View Full Version : Speak Love

08-27-2022, 06:59 AM
James 1:17-27 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James%201:17-27&version=NIV)

If you have a child, a spouse, a good friend or a sibling it is likely that you find yourself in a position where you have said something that you wish you hadn't. In haste or emotion words flew out of your mouth like daggers and you immediately (or almost immediately) wished you could take them back. The same thing can happen with acquaintances, but then perhaps we don't always notice it so quickly.

We are called as the people of God not only to live out God's love for us, but to speak that love into being in the world. When we take time to look and listen to others (and even the earth) we may find that there is more wisdom in our ability to listen and be present than in our speaking.

Lord, let my ears be open today to hear your word of encouragement and let me speak only in love to those around me. Amen.

Erin Martinson