07-01-2022, 09:40 AM
We could all sense it but very few of us knew what it was, there was something about us that was different, and we aren't sure what that was yet all of us somehow knew it was going to be responsible for our own undoing. We all also knew that there was no way of stopping this from happening to us, that it was just a matter of time before it did. Because this had become so difficult for all of us to live with, many of us actually pushed this long to make it happen faster, so we could get on with trying to get over with whatever this was. This is the result we all get from living our life with a total lack of humility, and this comes to all of us who have this problem. None of us set out to be like this, lacking in humility but we all end up that way, and the worst thing about being like this are the consequences that follow that we were all getting from being like this, they were truly awful for all of us. We could see them happening all around us to others who were just like us, and none of us knew what we could do to keep them from happening to us. Recovery shows all of us how we can get humility and we all found that by having it that good things come to us from just having it. This is the way it works: either we have humility are rewarded or we don't are punished by not having it. There's not one of us in recovery who would ever disagree with this, because we have lived it both ways and we know this to be true for all of us.