View Full Version : Being Our Own Worst Enemy

08-23-2022, 09:19 AM
What puts our problem in control and gives it strength over all of us, is us. We all do this to ourselves when we pretend we have power over what we all know we don't, and never will be able to have on our own. We all know this, but it never stops any of us from doing this until we all found out that is how this problem works, and it has succeeded in doing what it's intended to do, when all of us find ourselves not wanting to live any more. It has the upper hand in our life now, and it did this to all of us long before any of us knew what it was doing to us, and unless we take action from this point going forward, to stop what's going to happen to all of us, it is going to happen. How we can all stop this from happening is by admitting we're powerless over this problem, and from that point going forward we all stop being our own worst enemy. What we all thought would be our weakness, turns out to be our strength, and the only chance that any of us will ever have when it comes to us not dying from having this problem.