View Full Version : Do you have a lot of worries over circumstances you cannot control?

02-27-2014, 08:43 AM
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. (NLT) 2 Timothy 1:7

Do you have a lot of worries over circumstances you cannot control? Dear friend, one ounce of worry doesn't do an ounce of good. Letting worry creep in means you are giving control of the situation over to a spirit of fear. If you find yourself worrying about something, turn it over to God. Occupy your mind in a way that solves the problem. Get your hands busy and put on a spirit of love by serving others.

Daily Bible Devotion

02-27-2014, 12:20 PM
Having been a control freak for most of my life, it would trouble me. As I have posted many times, if it has to be controlled, it is already out of control.

Control is an illusion. I am powerless over people, places and things. The solution for me is prayer and meditation. Asking my God to help me with my control issues, and putting the answer into practice.

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