View Full Version : God is in charge, and all is well

08-12-2022, 02:58 AM
Divine Order

God is in charge, and all is well.

Sometimes my life feels like a jigsaw puzzle, and I am constantly looking for the right piece to put in the right place. Whenever I feel this way I take time to pray and reconnect with God. I know that underneath it all, divine order reigns.

God is in charge! I am comforted by this knowledge. All is well with me and my world. In any circumstance I face, I can affirm God is in charge and feel peaceful and protected.

I don’t need to control. When I release the need to do things my way, I discover that every little detail falls into place, as if it were meant to be. And just like the pieces of a puzzle form a complete picture, the pieces of my life come together to create the life I want to live.

But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than any human authority.”—Acts 5:29

Daily Word