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11-01-2022, 03:11 AM
November 1
Turn it around
You can’t avoid all the disappointments. You can avoid amplifying them.
You’re going to experience your share of setbacks. Yet you don’t have to turn those one-time setbacks into long-term trends.
Just because you find yourself headed in a negative direction doesn’t mean you must keep going that direction. Make the choice, do the work, bring forth the commitment to turn it around.
On a road map you can draw a straight line from where you are to where you want to be, but that’s not how you get there. You must travel across the terrain of reality, and that path includes many twists and turns.
Similarly, in moving your life forward you’ll occasionally stray from the path you’ve chosen. When that happens, make adjustments as quickly as possible to get back on track.
A brief detour will slow you down but doesn’t have to stop you. Because you have the will and the ability to turn it around.
— Ralph Marston
11-01-2022, 10:06 AM
Happy November the 1st Tammy and Kracker, let's thank God for getting us
Through the month of November, always thinking him for his grace and mercy
each and every day, one day at a time. God bless you on this all Saint Day.
Let's remember those who came before us.
11-02-2022, 07:34 AM
November 2
Adventure into life
Something deep inside you longs for adventure. And for anything to be an adventure it must be challenging.
Adventure happens when you choose to confront the unknown. It could be a journey to a place you’ve never been, an activity you’ve never before undertaken, or a thousand other things.
The point of adventure is to better understand yourself and the universe in which you live. Adventure widens your perspective and compels you to become more capable and competent.
And though the adventure itself might seem self indulgent, its benefits have the power to extend far beyond you. At its best, adventure provides you with more substance and value that you can offer others in countless ways.
It is no accident that those who contribute most to life are often the most adventurous. Perhaps that’s why the desire for adventure is so deeply ingrained.
Fortunately, whatever your situation, there are plenty of opportunities for adventure. See if you can find a way to answer the longing, and add new value to life, by undertaking your own adventure.
— Ralph Marston
11-03-2022, 06:08 AM
November 3
Value across time
Honor the past, accept and appreciate the present, build the future. Connect yourself to the value that has been, the value that is, the value that can be.
You can harvest and create value across time. You can give new value to old moments.
You can extend old value into the present. You can work today to instill value in tomorrow.
The hours, days, and years relentlessly slip away. Yet you have the power to transform the fleeting minutes into timeless value.
Although the distant future is a long way off, you’re able to give to it, and benefit from doing so, right now. The past is not coming back, and still it offers you an endless source of treasure to be discovered and utilized.
You exist at a finite point in time, yet you can live the goodness, wisdom, joy, and value of any time that ever was or will be. See the possibilities for value across time, and make them real.
— Ralph Marston
11-04-2022, 07:44 AM
November 4
Potential for greatness
Here, today, as you are, with what you have, lives the potential for greatness. Get out of its way, let it fill you, guide you, inspire you to action.
You cannot know all of which you are capable. Yet you can discover, adjust, refine, improve in every action, every moment, every word.
What do you really, truly want in your heart of hearts? Look in that direction, see the love, see the goodness, kindness, forgiveness, understanding.
Keep looking in that direction because the direction you look is the direction you’ll go. Carry your life, your passion, your energy toward what is good for you, what is good for all.
Stop holding yourself back, stop corrupting your whole world by giving in to the easy allure of temptation, indolence, and deception. Surrender instead to your potential for greatness, for truth and diligence in all things big and small.
You cannot swindle or outthink or hide from your potential, from life’s potential for greatness. You must let love guide you in bringing it more fully every day to life.
— Ralph Marston
11-05-2022, 02:41 AM
November 5
Make room
Make room in your life for goodness. Make room in your life for joy.
Make time in your life for purposeful living. Make space in your life for wonder, for awe, for growing wisdom, for love.
If you allow your surroundings to fill up with junk, there’s no room remaining for anything useful. If you fill your awareness with negativity, you can crowd out everything else.
Make room for something better. Make room for the richness you seek to experience.
There’s only so much you can think about, or do, or carry with you. So be choosy about how you fill your life.
