09-05-2022, 11:39 AM
Recovery is an ongoing struggle for all of us for the rest of all of our lives. The only victory that any of us will ever know from us having this problem of ours is not to die directly related to us having it. Our life is not an ordinary life by any stretch of the imagination, or in any sense of how life is measured, or will it ever be for those of us who have this thing we all have. All of us in recovery have to be willing to settle for a steady patience improvement that comes from our constant attention to the things we all need to do to stay in recovery. This may seem tedious for all of us to have to do this compared to the victories we see others getting out of life all around us. What this does do for all of us who have to live the way we all have to in order for us to be in recovery that no short lived victory will ever hand out to anyone, is a joy for living life that comes along with the way we have to live to be in recovery. This turns out to be far more precious to all of us than anything we all could have ever hoped for ourselves.