View Full Version : I am blessed by my friends

02-22-2014, 09:24 AM
I am blessed by my friends.

My friends and loved ones are gifts from God. We celebrate when our lives are smooth, easy, and filled with joy. And we stand together in challenging times of loss or disappointment.

Regardless of what is happening in our lives, my loved ones are a blessing. Each moment together is a gift we share. Our connection is a manifestation of divine love and harmony. We are here to bring out the best in one another.

The spirit of God permeates my relationships. Whether in times of challenge and crisis, or times of happiness and joy, I open my heart to my friends and we grow together in love. With God in the midst of our friendship, we are truly blessed.
Some friends play at friendship but a true friend sticks closer than one’s nearest kin.—Proverbs 18:24

Daily Word

02-22-2014, 10:59 AM
One of the reasons that I am grateful to be able to come to the site. My pain often prevents me from going out and doing the do things I use to do. Have had to detach from several who were so depressed and made my own depression worse. They did teach me not to take on their stuff, and grateful for their calls because it helped to bring me out of self.

Like today, the sun is shining and it looks great, not too cold. My feet are so sore that I can hardly walk in my apartment without walking down town. I got out my dish pan of soy beans and bathed and stomped my feet to help relieve the pain or I wouldn't be able to sit here and post. When the pain gets so bad I can't think through it, anything I read becomes a blank.