in your world is beyond your ability to influence. Yet you do have significant control over your thoughts, your perspective, your attitude, and that control gives you much to work with.

Whatever the outer situation, you can live with the power of peace on the inside. Though it won’t magically make everything better, it will help you to be more positive and effective in your words, your actions, your outcomes.

Make it your intention to quickly return to peace. And let its beneficial power be a part of whatever you do.

— Ralph Marston

12-24-2022, 06:21 AM
December 25

Surrender to joy

Surrender to love, surrender to joy. Allow new miracles to spring from the miracle that is your life.

Allow peace to be the home where your heart lives. Choose love to be your guide.

Free that love from the constraints of your ego. Magnify joy by sharing it abundantly.

Let sincerity be your plan. Let generosity be your perspective.

Lose yourself in the simple, unique beauty of each moment. Make that beauty a part of who you are and what you do.

See the potential for joy that exists all around you. And enable that joy to come fully to life.

— Ralph Marston

12-24-2022, 10:57 AM
May peace and love fellow you throughout
this Christmas season,
God willing, when we wake up,
let us continue to pray for
one another for Grace and peace
throughout the human race in love.
In Jesus name we pray.

12-26-2022, 06:59 AM
December 26

Something worthwhile

Something worthwhile lives within you. Let it into the light of day, this very day.

Some particular intention of yours can bring new value to life. Elevate that intention into thought, into action, into accomplishment.

Perhaps you sense that you’re not worthy to offer what you have, that the world is not worthy to receive it. But then wouldn’t that also make you even less worthy of casting any judgment on yourself or on the world?

So rather than getting caught up in endless evaluations and judgments, get yourself caught up in efforts that make a real and positive difference. Move forward with worthwhile living for the sake of the net goodness it can bring.

Whatever has gone before has now gone on past. This new day has arrived and with it comes the opportunity for unvarnished truth and generous action.

Focus on what you see as worthwhile, in yourself, in others, throughout all of existence. Now is when you can build upon it.

— Ralph Marston

12-27-2022, 07:15 AM
December 27

Love with truth

Love is not always nice. Kindness is not always agreeable.

When you care deeply, about yourself or anyone else, a big part of living out that care is with truth. You are not doing a favor to anyone by being dishonest or overly accommodating.

There’s no benefit that comes from supporting negative behavior in your own life or in the people you care about. Love means having the courage to admit what is true and to insist on integrity.

The aim of such love is not to discourage. It is to strengthen.

It is not about preaching or authoritarian control, or guilt or shame. It is about offering challenge, with respect and the highest expectations.

Love is at its most transformative and beneficial when aligned with truth. Give love and kindness based on truth, wherever that truth may lead.

— Ralph Marston

12-28-2022, 07:00 AM
December 28

Positively purposeful

Before making a choice of what to think, or say, or do, ask yourself this. What do you seek to accomplish?

The results you obtain are the results you most heavily and repeatedly invest in. So take a moment to be clear with yourself about the results you desire.

It’s easy to get stuck in habitual patterns of thought and action that lead to nothing of value, or worse. You can benefit from calling yourself out on those habits and challenging yourself to be more positively purposeful.

All day long you’re expending energy and using irreplaceable time. You owe it to yourself to make sure it leads to meaningful, life-enriching results.

Rather than doing what you’ve always done, you can be moving toward what you’ve always wanted, or working to support what you’ve always cared about. You can direct your life toward the consequences you prefer.

Harness the enormous power that courses through every moment of the day. Know what you seek to accomplish and you’ll bring about many good results.

— Ralph Marston

12-29-2022, 06:57 AM
December 29

Get over it

Is there some negative experience or situation that keeps weighing you down? Make the choice, in your thinking, to get over it.

That doesn’t mean running away from it, or pretending it never happened or doesn’t exist. All you have to do is disconnect yourself from it.

Yes, when there’s a problem by all means work to solve it. But don’t let it infect everything you are, everything you think, everything you feel.

Letting the negativity become a part of you won’t do anything to make it better. Decide to get yourself back in a positive, creative frame of mind, and then you can make some progress.

A bad day is not a good reason for a bad attitude. Neither is a difficult encounter or a frustrating task or a painful experience.

It’s in your best interest to quickly get over it. Make that choice, and put yourself in position to make things much better.

— Ralph Marston

12-30-2022, 07:11 AM
December 30

Generous spirit

Seek out and make the most of circumstances where you can be generous. Appreciate the times when you can put your creativity, resourcefulness, and kindness to good use.

Cherish the opportunities to make beauty, to make value, to make friends, to make a difference. Those are opportunities that add richness to life.

Consider the inner loneliness and desolation you’d experience if you could only take and not give. Remind yourself that you can choose to live with a spirit of generosity and creativity in any situation.

Experience life’s meaning through your participation in bringing that meaning into existence. Give of your time, your resources, your knowledge, your presence, and you’ll find yourself in the very heart of life’s richness.

Whatever you have, or know, or care about is of minimal consequence if you keep it all to yourself. Make it matter by offering it to life.

Go forward with a generous spirit. The more you give, the more you discover and fulfill the best of who you are.

— Ralph Marston

12-31-2022, 02:17 AM
December 31

Improve the future

The future does not equal the past. That’s because the present is a dynamic, open-ended realm where many unexpected things can happen, and do.

You can make relatively accurate guesses about what will happen, but it’s impossible to know everything for sure. Within that truth there exist countless opportunities, and pitfalls as well.

You cannot know for sure how things will be, yet you can exercise control over how you will be. In that way you are able to make your future less uncertain.

You don’t know exactly how much rain or wind or cold will arrive over the next few months. Yet you can work to keep your house maintained and ensure adequate shelter from whatever the weather may be.

It’s difficult to know what the economic and political landscape will look like a couple of years from now. Even so, there are plenty of things you can do to strengthen your own finances and your own community.

Though you cannot precisely predict the future, there are plenty of actions you can take to improve the future. Today, and every day, you have the opportunity to do so.

— Ralph Marston

12-31-2022, 09:41 AM
New Year's Eve Prayer.

May all my family and friends who need a New Year miracle be blessed.
May whoever has had a bad year face this New Year with hope in their heart.
May all those who have had heavy burdens this year have their load lightened
and the opportunity to enjoy the New Year, and may this person reading this prayer
have a happy and prosperous New Year.
Amen & Amen.

12-31-2022, 10:57 AM
Happy New Year to you willbe and everyone!