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02-16-2014, 11:52 AM
I am an essential part of creation.

As part of God’s creation, I am never alone. Divine Life lives in me, and I am one with All That Is. My divine essence calls me to participate in life by using the talents and gifts God has given me. It is my sacred responsibility to bring them forward.

I listen to my heart. What is mine to express? I gear up with tools to make a start. I leave behind whatever has blocked me in the past. God has entrusted me with gifts that need to be expressed, and I express them.

By allowing my talents to blossom, I am an active participant in life. Included in the plan of creation, I bless my oneness with others, and joyously share my gifts!
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear.—Romans 8:14-15

Daily Word

02-16-2014, 04:48 PM
My thoughts when I entered the doors of recovery was, "How come I didn't know about this earlier." I realized it was because I hadn't been ready and I had been playing the blaming game and it was about everyone else, but me!

It was so comforting to know that there where others who thought like I did, been where I had been, who had the same feelings and were understanding.

Even then, I had to learn to identify, not compare. I had to stop with "Well I didn't do that." I don't like beer, so I can't be an alcoholic. It didn't matter that I could match my ex-husband drink for drink, while he drank beer and I drank rye and coca-cola. The ultimate worst was doing without the Coca-Cola, it was my first addiction. Now because of my diabetes, I can't have the real thing and the Diet is worse for me health wise than the original, because of the chemicals.

The thought that I was no longer alone, gave me the hope and strength to stay clean and sober, one day at a time. My doctor dictated a letter when I saw him last week and said, "She is aware, she know how her medication affects her body, and doesn't abuse it. If she doesn't need it, she doesn't take it. It gave me warm fuzzies getting the affirmation from him.