09-23-2022, 11:20 AM
What all of us are getting ourselves involved with by letting recovery become part of our lives is not like anything else that we all have ever known or have been part of any of our lives before. It is hard to compare recovery to anything else to say the very least it's different, and we all know that when we begin. It's not uncommon for us when we start off to try to compare recovery to something else, but we really can't and as time goes by and recovery becomes more part of our life we really won't be able to do this . All that any of us really know is that it is different for all of us, and like life itself is ongoing, and there is no graduating from it, or ever completing it. We are never done with any of us being in recovery for as long as we live, we just keep on living it the best we know how to. Recovery was designed this way on purpose, with this in mind. Because for all of us we will all always need to be in it for as long as we are alive, and we'll find there are very few things that are like that.