View Full Version : To Our Own Benefit

08-20-2022, 10:37 AM
What are we all waiting for so we can finally begin recovery ? So many of us will hang back waiting for it to happen for us. It doesn't work like that for any of us. We are the only ones who can make it happen for ourselves, and the sooner we begin the better off we'll all be. What motivates all of us to join recovery is the pain that comes from being the way we are, all of us, and nothing else. Many of us will view this pain that comes from having our problem as a bad thing, but what we all need to understand is we can actually use this pain to our own benefit, and all of us are when we use it as what finally motivates us to begin our recovery. One thing we all can rest assured of is that we'll all get plenty of opportunities to do this, because the pain that comes from being the way we all are will just keep coming and never goes away until we all become willing to do something about it.