Make room for what benefits you, your world, and the lives of others. Make room for what matters, and give yourself a fulfilling and rewarding place to be.
— Ralph Marston
11-05-2022, 04:13 AM
November 6
Intentional interactions
How many of your daily interactions are chosen, rich, substantive and thoughtful? How many are annoying, distracting, meaningless and superficial?
The quality interactions add greatly to your life. The junk interactions can collectively waste vast amounts of your time.
Information technology has exponentially expanded the kinds and the quality of your interactions, and the trend keeps accelerating. That makes it more important than ever to exercise intentional control over those interactions.
It’s healthy and helpful to be serendipitous, open to diverse and unexpected experiences. But you must have a strategy to avoid being overwhelmed by all the interactions coming your way.
Become more intentional about your interactions and the result will be a more intentional and purposeful life. Take steps to improve the quality and substance of those interactions, so as to deepen your focus and strengthen your values.
Notice your interactions, take intentional control of them, expect more quality from them. Make it your choice to gain value and benefit from all the time you spend interacting with life.
— Ralph Marston
11-07-2022, 06:43 AM
November 7
The world as it is
Just because reality is disturbing or unpleasant is no reason to ignore it. In fact there’s a good reason to pay more attention to it, so you can create needed improvements.
Just because your reality is great doesn’t mean you have the luxury of ignoring it. Indeed, that’s a reason for working even more to keep the good things going.
The world is never any particular way just because you want it to be. Instead of pretending or wishing for the situation to be different, go to work on the situation that exists.
Yes, by all means imagine how the world can be more to your liking. Then put forth the effort to bring about what you imagine.
Allow yourself to be upset by negative reality, permit yourself to be comforted by positive reality. But don’t let yourself become ignorant or complacent about the reality of the world you live in.
Recognize and live appropriately with the good, the bad, and the in between. With the world as it is, make life the best you can envision.
— Ralph Marston
11-08-2022, 06:12 AM
November 8
Steps to achievement
What would you attempt if you could be sure there would be no problems? What worthwhile efforts do you avoid because you’re afraid of the problems that might arise?
It’s reasonable and prudent to anticipate that there will be problems. But just because problems are inevitable is no reason to avoid taking action or living your best life.
When you avoid the possibility of problems you also avoid opportunities to get things done. A more fruitful strategy is to accept the possibility of problems and then commit yourself to quickly dealing with whatever occurs.
See the potential problems not as burdens but as steps along the path to achievement. They provide you with meaningful work to do, with value to create in reaching your goal.
Yes, there will be problems, but those problems don’t have to scare you or drain you or stop you. It is by working through the problems that you achieve useful and desirable results.
See each problem as one more situation that’s well within your ability to handle. And no problem will ever be a problem for long.
— Ralph Marston
11-09-2022, 05:55 AM
November 9
Being reasonable
Being reasonable is not glamorous. Being reasonable will not earn you instant fame or riches.
Yet being reasonable is a good way to live. Being reasonable prevents lots of unnecessary friction in your life and your relationships.
The reasonable approach to a situation is not going to perfectly satisfy everybody. However, it is an approach that just about everyone can agree upon.
Sometimes being reasonable requires you to admit you were mistaken, but that’s not such a bad thing. Sometimes the most reasonable solution is not the easiest or most convenient, yet it’s certainly something you can do, and live with.
There are plenty of facets to consider in addition to reason. Yet when consensus and cooperation are important, being reasonable is an excellent basis upon which to proceed.
Keep yourself always open to the reasonable path. You can create and maintain much value and goodwill by being reasonable.
— Ralph Marston
11-10-2022, 06:07 AM
November 10
Exercise discipline
Discipline pays massive dividends. But it takes a while.
In the moment, discipline is not the easiest choice. Yet over time discipline can create an impenetrable fortress of value and effectiveness.
With just raw skill and desire, and very little discipline, you can achieve some impressive results. Yet without discipline you’re unlikely to repeat those results.
During a typical day you are awake for about a thousand minutes. Imagine what you could accomplish by focusing just half of them on a single, meaningful purpose.
