11-27-2022, 05:41 AM
Uncle Leroy got a job down at the broom factory.
On his first day the straw boss (floor supervisor) calls
Leroy into his little office and says, "You the new man huh?
What is yer name?"
Leroy replied, "Leroy."
The straw boss says, "I don't call anyone by first names. It
breeds familiarity and that leads to breakdown in my
authority. I refer to all employees by last names. Now what
is your last name."
Leroy sort of smiles and says, "Its Darling - Leroy
The straw boss said, "Now Leroy, the next thing........" :281:
Uncle Leroy got a job down at the broom factory.
On his first day the straw boss (floor supervisor) calls
Leroy into his little office and says, "You the new man huh?
What is yer name?"
Leroy replied, "Leroy."
The straw boss says, "I don't call anyone by first names. It
breeds familiarity and that leads to breakdown in my
authority. I refer to all employees by last names. Now what
is your last name."
Leroy sort of smiles and says, "Its Darling - Leroy
The straw boss said, "Now Leroy, the next thing........" :281: