09-07-2022, 05:28 AM
You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my source of hope. – Psalm 119:114
Sometimes when life gets tough, we just need someone to have our back. When you have those moments when you feel like you can’t keep going or that life is just too hard, it’s important to remember what today’s Bible verse says.
This verse tells us first that God is our refuge and shield. That means when things get tough, we can go to Him and He will keep us safe and be a place of refuge. When life gets hard and you have difficulty trying to keep going, you can remember that you can always go to God and He will be your place to get recharged and feeling better about life.
No matter how crazy life gets, we can find hope in God’s word! – studentdevos
We also see in this verse that God’s word can be our source of hope. No matter how crazy life gets, we can always have hope. We see in the Bible that we can make it through. God’s word is so important because it gives us hope. We see in it that we can do all things through Christ and that God will never leave us or forsake us. So even though life sometimes is hard, you can be encouraged to know that God will always take care of us!
Sometimes when life gets tough, we just need someone to have our back. When you have those moments when you feel like you can’t keep going or that life is just too hard, it’s important to remember what today’s Bible verse says.
This verse tells us first that God is our refuge and shield. That means when things get tough, we can go to Him and He will keep us safe and be a place of refuge. When life gets hard and you have difficulty trying to keep going, you can remember that you can always go to God and He will be your place to get recharged and feeling better about life.
No matter how crazy life gets, we can find hope in God’s word! – studentdevos
We also see in this verse that God’s word can be our source of hope. No matter how crazy life gets, we can always have hope. We see in the Bible that we can make it through. God’s word is so important because it gives us hope. We see in it that we can do all things through Christ and that God will never leave us or forsake us. So even though life sometimes is hard, you can be encouraged to know that God will always take care of us!