That is the power of discipline. And it grows exponentially stronger when exercised over longer periods of time.
What areas of your life, of your world, could benefit from some added serious, sober, purposeful discipline? Today is an ideal time to make it happen.
— Ralph Marston
11-11-2022, 06:31 AM
November 11
Not what you expected
Just because you have realistic expectations does not guarantee reality will match those expectations. Live the experience as it is, even when it’s not what you thought it would be.
You might be pleasantly surprised, or you could face unexpected challenges. It’s possible you’ll encounter opportunities you didn’t consider or complications you couldn’t anticipate.
Adapting to the unexpected requires flexibility, effort, and creativity. When your expectations are off the mark, let go of them quickly so you can focus attention where it will do the most good.
Make informed, experienced guesses about what is likely to happen, and prepare accordingly. Then be ready to adjust your actions based on what actually does happen.
Sometimes life will not be as good as you expected, and other times it will be much better. In every case, embrace what is and make use of your considerable ability to identify and to live the goodness that’s in it.
Be informed and inspired by your expectations while not being limited by them. Whatever you expect and whatever happens, let life’s treasures continue to come.
— Ralph Marston
11-12-2022, 07:31 AM
November 12
Benefit of joy
Joy is a choice. Choose it often.
Joy is not a rejection of reality. Joy is at once an acceptance of reality and an improvement upon it.
Joy does not demand a cause. Joy of its own making and for its own sake is just as beneficial as any other joy.
Joy enables you to feel your purpose. That’s a useful and powerful thing to do.
Joy adds to life without asking anything in return. Accept the offer and pass it on.
Every day, every undertaking, every situation goes better when there’s real joy in it. Give life the benefit of all the joy with which you can choose to live.
— Ralph Marston
11-12-2022, 07:31 AM
November 13
Experience meaning
Find meaning not by searching for it. Make meaning in your life by making yourself useful.
That doesn’t mean allowing yourself to be taken advantage of. That doesn’t mean buying into some grand utopian scheme to save the world.
It involves making steady, incremental improvements to whatever situation you’re in. It means enriching the lives of people who are close to you.
Meaning is not contrived by thinking about it or studying it. Discover and experience meaning by living generously and authentically.
Right now, within your reach, someone can benefit from your encouragement, presence, sincere attention, your kindness, your smile. You can offer helpful words, a sympathetic ear, skillful action, an understanding heart.
A rich sense of meaning is as close as your next act of generosity, you’re next moment of usefulness. The more you give your best, the more profoundly you know how much your life means.
— Ralph Marston
11-14-2022, 07:28 AM
November 14
Everything you have
Don’t boast about it. Just do it.
Don’t agonize over it or complain about it. Just deal with it.
Stop wondering whether or not it will work. Put it into action and find out.
Rather than milling about on the edges of life, jump into the middle. This is your day, this is your chance, this is when you grow in depth, substance, wisdom, and purpose.
What you’ll most regret is what you neglect or decline to do. Keep those regrets to a minimum.
Your potential deserves and demands more than just a tentative response. Go ahead and live it with everything you have.
— Ralph Marston
11-15-2022, 05:50 AM
November 15
Finish the work
Getting started excites, inspires, motivates, and pushes you forward. Doing all the work required to actually finish is not nearly so compelling, but just as necessary.
You’ve come a long way and made some progress. Now go the rest of the way and make all that progress count for something.
Finish the work, and make good on the promise that had you so excited to get started. Finish the work, so your earlier efforts don’t go to waste.
It’s easy to continually become enticed by new possibilities. Yet if you cannot persist, if you don’t finish the work you’ve already begun, none of the possibilities will have any value.
Make the possibilities mean something by bringing them all the way into reality. Enable yourself to have the confidence that you’ll finish what you start.
You’ve done some good work, created enthusiasm, harnessed and focused your energy. Now keep it up, extend your efforts, carry that energy all the way through, finish the work and reach the goal.
— Ralph Marston
11-16-2022, 07:24 AM
November 16
Offer value
To experience value you must create, offer and uphold value. There is no other way.
By its very nature value must be internalized for it to have meaningful impact on your life. To reap the benefits of anything you must have some degree of personal investment and appreciation for it.
Fifteen thousand social media friends assembled by an algorithm mean nothing. A single friendship forged by years of shared experience means everything.
Value is what you put your life, your time, your thought, your heart into. It does not come instantly or frivolously.
A life of quality and value revolves around the desire to offer value, to live each moment with a commitment to quality. The countless ways of doing so add immensely to the richness of life.
Value exists when you participate in it. By doing the work to offer value beyond yourself you are building value and substance within your own life and throughout the world.
— Ralph Marston
11-17-2022, 06:02 AM
November 17
Live with abundance
This is a time for you to live with abundance. Yours is a life to be filled with abundance.
Pick a possibility and follow it, persist with it, fulfill it. Then select another, and another, bringing a continual flow of richness to life.
Living with abundance doesn’t mean being wasteful, selfish, careless, or frivolous. A life of abundance is a life of positive purpose, joy, energy, achievement, and generosity.
Abundance is the nature of the universe. Choose to resonate with that reality and make abundance the nature of your existence.
A new day dawns, a fresh moment comes, ready to fill with your own flavor of abundance. As you dance with what’s possible those possibilities continue to grow.
Live with abundance, for it is what you do best. Live with abundance and make it ever more present throughout all of life.
— Ralph Marston
11-18-2022, 05:11 AM
November 18
Living and giving happiness
No situation on its own will make you happy. Right now there are people living in the most ideal situations you can imagine, who are miserable.
It’s great when you can make improvements in your life and in your world. Take care, though, not to pin all your hopes on anticipated improvements that may or may not materialize.
If you envision your happiness as existing only in some other place or time or circumstance, it will always elude you. To experience happiness, stop chasing it and start living it.
Happiness comes not from what you’re looking at, but from what you choose to see. See it, be it, live it where you are, doing what you’re doing, in the world as it is.
Embrace the reality of right now. Allow yourself to recognize the beauty, the possibilities, the opportunities for living and giving happiness.
Rather than imposing conditions on happiness, let it be. Let it be now, let it be here, let it be you.
— Ralph Marston
11-18-2022, 09:52 AM
Let it be, Let it be, whisper words a wisdom let it be.
From The Beatles record Let It Be. God bless and have
A great weekend on purpose.
11-19-2022, 06:29 AM
November 19
Seeds of fulfillment
By fully appreciating what you have, you gain access to what you seek. Embrace all that is, and you find within it viable pathways to the best that can be.
What you yearn for is already yours in many ways. See it not as something separate from you but as a part of you that you can work to more fully express.
The seeds of your fulfillment have been there all along. Nurture them with your gratitude, your effort, your passion, and let them bear fruit.
You exist in a specific moment, yet your mind and your heart are easily able to transcend time. Through a connection held open by your deepest purpose, energy and meaning traverse the past, the present, and the future.
Right now you can feel that connection and make use of it. Gratitude, hope, wisdom, and love combine together into a powerful force.
Deploy that force across time and space in the service of meaningful purpose. From the best of who you are, and have been, and will be, comes all the unique and immense good you do.
— Ralph Marston
11-20-2022, 06:58 AM
November 20
Maybe today
Maybe today you could be a little less fearful of the problems. Maybe today you could be a little more eager to meet the challenges.
Maybe today you could spend a bit more time in focused effort. Maybe today you could find new ways to be purposeful in your actions.
Maybe today you’ll be willing to endure some discomfort in order to achieve something meaningful. Maybe today you can spend more time creating value and less time on empty pleasures.
Maybe today you can benefit yourself and others by offering your forgiveness. Maybe today you’ll take the opportunity to give kindness, patience, and understanding, just because you can.
Maybe today you’ll pause to be thankful. Maybe today you’ll feel like being extra helpful.
A day is coming when you’ll give yourself to living life at its best. Maybe today is the day.
