09-04-2022, 09:55 AM
The process of recovery is just that; it's a process, and it changes the life of any of us who go through with this process. Everyone who does can't help but to have their lives change for the better because of having done so. This is what recovery is meant to do for all of us, especially those of us who suffer from this problem of ours, and it will do just that for any of us who are willing to do the whole process. Not all of us will want to go through with the whole process at times for different reasons and it's okay if we don't. All of us will want to hold back at times from doing some of it, and that's okay if we do, as long as we're willing to put ourselves through going through with it when we know the time is right for us and we know we are ready to. This becomes a waiting game for all of us, and as long as we all stay around the program until we're ready to do what it takes for us to go through this process we all be alright. We have to remember this is not an easy process for any of us to do, and to go through with, but is quite doable for all of us if we give ourselves half a chance to. Then we're all able to get through with doing this process, and all that we have to do so that all of us can is to just give ourselves the chance to do so.