View Full Version : Love blesses my relationships

02-14-2014, 01:26 PM
Love blesses my relationships.

Every loving relationship is blessed. Divine Love in me seeks to express itself through my relationships. When I establish a bond with someone, whether for a moment or a lifetime, we meet on holy ground.

If miscommunication or resentment arises, I bring the relationship into prayer. In that sacred space, I release any preconceptions or judgment. I invite love and wisdom to help me see things differently. Focused on God in the midst of us, I see the conflict resolve or dissolve.

My deepest desire is to embody and express the exquisite love of God in all my relationships. I treat my loved ones with honor, respect, and devotion to Spirit within.
Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.—1 John 4:8

Daily Word

02-14-2014, 05:20 PM
Loving relationships were not something I had much experience with, I had to build new ones, especially with my God.

I didn't know what Love was, I just knew what it wasn't. It was taking the spiritual journey in AA, that I found that Love, for my God, others and for myself.