— Ralph Marston
11-21-2022, 05:57 AM
November 21
Power of precision
The more precise you are, the more successful you’ll be. While a vague objective may point you in a good direction, a detailed, specific goal enables you to achieve exactly what you seek.
Ambiguity is a breeding ground for excuses and negligence. Precision, on the other hand, compels you to make a commitment and to stick with it.
Precision communicates confidence and competence to yourself and to others. Precision creates and enforces high standards.
Precision facilitates understanding and cooperation at the most profound and practical levels. Precision can detect both accidental mistakes and intentional deceptions before they cause widespread damage.
It’s important to pay attention to the big picture. Yet to actually achieve that big picture you must also focus on getting the specific details right.
Think precisely, speak precisely, act precisely. Utilize the power of precision in all you do.
— Ralph Marston
11-22-2022, 03:06 AM
November 22
Get it right
Spend your time getting it right. Put forth your effort to do it right.
Sloppiness is an insult to your own abilities, to the people around you, to the value of life. Rather than merely saying you care, demonstrate your care by getting it right.
You’re pressed for time and short on other resources. That’s a common reality but it doesn’t constitute permission to offer anything less than your best.
The work is confusing, complex, and frustrating. Nonetheless, you’re up to the challenge of pressing through and getting it right.
It’s such a waste to do anything halfway when you have the opportunity to give it all the care, attention, and focus it deserves. Solve current problems and avoid unnecessary future ones by doing what’s required to get it right.
Transform every effort into a source of value and satisfaction for you, for others. Do what you must to get it right.
— Ralph Marston
11-23-2022, 07:20 AM
November 23
Care enough to keep going
One attempt gets you started, and a dozen attempts show you’re serious. A hundred attempts earn respect and generate momentum, and with a thousand attempts, you’re highly likely to create lasting value.
Once is a good start but it’s almost never enough. Achievement comes more from persistence than from just about anything else.
You may not know every answer, but you can always keep going. Your strengths and skills can run into limits, but your persistence never has to.
When your first effort fails, the second effort can be quite difficult. Yet as difficult as it may be, still it is possible, and powerful.
When you persist, you keep open the path to success. When you persist, you’re able to transform disappointment into progress, misfortune into fulfillment.
Focus on meaningful purpose and persist in bringing it to life. Care enough to keep going, and you’ll arrive at some amazing places.
— Ralph Marston
11-24-2022, 05:46 AM
November 24
Filled with appreciation
Allow waves to crash upon the shore. Allow people to be who they are, as they are, including you.
Allow clouds to stream across the sky. Allow the rising sun to push darkness away.
Right now encompasses everything there is. And here you are, able to know it, to live it, and to even improve upon it.
With gratitude for all of existence, you can let life flow. With purpose and love, you can add your own warmth and goodness to that flow.
Reflect for a little while on the limitless nature of reality and possibility. Remind yourself it’s a realm in which you have the good fortune to act as a positive force.
Allow the noise, confusion and anxiety to fade completely away. Fill yourself with appreciation for the immense potential of right now and live it in the best way you can imagine.
— Ralph Marston
11-24-2022, 12:02 PM
Happy Thanksgiving my dear friends in recovery.
God bless you, I'm thankful for having this daily
Recovery readings in my life. I'm thankful to
God for all the great things, and good people
He has put in my life. Enjoy your day Tammy
and Kracker with love. Wayne2k.
11-24-2022, 01:44 PM
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
11-25-2022, 06:42 AM
November 25
This life you have
You can make life a little more peaceful, one word, one moment, one encounter at a time. You can make life a little more supportive, more encouraging and reasonable.
You can bring a bit of joy to the moments, the places, the people you come across. You can offer a smile, a gentle encouragement, a positive presence wherever you go.
Resist the urging of your ego to latch on to some elaborate plan designed to save the world. Simply love life, and the people who are living it, and proceed accordingly.
You can make beneficial use of the power that comes from leading by example rather than by guilt, shame, or pronouncement. Your own authenticity can bring out the authentic side in those around you.
