View Full Version : When We Fail

07-29-2022, 09:18 AM
For us one of the hardest things we'll do when we're new to recovery is to learn how to be flexible with ourselves. The way we've all been doing things up to now by being so rigid with ourselves isn't going to work going forward in our recovery. This is something new for all of us and takes some getting used to but is necessary for all of us to be able to learn and grow. Recovery is not a perfect thing, and neither are we, nor do we have to be from now on. Because recovery gives all of us the means by which we all can learn from trial and error. This is how we all get better as long as we stay true to ourselves by being in recovery all of us can get far from doing it right and still be able to learn by doing this and for most of us this is exactly what we've done, So by not being so hard on ourselves is what allows all of us to do this and be able to learn what works and doesn't for each of us. This is important for us so that we're able to stay with recovery without us having to be perfect or us having to do it perfectly. It's when all of us think we have to be perfect or that we have to do recovery perfectly is when we fail.