View Full Version : Stress-Busters

02-17-2014, 02:29 PM

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:19-21,25-33; Philippians 4:6-7.

"Stress-Buster" articles are all in the magazines, and promise to help you get rid of stress before it gets rid of you. Much of the stress in the modern world comes from having false goals. We are looking to material things for happiness, and are stressing ourselves to the max in the race to acquire them.

But material things can never satisfy that longing within, because it is a longing for God. That spiritual void in our lives can only be filled by stopping our mad dash for possessions, and taking time to love God. The only thing that can truly calm our hearts and release us from the strain of stress is the Presence of God.

Moment of Meditation: The difference between coal and diamonds is pressure and heat. You can let the pressures of life turn you into a sparkling jewel or into a lump of coal.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, help me to remember that the purpose of my life is not to acquire material things, but to seek first the Kingdom of God and its' righteousness. Amen.

For Further Study: Proverbs 12:25; Luke 12:33-34; 1 Peter 5:7.

Author Unknown

02-17-2014, 06:46 PM
Stress abounds in many forms, but the true buster is my God. When we go out and buy out the stores, fill our face, take ourselves to the Casino or buy up the Scratch Tickets, we tell ourselves that we are just relaxing, when in fact, we are using. It shows we have an empty place that needs to be filled. It is better filled with spiritual things, and when I do, I lose that feeling of more.