There’s no prerequisite or condition necessary for you to live and express your love for life. Love life because it is good, and because you can.
Love this life you have, and let that love lead to rich experience, knowledge, and understanding. Love life, and put your time and energy into supporting all you love.
— Ralph Marston
11-26-2022, 02:03 AM
November 26
Utilize today
This is your one chance to put life and richness and value into today. Make the most of it.
Here in front of you are hours and minutes that will never come again. They contain unique opportunities you can utilize to the benefit of yourself and others.
Today you can finally undertake what you’ve been putting off until later. Today you can identify specific actions that will improve your world, and you can take those actions.
Today you have more experience, more knowledge and a more clearly defined sense of purpose than ever before. It would be a shame not to put all that to good use.
Put yourself in a position where you can look back on today with satisfaction and gratitude for all you did with it. Though it’s one day out of many, it’s the one you now can work with, and one that can make a big difference.
What could you work to create, improve, support or replenish today? Here is your moment to get started.
— Ralph Marston
11-27-2022, 05:38 AM
November 27
Push through
You will meet with outer and inner resistance from many different directions. Be ready, be willing to push through it.
You can come to feel weary, disenchanted, doubtful, and distracted. You can also turn away from those feelings and commit yourself to push forward anyway.
Much of the resistance you encounter depends on you to support it with your misgivings, to play along with it. But you never have to do that.
Turn your attention instead to your purpose. That purpose offers you the strength to push through, to push beyond whatever resists it.
The resistance can be persistent. Yet your intentional self can be even more persistent.
Feel your purpose, feel your power, remind yourself why, and know how good it will be to achieve what you’ve set out to achieve. Push through the weariness, the doubt, the challenges, the efforts, and make the achievement happen.
— Ralph Marston
11-28-2022, 07:29 AM
November 28
Real treasure
What you treasure is what you invest yourself in. What you treasure is what you work and wait and sacrifice for.
A time, an activity, an object is not special just because someone says it is. It is special because of what you give to it.
On its own, an elaborate display or a sumptuous feast has no particular meaning. The meaning comes from the long stretches of day-to-day living that get you to it.
Every minute of every hour is your opportunity to create real treasure. That treasure is built upon your effort, your time, your sincere caring, responsibility, and love.
Empty, glittery things quickly fade back into the insignificance from which they came. What you put your life into, on the other hand, grows in meaning, substance, and value.
Do the work, shoulder the burdens, give yourself to what demands the best of you. That’s where life’s real treasure is made.
— Ralph Marston
11-29-2022, 06:10 AM
November 29
Get on it
When there’s a problem that must be worked through, get on it. When you have the opportunity to make a difference, get on it.
As the sun rises and the day begins, get on it. Instead of waiting or wondering or letting distractions barge in, get on it.
Demonstrate to yourself that you’re a person who takes action. Get time working in your favor by making full use of every moment as it arrives.
Rather than looking for excuses to put it off until later, get on it. Take stock of the situation, engage your passion, your skill, your energy, and get on it.
Even though conditions are not perfect, get on it. Know that you can handle whatever comes along, and get on it.
Embrace the opportunities that are yours right now. Get on it and get it done.
— Ralph Marston
11-30-2022, 06:51 AM
November 30
Take the pressure off
There’s more than enough pressure coming from others, so let go of the pressure you’re putting on yourself. Free up significant bandwidth in your awareness.
You get the work done by doing it, not by going overboard on pushing yourself to do it. Push yourself to get started, then back off and allow the effort to take on a life of its own.
Put your energy into wondering, imagining, acting and responding rather than into worrying and trying. Focus not on resisting any particular thoughts or efforts, but on expanding and extending the best ones.
You won’t create any extra time by fretting that you’re progressing too slowly. Proceed with the assurance that you’ll get it done when you get it done, and that can help you move forward more quickly.
Embrace higher and higher standards of performance for yourself. Enjoy the challenge of doing so willingly, free of self-imposed pressure and coercion.
Encourage and support your own efforts, your own journey. Take the pressure off and experience achievement as you bring it about.
— Ralph Marston
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