View Full Version : More Difficult For Ourselves

08-18-2022, 10:06 AM
How very simple it really is for any of us to be in recovery. Lot's of us will think it has to be more difficult than it actually is for any of us to be in recovery and we'll go out of our way to make it more difficult for ourselves then it needs to be. This is the last defense of this problem we all share trying to keep its hold on us by all of us trying to blow out of proportion how very simple it really is for anyone to begin recovery. As soon as we decide that we're no longer going to be in control, and that we're not going to let this problem have its way with us any more, then we're ready to be in recovery. The simpler we keep it the easier it gets, and likewise the more we struggle the harder it gets. For all of us if we can just believe that things are going to be okay now for us, and that it's alright for all of us to take it easy as long as we keep putting one foot in front of the other doing what we know to be best for us in recovery, then we'll be able to make it in recovery. It doesn't get much simpler than that.