View Full Version : Not Know

08-23-2022, 07:56 AM
Two-year-old Max was securely buckled in his seat in Grandpa's pickup truck.
He was waiting for Dad and Grandpa to stop talking so he could go for a ride.

His mother poked her head in the truck and said, "Where are you going, Max?"

"Not know," he replied, raising his little arms.

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

"Not know," came the answer again.

"Well," she asked, "do you want to come back in the house with me?"

"No!" came the quick reply as he settled himself more firmly, waiting
to begin his adventure.

"That little boy taught me a lesson I needed right then," his mother Sheryl
told me later. She was soon to give birth to another baby, and she had reason
to be unsure of what was ahead. "He didn't know where he was going or what
he was going to do, but he trusted Grandpa completely. Max's confidence in
Grandpa is the kind of trust I need in my heavenly Father."

If you are in one of those periods of life when you don't know what lies ahead, or you don't know what to do about some critical issue, it might help to think
about it that way. God wants you to have the confidence in Him to say, like
the prophet Isaiah, "I will trust and not be afraid" (12:2).

-- Timothy Williams