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08-28-2022, 07:56 AM
Spiritual Check Up Day 10 by SGLY Ministry

Spiritual Checkup GENTLENESS

Let your gentleness be known to all men. Philippians 4:5 (NKJV)

Today’s Action:
God says we are to let our gentleness be known to all men–why?
What is God’s purpose in this?

God’s word says:”...a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,” 2 Timothy 2:24 (NKJV)

God says that our gentleness will give us the opportunity to teach others about the Him.

For instance, when someone confronts us or mocks us as we share the gospel, a gentle response could help us teach them instead of turn them off, or if we and another believer get into a discussion about something we have differing views on, gentleness could help save us from quarreling.

Showing gentleness to all men then, would mean towards everyone, even strangers, enemies, or those we don’t like.

We definitely need God’s help to know how to be gentle to all so we can be, and stay, spiritually healthy and fruitful for the Lord.
So our daily prayers should include asking for His help to be fruitful in this way.

Spiritual Exercise:
Let’s cultivate this fruit of gentleness in our lives so that it grows and flourishes.
Most of us learn by doing, so let’s practice being gentle today.

Be courteous to everyone, even those you don’t like.
Do not be harsh if you don’t agree with someone, be patient.
Be generous with your smiles, greet people, be friendly.
Be polite to strangers. Respect others.

At the end of your day, may you be known by everyone, as a gentle person, just as Jesus said He was in Matthew 11:29