View Full Version : Choices

08-12-2013, 08:31 AM
You've got this moment...
You can choose to be happy or unhappy.
You can choose what you think, what you say, and how you feel.
You can choose to be hopeful or hopeless, to respond angrily or cheerfully, to be bored or interested.

You've got this day....
No matter what the weather is like, you can choose what kind of day it will be - beautiful or awful or somewhere inbetween.
You can choose what you will do and what you won't - to give up or give in or go on.
You have a choice to do something or nothing, to start now or later.
You can choose your attitude about what you're facing.

You've got your life....
If you're not happy, satisfied, encouraged, and hopeful, you're cheating yourself. You can talk and talk to yourself about what you need to do to honor your life, but if you don't turn those thoughts into actions, you're just playing games and giving up to whatever comes to mind.

You've got the power to make choices...
Your life is the manifestation of the choices you make each moment and each day. When you use this awesome gift to your best advantage, there is nothing you can't do.

- Donna Fargo